Wolf, I'm sorry that it's going to seem like I'm picking on you here, man, but ... well, you've just said a lot of stuff that's plainly wrong.
That is true. They have said:
'We could never make a character stronger than Sephiroth in FFVII.'
'There is nothing stronger, nothing above him.'
However, to be fair to Cloud and what he's done, he is nearly Sephiroth's equal(at least in everything except stamina), and has been called his rival on God know how many quotes.
I also must inform you that quote from the Reunion Files that alledgedly says Sephiroth was playing with Cloud is somewhat out of context.
You see, the exact quote was:
'Sephiroth never sweats, and never shows any signs of exertion. He swings his sword practically without making a sound. He probably grunts about three times(Wolf: I counted. It was four.) when swinging his sword in that intense battle.'
Then it continues to talk about Sephiroth's motives and his physical appeareance.
So you see, he dosen't shown any sign of exerting himself, but that dosen't mean he isn't. He's is more than likely holding most of it in to look, well, superior. It's the air he wants to keep.
We know how Sephiroth is, he wants Cloud to acknowledge that he is nothing towards his puppeteer, and the same page says that Sephiroth is deeply ashamed of Cloud overpowering him back then. Sephiroth holding back would be non-sensical ...
Look at those two lines I bolded toward the end of your post. The first of them is exactly the reason Seph was holding back. He wasn't going to kill Cloud until he'd broken him.
All the proof you need of this is that everything Seph says from "I've thought of a wonderful gift for you" to "Shall I give you despair?" to "Tell me what you cherish most. Give me the pleasure of taking it away" is part of a single, complete thought.
Look at the progression of it: statement about a gift -> suggestion of what it will be (despair) -> explanation of how he will give him despair (the last thought Cloud has before dying being of those he cherishes, whom Seph will kill next).
All that fighting in between is just theatrics. The conversation is what Sephiroth is most concerned about. He wasn't going to kill him before he'd said what he needed to say.
Hell, look at what he does to him after piercing him in the chest: slices his ass up, but delivers no instant-kill. No decapitation, no head skewering. He even gloats in the air for a full 20 seconds (to deliver the final taunt about killing Cloud's loved ones) after throwing Cloud's hacked body back to the ground.
Seph dicked around with him the whole time. We're talking about a guy who broke a building in half with his mind, yet never exerted that ability onto Cloud's body, choosing instead to use only his sword skills.
If you hear me grunt while fighting with you, that may mean I'm exerting myself, sure. But is it really an indication that you are my equal when I've chosen to handicap myself by letting you tie one of my arms behind my back before our fight started?
Seph lost because he's a James Bond villain. Cloud won because he draws strength from his emotions and fights like a Jedi. You didn't see Mace Windu talking reason to Jango Fett before taking his head off.
Cloud goes straight for the kill shot when he has the chance. Sephiroth doesn't.
1) When did I say Genesis wasn't near Sephiroth's level? He was somewhat, he was just weaker than Sephiroth, overall.
A fact supported by two author's quotes.
2) Your whole talk about degradation is moot because I was referring to when Zack defeated Genesis AVATAR, his strongest form yet, cured of degradation.
Same Zack who was outclassed by Seph.
I know Zack was a little rusty right after waking up post-Nibelheim massacre, but let's not forget he had been soaking in mako for five years. He got the SOLDIER treatment all over again.
If anything, he should have been stronger than ever by the end of CC.
Now, do remember that what Vincent basically did, was reach Omega's core and order It to return to the planet.
He bore through it and blew it to kingdom come.
Wolf said:
What's stopping Genesis from slashing head-on at that bitch? Remember the type of strenght Genesis possess? He was on a level with Zack and Sephiroth, the guys strong enough to cut off Jenova's head.
Jenova. The being who could drive a planet into a bigger planet, walk out and start the apocalypse. The being whom the Ancients, that could channel the planet's power to literally rend the earth apart, could not do as much as seal her.
Erm, no. What you seem to be failing to realize, is that even if she is sealed, it dosen't mean her body is any easir to cut. At all. Jenova cannot alter the durability of her own body, as far as we know.
He sliced her head off. Which is an immensely impressive strenght feat, given what jenova's body went through and the fact that simply injecting her cells into an individual makes their body super-durable.
How do you think they would do that if they can't manipulate the placement of her matter with a scalpel or needle?
Shin-Ra scientists -- ordinary, non-enhanced humans -- had no problem cutting her body, so why should anyone else? How else would they have gotten cell samples to put in Lucrecia and all those SOLDIERs?
Whether they cut little pieces off or stuck a needle in and extracted material, they had to penetrate her flesh.
JENOVA's physiology seems very much like the creature from "The Thing" movies (long believed to be the inspiration for JENOVA by fans). Anything can penetrate its body; its resilience and durability stem from very little being able to actually make its cells die.
Furthermore that is even a supplement to the case, since she was sealed in her real form ...
Do we even know if she has one of those?
Wolf said:
... that came from the meateor, while fighting the last resistance of Ancients.
Ancients that, even though commanded power to rend the earth, couldn't even slice her to pieces after sealing her.
Why would it have helped? How do you know they didn't try? Reunion, man. The cells reunite on their own. It's what they do.
Wolf said:
Here's another problem with the canon. In the original, the didn't even attempt to fight Diamond, so the fact the again forced Diamond to deter and not kill is irrelevant given It's death was already sealed in canon to be by the Sister Ray, and not our rag-tag band of misfits.
The other problem, is that It hardly took a full AVALANCHE to force a Weapon into surrender. Neither Cloud nor Tifa were there when Ultimate ran away.
Which brings us to our third point. the fact It ran away and was unable to defeat the party does not mean It NESCESSARILY is as powerful as the party save of Cloud and Tifa, since, you know, It ran away from feat of It's life, continuously.
In the battle at Mideel, isn't it more likely that it left because the Lifestream was about to rip through the area?
It's not exactly healing since her cells need to be alive for It to work. Rather, if the living cells are separated, they can come back toguether. If Meteor + the Ancients were able to hurt her in the first place, It would be because they were able to kill her cells, hence the Reunion could not work with dead cells. Which means those events didn't actually hurt her to the point she's lose her head or something.
Again, her body reunites when dismembered. A damn tentacle from her transformed into a ginormous creature complete with its own head (JENOVA-BIRTH).
Her physiology and nervous system aren't like a mammal's.
Wolf said:
Force said:
Well you've officially lost me. I thought YOU were the one that said Chaos told Omega to gtfo. Omega is the ultimate being of a pure lifestream, Chaos is the ultimate being of stagnant lifestream, therefore, like matter and antimatter, Chaos was able to neutralize Omega with itself.
Corrupted Lifestream, Nero is the stagnant one, but continuing.
They're the same thing. The "soul wrought of terra corrupt" is born from stagnant Lifestreamn. Stagnant Lifestream becomes contaminated with impurities, and, thus, is no longer pure.
It's why Nero's darkness is completely ineffective against Vincent. Nero might as well be trying to drown a fish by throwing it in a lake.
To be quite frank, that is the kind of fabric defect which would be cause by a high-speed, pretty heated bullet ricocheting against the skin and deflecting.
Seeing as this has never happened in the history of the human race, how would you know that?
Wolf said:
Am I the only one here who infd It hard to believe that Zack, the guy with a body enhanced by Jenova's Cells, who has a body on the level with guys like Angeal and Seph, who can walk off explosions to their face, gets hurt by bullets.
You are, I'm afraid.
Wolf said:
Heck, forget about that, Weiss who has Genesis's cells can defelct bullets. Barret can put his arm up in defense against Dyne's bullets.
Weiss is genuinely special. As for Barret, how do you know Dyne wasn't firing at the ground in front of him? He was trying to provoke Barret into a fight, not kill him outright.
Wolf said:
And Zack bleeding? Where was he bleeding from? I see no holes in him, and after the rain you can see that even from clearly. Do realize he just slashed hundreds of people apart.
The blood is clearly his. It has ran down his face from his scalp, it's leaked from holes in his uniform, and it's pooled around him (in a much larger pool than the little sploshes around the broken gear in the area from others). Yeah, some of that in the pool might be from his sword, but it's on both sides of him.
His is the only body at the cliff.
Wolf said:
He didn't know that? He didn't know that he had to be pure to fuse with Omega? He knew. He just didn't consider the fact he'd lose his mind. But let me make it simpler. Basically you're ignoring the pivotal difference between Geostigma and simply injecting Jenova's cells.
Geostigma is a corruption from Sephiroth, that reaches the soul, and after people die, that corruption spreads and that's how Sephiroth was contaminating the lifestream. And why DG were after Geostigma victims. It's why Geostigma kills, while Jenova injections might just make you insane.
Why do you think he said lose his 'mind'? If the question was purity alone?
Hojo's copy specifically says that it's a matter of creating a pure Lifestream, free of any form of corruption, including JENOVA: "If the Chaos within you was born of a tainted Lifestream, then the almighty Omega would be born of a pure one. So I had my minions gather up the 'uncontaminated' to create a stream of refined mako, thus awakening Omega inside me."
And after Nero's spirit emerges: "Omega's host must be pure! Why do you think I had you create mako untainted by Jenova!? If a filthy being like you infected it..."
Whether stagnant Lifestream or JENOVA, creating Omega properly required no form of corruption.
Wolf said:
This is why Weiss, who's stated multiple times to have Jenova's cells, can do It even though he has cells. He's not being corrupted by Sephiroth.
Weiss has never been stated to have JENOVA's cells. In fact, the opposite was said. Remember this?: "... Weiss, who had become an interest to the scientists following his remarkable growth in ability without exposure to the cells of Jenova. Over time, through ruthless testing based on his body’s incredible reaction to nothing but untainted Mako, Weiss was hailed as a pure soldier, and was given the title 'The Immaculate' by the researchers."
He only has genes from Genesis. It's an easy misunderstanding, I know, and I don't fully get it either, but apparently gene splicing involves encoding genetic information into a synthetic material that is then deposited into the organism in which the desired traits are to be transferred.
For example, even after Cloud's JENOVA cells are removed by Aerith, he still retains enhancements. Granted, how much of his enhancement came from JENOVA vs. how much came from mako is unclear.
In any case, we don't even know if Genesis himself had JENOVA cells. He had her genetic data, yes, but he got it fairly indirectly. The cells were directly injected into Gillian, and then some of Gillian's cells were injected into the embryo that became Genesis, which was in another woman.
What he received was considered less pure than the concentration bestowed on Angeal, who was Gillian's child; and that concentration was less pure still than the concentration Sephiroth received, where JENOVA's cells were injected directly into the embryo that he developed from.
Wolf said:
1) Not only does this assume Zack was shot from behind ...
The dude was surrounded. Remember the fight with the army?
Wolf said:
... completely tramples on the fact, you know, he should be riddled with thousands of holes in his equipment. You don't think It's much more plausible the bullets created that fabric defect with a ricochet? Which is entierly possible?
Shouldn't there be thousands of holes in his equipment regardless of whether they can hurt him? Especially if he has no concern about dodging them?
Wolf said:
Well, that's easy. He basically over-exhausted himself to death, like people can do in real life.
Why does he scream in pain at being shot when they finally put him on the ground?
And, really, "over exhausted himself"? If he had nothing to worry about and could just take his time?
Wolf said:
... kinda like Cloud at the end of AC.
Speaking of which:
In regards to the discussion as to whether or not SOLDIER's are bullet proof I would like to draw attention to the fac thtat in AC the bullet fired from Yazoo's gun didn't seem to have any trouble passing through Cloud's body.
Yes, thank you. If a bullet pierces AC/C Cloud, then it's definitely going to pierce Zack.
And there was blood that dripped from Cloud's chest when that happened too.
Wolf said:
Or, you know, they couldn't possibly miss that and the stuff was just bouncing off. And what do you mean? They didn't even attempt to make a big deal at Weiss doing It. Because It's not a big deal.
Then why show him doing it? It is a big deal. It emphasizes how hardcore he is. We've been shooting people (SOLDIERs, in fact) all game and it's been hurting them. Then we shoot at Weiss and he laughs it off.
Wolf said:
You don't think It's at all strange these 'hard shells' or 'indestrucible bodies' can be pierced with a regular fire-arm like a machine-gun?
They can take more abuse, sure, but they're not completely indestructible. The fact that Zack took as much as he did before going down is where you see his durability. Cloud gets back up and makes one last, desperate attack after taking a bullet through the heart.
It would have still killed him, though, if not for Aerith's intervention.
Wolf said:
Rosso is a SOLDIER, what's the surprise there?
A SOLDIER that bullets hurt.