Examples of what? I think I covered my stance on how I saw each game fairly clearly here -
That's just how it went for me. I played the games with the FF7 cast, I saw Clerith and one-sided love from Tifa. That's the thing I don't understand, that if Cloti is so obviously canon how I didn't see it.
So have you read the replies for those yet?

Why did you leave the LT and then come back without rebuttals given to that post? If you're so adamant about your couple being canon, why not defend it as you should? Surely there's something there that we missed, in which you construed that Tifa's love is one-sided. I seriously want to see your side of the story.
If Clerith is so obviously canon, why was I so disappointed that I didn't see it?

I seriously don't get this part. I'm not as old and as experienced as you are, but I can see what's obvious.
I read your post... and I didn't see the examples I wanted. I want something concrete to go with this. Explanations to Cloud's actions in FFVII towards Aerith is within the Ultimania, even that laughing scene with her. The way Aerith and Cloud easily hit it off together is not something special either. We see this with Zack, Tifa, and everyone else. Aerith is shown to be a character that easily draws people. Everyone loves her. Cloud opening up to Aerith isn't something new. Even Cid warms up to her.
CoT shows the dynamics of CloTi. If you want a fairytale romance where everything always works out, watch Disney, read Twilight and fanfiction, or play another FF. It has even been practically spelled out in CoT that Cloud is the one being initiative in the relationship. If that's not indicative of romantic interest, then I don't know what is. Also, CoT is sort of an introduction to AC/C. If you saw the ending for AC/C, then we see how what was left in CoT was resolved.
Cloti is no mystery. It's Clerith as canon that's the mystery.
Please don't leave and ignore my post.

Edit: You're still here! I am happy that my post won't be ignored.

Edit-edit: If I sound like I'm looking for a fight, I'm not.

Don't kill me, I'm cute