Spent the last couple days playing
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow again, since the DLC announcements've got me all excited. I decided to use a guide and just run through and grab all the gems and upgrades that I hadn't yet found, rather than wandering around looking for them myself. I feel a bit guilty about it, but now I'm more inclined to play around in the levels I really enjoyed. I also grabbed enough XP to purchase the rest of my abilities (only needed Light Flash Perfect Counter, and the Ultimate Shadow ability, but that was still ~27,000 that I needed). I forgot how much I just really enjoy this game.
Aside from that, I HAVE
Demon's Souls, and will probably be starting later this week, or early next week. As I understand from my buddy Paul (who got it for me for Christmas), it's got a HELL of a steep learning curve that will take some time to get used to, so I'm waiting until I've got some time to get into it.