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  1. P

    The Hobbit

    =( I was looking forward to this but now I am severly disspointed. This always happens, when you hear of a decent director/writer/producer doing a decent story adaptation it usually falls apart and doesn't go the way it should. Hopefully Jackson will pick it up, I don't understand why he...
  2. P

    Recommend a read

    ^ Oh my Goodness, I am just about to recommend the Dark Tower series aswell. I'm upto Wizard and Glass... To be honest i'm scared to read the end =P Because i know i will cry. Just to clarify, this is not like King's usual horror writing, it is an adventure, his own version of lord of the...
  3. P

    Last Film You've Seen

    Hmm I really have to think abut this one... since obtaining a tv with freeview i have access to film four. Now Saw 2 is on just now but i am not really watching it. Gangs of new york was on before it... didn't really watch it. AH Godzilla was on Five USA earlier, watched most of that =P...
  4. P

    Things that piss you off

    ^^ I would sure be shocked if a spider was on me when i woke up but i would be happy ^.^ I lovels them! The kids in my neighbourhood piss me off. GRR if they're not a bunch of irritating chavs they are these little boys that try to talk like a sleazy adult. When i walk to the shop they try to...
  5. P

    What makes your day

    What makes my day? Getting a shiny pokemon. Umm... and getting a PS3 for nothing. Have to replace the hardrive but DAMN when i found out my pal was nice enough to just give me his otherwise perfectly running PS3 i was sooooooo happy. He bought a new one before even considering fixing his old one.
  6. P

    DOCOMO P900iV Question

    I always wanted one of those... It's a shame they weren't put into international production, the fans would have really gone for them. If i had had one at the time of thier release i would never replace it. I agree, even prop ones would have been great, especially if they could play the fanfare.
  7. P

    Question about the SHM

    I wondered about that and i think that Loxetta gives a pretty decent summary of it =] However does that mean that their bikes also materialsed there aswell? =P At that point the did not seem to have materia to materialise thier own bikes... Or maybe they scared soemone into giving them thier...
  8. P

    So who can see Aerith and when and why and stuff?

    I always assumed Kadaj could see and hear her because he was dying and going to the lifestream. Since he had somewhat of a connection to Cloud I think Aerith was there to help him through. I think this because i beleive she was watching over Cloud throughout the entire movie hence why she helped...
  9. P

    Hello I'm new-ish

    I see you are too. I'm in the Fife region <_< I remember yours aswell, hello back! =] Thanks for all the welcomes! Now this will be my last post on this particular thread as they usually die quickly. ;)
  10. P

    Do you think this cows had enough milking?

    I honestly think it should be laid to rest now. I mean, anymore sequels or prequels would possibly tarnish any imagination I have left for the story. Imagination I think, is a great thing to have in a game/movie/series/book. I don't need every single thing ever in the world of FFVII explained...
  11. P

    Hello I'm new-ish

    Why thankyou! Haha as i said it's taken me a while to find a site similar to ACF. Good to know all the members aren't homeless.
  12. P

    What annoys you most as a fan of ff7?

    As with alot of poeple... I have to say that the most annoying thing to me is how since ACs release there's been a huge influx of fans who have never played the game, yet pretend they know everything about it. These people then go around with banners and avatars, saying how awesome it is and...
  13. P

    How many of you finished ff7

    Had the game since the ninties, decided i didn't like it at first... Re-played it later on and wow. Emm well depends on what you'd mean by "finished" It took me over a year to do what i would consider finishing the game. I refused to beat Sephiroth until i had beaten both WEAPONS and a Gold...
  14. P

    What's This Summon Thing?

    I never gave it a second thought. I never even noticed they were all different. Being the name for each summon seems to make sense as does the Cetra language. I always just thought it was to make the whole sequence look cool. I mean they have to do something other than just a flash and then...
  15. P

    Hello I'm new-ish

    Hi I cannot beleive I missed this site. I used to be on ACF for a few years until it went byebye. I guess quite a few members migrated here? Not that anyone would remember me haha I was quite quiet. Anyway hello! I'm from Scotland, Real name is Lauren. I am 21 and currently on holiday and...
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