The First Epic LTD of TLS forums

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Death Sin

Memento mori
Just DS is fine
From the FF7 translated scenes on RPGamer:

Cid: We can't leave it like this.

Claude: ...Aerith smiled in the end. And that smile will just be

plastered on her face if we don't finish this. Aerith's Will reached

the planet but it's frozen there, unable to move. Let's set it free.
Yeah, I believe its pretty much what Hito said... It's more like setting her wish/will (aka Holy) free and allow her to fulfil that final task. :)
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Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
The Lucrecia article says this:

Even I know that's full of shit.

Where the fuck did that come from?

I mean, I don't doubt that Lucrecia loves Vincent and doesn't want him to die, but that's so forward and...where is that from?

From the black screen and text voice over bits, but I doubt they actually compiled them all. It'd be interesting to double check, but cba.

Is actually wrong :monster:

It's more 'setting free' than 'letting go' (to go with the 'being stuck' before it). 'Memories' in Japanese can mean more things, like 'feelings' or 'wish'.

In Other Words- HOLY AIN'T MOVING! We gotta kick it so it gets moving!

Ravynne Nevyrmore

that one Lucrecia fangirl
Ryushikaze said:
From the black screen and text voice over bits, but I doubt they actually compiled them all. It'd be interesting to double check, but cba.
I have, extensively, and it's bogus unless they're getting it from the Japanese version. Souya's translation, at least, hints to nothing of the sort. As far as the English version is concerned, she only says the word "love" once, anyway. They must have supersonic hearing that enables them to hear dialogue we can't and are reading things that weren't written.

I have officially been arsed to correct it, though. :monster: Let's see how long my changes to the article stick.

Now one of these days I will get around to posting the rest of Souya's translations...

hitoshura said:
Is actually wrong :monster:

It's more 'setting free' than 'letting go' (to go with the 'being stuck' before it). 'Memories' in Japanese can mean more things, like 'feelings' or 'wish'.
Oh. Well then. Someone pick some new on topic dramaz.

Not that I mind discussing Lucrecia and Dirge instead. :awesome:


The Wanderer of Time
The Fusion Sword debacle was admittedly handled poorly. But Ryu, see it from our point of view - a new user comes into an article, suggests a drastic change and has an attitude of "you're wrong, I'm right". It's going to get a hostile response no matter where that is. The Wiki isn't perfect, but as you know perfectly well Ryu, since you edit there now and then, there's many editors working to improve it all the time. But sadly, many games can't get the coverage they need from informed users (Crisis Core, Dirge of Cerberus, FF12 International, etc), which leads to these sorts of errors.

But to be fair, I'm really not that bothered. The FF Wiki isn't perfect, considering the active community for editing is probably less than 10% of the total membership. I really wish more people would take a larger interest in the mainspace instwead of just using it as a forum, but...oh well.

My personal investment in the Wiki aside, the great thing about Wikis is that anyone can edit them. Instead of just complaining about the Wiki's sometimes-incorrect information, why not fix it? Feel free to help.


Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
Soz I watched the Lucrecia scene because it's one of my favs, just to see if this rabid fangirl idea is true or not, and it could VERY VAGUELY be pieced together.

Here are all the chopped up words during the final chapter when this occurs.

I found it...
[with him...]
that's why...
[I couldn't save him...]
never again...

The closed off words appear for a split second before disappearing but can be heard slightly clearly than others.

You had...
You had his eyes.
I didn't...
I didn't want to remember
[I didn't want to face the truth]
I pushed you away but...
Now I realize
[I never wanted to lose you]

Clearly a d'aww moment as she admits this.

I've done it..
Born of the Lifestream
[Bringing all together]
[Stopping the immenent decay of tissue]
But instead...
Born was...
[The chaos that took him]
Away from me...

Even more aww <3

The Materia
I found
[We found together]

Clearly her inner thoughts think they do everything together :3

Let me see him! Just once!

This follows a confrontation with Hojo about him taking poor baby Sephy from Lucrecia. She never got to see him. ;-;

I'm so sorry...
I can't..

She recognizes her own weakness about not being able to protect either Vincent or Sephiroth.

Before I go..

And now for the jumbled mess.

Jenova's Cells
Stored as data
Must leave..
I loved...
Memory copy...
For him...
It was wrong
Disperse... sorry...
..but I...

Some words are said louder than others, and if you piece em together some do form broken sentences, this was what I came up with

I must leave// a memory copy// record// stored as data// for him.

Which she did.

Jenova's cells// disperse //as a// fragment

Kinda a long stretch? Since as a isn't said...

Wait// for// who...?

These words are all said in the same volume so they do go together.

Taking what is left over, I came up with this (the fangirl version anyway)

I loved Vincent// but I// thought// it was wrong// I'm so sorry..

However it's just 'so sorry' and not 'I'm so sorry'. But the fangirls will tell you that 'I'm so sorry' is uttered earlier, and therefor applicable. :monster:

That just leaves us with words

Apply// Survive// Hope


Ravynne Nevyrmore

that one Lucrecia fangirl
Well, not the LT in question, but what the hell. :awesome:

Channy said:
Taking what is left over, I came up with this (the fangirl version anyway)
I loved Vincent// but I// thought// it was wrong// I'm so sorry..
Interesting theory, but we have words like "thought" that, when alone, we can't easily tell if they're verbs or nouns. Souya's translation of the Japanese of that scene is this:

At the end&#8230;let me, become data and remain&#8230;&#8230; My thoughts, this love&#8230;&#8230; Records, copy of my memories&#8230;.. For the sake of that person [Vincent]&#8230;&#8230; Can&#8217;t it be done? Huh&#8230;..? Fragmentation. I am sorry&#8230; Practical&#8230;but&#8230;&#8230; Whose&#8230;fragment&#8230;&#8230; To live&#8230;&#8230; Hope. Can&#8217;t it be done?
Now I can't vouch for what it says in Japanese or how to translate it personally, but her translating it to "my thoughts" would leave me to believe that that word, for instance, is used as a noun.

You'll also notice that other words we get in English don't even seem to appear in the literal Japanese translation, so I think it was a case of the official translators giving us the "flavor" of what was meant rather than conveying word for word. If we were meant to read into the appearance of every single word Lucrecia utters in that scene, then it was something put into the English version only and doesn't seem to appear in the Japanese original&#8212;unless it was there and simply evaded Souya.

I'd love to believe it. But I don't think that's true.


Channy said:
The Materia
I found
[We found together] Clearly her inner thoughts think they do everything together :3
I think she's referring to Grimoire there when she says "we." Also in the other line when she says "with him" since when she says "I found it" she's talking about having found the solution, which is Chaos, and Grimoire is who she literally found Chaos with.

When she says "I couldn't save him" she could very well be talking about both men at the same time. The Japanese translation seems to imply that she's realizing at this time that she had been transferring the guilt she felt regarding Grimoire to Vincent all this time, so the link is there. And of course the next scene reinforces this link and her acknowledgment of it also.

I do think that her words betray an obvious love for Vincent, but not because there's some super secret hidden code to be deciphered in the placement of what words were said when, where, and how. I think it's obvious at face value because she says things like "I never wanted to lose you" and "There are some things we cannot let disappear" and "I'm so sorry for all the fucked up shit I've done, but even though my life is miserable I'm happy because you're still alive."

That last one may be a paraphrase. :monster:
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Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Drake, I was initially quite civil, and tried to be as civil as possible throughout. It was Kaihedgie who took it to the 'I'm right you're wrong' assholefest based on what seemed to be little or nothing more than his hatred of the name Fusion swords.

Yes, I was obstinate, yes, I didn't back down, yes, I called people wrong and myself right. BECAUSE I WAS, and I could prove it, and they could not prove their positions, as was proven by the difficult and then admitted impossibility of finding an official source using the words 'first tsurugi' and my several example of Fusion swords.

Then there was the anonymous coward who I'm rather sure was a certain antagonistic rabid I've run into several times, since there was the reaction that I'd joined the wiki for purely LTD reasons, but yeah.

Of course, that does bring up an odd problem with wikis in general.
How to be NPOV with a hotly contested subject, but one in which the contestors are blatantly wrong or have no foot to stand on? And honestly, why bother? Evo v ID doesn't deserve NPOV, or anything less than the ID crowd being mocked. In other words, neutrality should be your starting point, not your end presentation.

It's like the SW v ST debates.


The Wanderer of Time
True, you *were* right. It's just that after we've had to deal with people like End Game and AJ Durai, sometimes at the Wiki we're a bit hard to new guys.

BTW, you can consider this my informal apology for our rough start there. ;)


Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
Well, not the LT in question, but what the hell. :awesome:

We'll have our own little LTD :awesome:

Interesting theory, but we have words like "thought" that, when alone, we can't easily tell if they're verbs or nouns. Souya's translation of the Japanese of that scene is this:

oic. See, the Jap translated version makes much more sense and comes in longer, more complete sentences. All we get are shit phrases with at most, 3 words attached and random other words. :monster:

It makes sense when it's translated like that and then when ours was localized, not so much. Which I guess also says where the fangirls got their random junk from.

Now I can't vouch for what it says in Japanese or how to translate it personally, but her translating it to "my thoughts" would leave me to believe that that word, for instance, is used as a noun.

Does make sense, yar.

You'll also notice that other words we get in English don't even seem to appear in the literal Japanese translation, so I think it was a case of the official translators giving us the "flavor" of what was meant rather than conveying word for word. If we were meant to read into the appearance of every single word Lucrecia utters in that scene, then it was something put into the English version only and doesn't seem to appear in the Japanese original—unless it was there and simply evaded Souya.

I'd love to believe it. But I don't think that's true.

I like my little phrases, but those extra words make no sense. D;

I think she's referring to Grimoire there when she says "we." Also in the other line when she says "with him" since when she says "I found it" she's talking about having found the solution, which is Chaos, and Grimoire is who she literally found Chaos with.

See, I always thought it was she and Vincent, since when that pops up, she's screaming at Vincent's transformation and then the materia materializes :awesome: itself before her. I figured she and Vincent (Vincent inside Chaos atm) found it together.. somehow >>

When she says "I couldn't save him" she could very well be talking about both men at the same time. The Japanese translation seems to imply that she's realizing at this time that she had been transferring the guilt she felt regarding Grimoire to Vincent all this time, so the link is there. And of course the next scene reinforces this link and her acknowledgment of it also.

Well, agree with that.

"I'm so sorry for all the fucked up shit I've done, but even though my life is miserable I'm happy because you're still alive."

Well gee I musta missed that part of the game. :awesomonster:


A little birdie has given me some insights. Delicious little tidbits.

1. Zerith is officially dead (yes pun fucking intended).
2. Cloud despite what the creators have said doesn't enjoy living with his family.
3. Koibito....just koibito.

And once I can pick myself up off the floor I will elaborate with screens and MS paint mocking. Until then I leave you with a visual representation of the words I will show you later.


And once I can pick myself up off the floor I will elaborate with screens and MS paint mocking. Until then I leave you with a visual representation of the words I will show you later.

LOL. Haven't we seen enough of the PN thingy? :awesome:

Neutron Ronnie

From The Front of Armament
Tifa, I think?

Whenever I play through Sephiroth's recreation of the Nibelheim incident, or the part where Tifa and Cloud salvage Cloud's memories in the Lifestream, I think that Cloud really does dig Tifa. Add to that what he says (shyly) to her in Case of Tifa, and the Compilation seems to support the Cloud/Tifa pairing.

It seems that the folks at Squex abstain from concretely resolving the issue because they like watching Cloti-fans and Clerith-fans attempting to tear each others' throats out. :D

See, I always thought it was she and Vincent, since when that pops up, she's screaming at Vincent's transformation and then the materia materializes :awesome: itself before her. I figured she and Vincent (Vincent inside Chaos atm) found it together.. somehow >>

Sorry for deviating back to the deviation here :P, but isn't the Protomateria what Lucretia records was found by Dr Valentine at the Fountain of Chaos in one of the omega reports?

Ravynne Nevyrmore

that one Lucrecia fangirl
Channy said:
We'll have our own little LTD :awesome:
We should make another thread called "That Other LTD." If our OT posts get moved, I vote this plz.

Channy said:
It makes sense when it's translated like that and then when ours was localized, not so much. Which I guess also says where the fangirls got their random junk from.
That's why I love having a literal Japanese translation as well as an official translation. They usually say the same things in different ways, but by comparing the two ways in which they were said you can get a clearer overall idea of what was meant. I think the official English translation is just as important--perhaps even moreso--than fan translations. It tells us not only what was said originally but also what the company itself decided they wanted us to hear. The entire scope has to be considered when you're judging a character and their feelings and motives, IMO. But we also have to remember that the version we got isn't what was written verbatim by the creators, so we can't play word games like that.

McChanster said:
See, I always thought it was she and Vincent, since when that pops up, she's screaming at Vincent's transformation and then the materia materializes :awesome: itself before her. I figured she and Vincent (Vincent inside Chaos atm) found it together.. somehow >>
A lot of people seem to think that&#8212;I did too, at first&#8212;but it's actually misleading. The Protomateria didn't suddenly pop into existence. It was in her lab all along.

Powerslave got it. :awesome:

The Omega reports say this:
Omega Report 8: Protomateria
- Protomateria -

I have determined the materia found by Dr. Valentine at the fountain of Chaos to be a type of refined anti-matter formed within the grotto over the past several millenia.

I believe the planet created this instrument out of necessity as a means to control Chaos and prolong it's own inevitable fate.

By controlling Chaos, the planet also succeeds in preventing the advent of Omega. If Chaos is allowed to fulfill his destiny of destruction, Omega's awakening cannot be far behind.

That is why I...
It was created by the Planet, not by Lucrecia's anguish or Chaos's hissy fit, and it was found alongside Chaos in the grotto by Grimoire.
DoC doesn't do a spectacular job of illustrating this. Good storytelling would have shown us the Protomateria sitting in her lab before it became an integral part of the story. But it failed there.

In Lost Episode, which no one on Earth has actually played, there is a scene in which Lucrecia prods Vincent into dancing with her to a song on the radio in her lab. He awkwardly agrees, they dance and she says some cryptic things about the way she feels about him, and he notices the Protomateria sitting on her desk and asks what it is. She starts to say something along the lines of "It's your father's such and such" but cuts herself off before she mentions his father (and just says "It's your...") and just leaves it at "it's something very important."

So the Protomateria was already in her lab at that point. But we got JILTED by LE. >.> JILTED.

Channy said:
Well gee I musta missed that part of the game. :monster:
Yeah, Lu has a real potty mouth. :monster: But the real quote I was referring to is, "But...this isn't how it was supposed to be. I've made too many mistakes, and I've hurt, so much. Why did I do what I did?! I'm so sorry! But...I'm so survived."

Only because they didn't have me as a dialogue writer, though. :monster:

powerslave said:
It seems that the folks at Squex abstain from concretely resolving the issue because they like watching Cloti-fans and Clerith-fans attempting to tear each others' throats out. :D
Also this.


Higher Further Faster
It seems that the folks at Squex abstain from concretely resolving the issue because they like watching Cloti-fans and Clerith-fans attempting to tear each others' throats out. :D

It's free marketing, imho. Also maybe they feel that if they do concretely resolve it a chunk of the fanbase will bail ship. Sad, but it's more than likely true. And I mean there are people on both sides who would bail depending upon the pairing chosen, since people really are that shallow and really do only care about the LTD even though it's one of the least important plot points in FFVII. :/


It's very sad if someone only cares about FF7 because of a pairing. But somehow that is not surprising at all.
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Higher Further Faster
Yeah. They make the world think that FFVII is some epic love story when it really isn't. :/
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Ravynne Nevyrmore

that one Lucrecia fangirl
Tennyo said:
They make the world think that FFVII isn't some epic love story when it really isn't. :/

Also, I think we all know that it is an epic love story. It's the epic tale of the love between Cloud and Sephiroth.

Alex Strife

I say they'll resolve it with the last thing they'll do about the compilation, which is a sequel to DoC. In an interview they said they'll keep doing things about FFVII until it's 20th anniversary, which is 2017, so we should expect a sequel and a remake in 8 years time. (or something in between now and then, anyway).

So in 8 years the LT Discussion should be over.

Then, we have few time to discuss! :hugemonster:

Ravynne Nevyrmore

that one Lucrecia fangirl
I doubt it. They didn't resolve it with the end of FF7, and they thought that would be the last of the story at the time. It's more beneficial to them to keep us hanging and discussing some aspects, even if they never plan to resolve them.


Yeah. They make the world think that FFVII isn't some epic love story when it really isn't. :/

yep. Also I don't know how some people think that Cloud's an Aerith's love is epic because it goes beyond death, it's almost like Romeo and Juliet and all that spiritual crap, when Zerith is almost the same thing. The guy disappears for 4/5 years (?) and the girl is still hung up to him, the guy dies and the girl tries to move on but starts to fall in love with a copy of her first love, then the girl dies and is reunited with her first love. Really if you're into all that stuff I think Zerith is the better choice. :monster:

Hinata Hyuga

Juniper, Rinali, Legretta
If you've got access to the Ultimanias, all the statements outside the game, then I think they've made the answer to the LT pretty obvious.

I mean, they confirm in an interview that Cloud and Tifa realized their feelings for each other at the end of the story, that they toned down the a version of the Highwind scene where they showed in a blunt way that Cloud and Tifa did it in the chocobo stables.

And then Cloud says he wants Tifa by his side for the rest of his life, in a different way than she was before. And then they start acting like a couple, living together, taking care of children. Denzel being their adopted child. Nojima wrote in about thier friends discussing them like them being a couple was just an accepted thing, that Tifa wears the pants in their relationship.

It's not that they haven't been clear enough. It's statements about things like interpretation that people have latched onto, and have taken it as a go ahead to say that any little thing means whatever they want it to mean.

Square Enix can continue to keep it in the low, but it's been resolved.


If you've got access to the Ultimanias, all the statements outside the game, then I think they've made the answer to the LT pretty obvious.

I mean, they confirm in an interview that Cloud and Tifa realized their feelings for each other at the end of the story, that they toned down the a version of the Highwind scene where they showed in a blunt way that Cloud and Tifa did it in the chocobo stables.

And then Cloud says he wants Tifa by his side for the rest of his life, in a different way than she was before. And then they start acting like a couple, living together, taking care of children. Denzel being their adopted child. Nojima wrote in about thier friends discussing them like them being a couple was just an accepted thing, that Tifa wears the pants in their relationship.

It's not that they haven't been clear enough. It's statements about things like interpretation that people have latched onto, and have taken it as a go ahead to say that any little thing means whatever they want it to mean.

Square Enix can continue to keep it in the low, but it's been resolved.


IMO the 'love triangle' ended (definitively) with the lifestream event. The well reasoned argument continues though.
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