The First Epic LTD of TLS forums

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Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
How is their relationship in DC "just friends?" What are you talking about? How would their relationship change in one year? Or do you think they're "just friends" in AC as well?


Pro Adventurer

Aren't we being nice today... :monster:


I agree with that, but if SE wanted to "admit" there's something more between Cloud and Tifa, they would've done so already. Like they did with Lulu and Wakka.
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Your Mom
What will it take to canonize Cloud and Tifa? What is the magical, universal standard by which to make it official? A kiss? Someone will argue it's a friendly kiss. A sex scene? Someone will argue he was imagining it's Aerith. A marriage? Some will argue it's a marriage of convenience.

My point is, a story element doesn't have to be universally accepted to be considered canon, because there will always be naysayers who won't accept because they don't like. I don't think the majority should have to tiptoe around that minority of naysayers. Cloud and Tifa have crossed enough hurdles to be official, imo.

Ravynne Nevyrmore

that one Lucrecia fangirl
I liked Mako's idea of Cloud boning Tifa on camera while giving the thumbs up, actually. :awesome:


Edited FGJ.
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Pro Adventurer
What will it take to canonize Cloud and Tifa? What is the magical, universal standard by which to make it official? A kiss? Someone will argue it's a friendly kiss. A sex scene? Someone will argue he was imagining it's Aerith. A marriage? Some will argue it's a marriage of convenience.

My point is, a story element doesn't have to be universally accepted to be considered canon, because there will always be naysayers who won't accept because they don't like. I don't think the majority should have to tiptoe around that minority of naysayers. Cloud and Tifa have crossed enough hurdles to be official, imo.

While I don't believe in Clerith, I'm not going to say Cloti is canon either to please me or anybody else.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Then you have a very bizarre view of a what a friendship is, and clearly you see Cloud as some sort of wanker who's conveniently leading Tifa along.


Great Old One
Also..thank you for changing you sig and avatar.
LOL, your welcome. :monster:

Perhaps not, but there is an abundance of evidence pointing to a Cloud/Tifa relationship in comparison to Cloud/Aerith.

I agree with that, but if SE wanted to "admit" there's something more between Cloud and Tifa, they would've done so already. Like they did with Lulu and Wakka.

Cloud and Tifa revealed their MUTUAL feelings for each other.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Well by admitting that, then you admit your lens of evaluating the facts of how they're in a relationship is skewed and not correct :comedian:

Because that doesn't gel with the facts of their relationship or feelings at all. Unless you equate to Cloud being a user, and Tifa being so hard up, she doesn't have anything else better to do than pine over something that isn't there. That makes sense, of course.


Pro Adventurer
Well by admitting that, then you admit your lens of evaluating the facts of how they're in a relationship is skewed and not correct :comedian:

Because that doesn't gel with the facts of their relationship or feelings at all. Unless you equate to Cloud being a user, and Tifa being so hard up, she doesn't have anything else better to do than pine over something that isn't there. That makes sense, of course.

All I think is that Cloud has serious issues.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Okay...? So you think he's just some man-child who needs to be taken care of like the mako poisoned, drooling vegetable he was in FFVII, and Tifa's just his poor nurse, who devotes her entire life to him, all the while pinning over a love that'll never be, and thus they just live together out of convenience, raising a family, with Cloud as the father figure, and Tifa as the mommy, but who's really just the mommy of everyone, because Cloud's so screwed up he can't even do anything?

Way to go at undercutting the guy. :comedian:

Clearly he'll *never* get over his issues. Especially with the ending of ACC and all.


Your Mom

(Someone should add dramatic chipmunk to the roster. :monster:)

Of course Cloud has issues, as does Tifa. That doesn't mean they can't take a stab at a relationship. It's rocky at first, and probably will never be completely smooth, but the whole point of ACC is to resolve Cloud's issues.


1. Cloud and Tifa revealed their mutual feelings for each other.
2. Cloud and Tifa came to realize their feelings for eachother in the end of the story, and live together in AC and DoC.
3. Tifa is called a koibito to someone.
Cloud maybe? :monster:

Seriously, how much evidence do you need?

“After this … I think I’ll be okay.”
Cloud was silent for a long time before he spoke again.
“Because I have you this time.”

“You’ve always had me.”
“What I mean is kind of different,” Cloud answered with another smile.

And let's add the fact that probably Cloud and Tifa share a bedroom.
Tifa slept on Cloud's shoulder.
Tifa placed her head on his chest.
Cloud carressed Tifa's cheek.
Cloud hold onto Tifa firmly.
Cloud held her hand on the Shera in the ending of the game.

I mean, do you do that to your "friends"?
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Celes Chere

I'm not such a bad guy. Once you get to know me.

You know what they say about Ondores lies... :awesome:

What will it take to canonize Cloud and Tifa? What is the magical, universal standard by which to make it official? A kiss? Someone will argue it's a friendly kiss. A sex scene? Someone will argue he was imagining it's Aerith. A marriage? Some will argue it's a marriage of convenience.

Well, from what I've seen, Cloti is apparently too realistic to be considered canon. It's not fairy tale-esque, and not at all like fantasy. (Which I disgree with, I believe there are a lot of unrealistic things about Cloud and Tifa. Like, falling into the lifestream and having their hearts call to one another) This is what I have never gotten- all of the relationships have realistic elements put into them. Especially an epic couple like Tidus and Yuna. I never understood that Cloud and Tifa get into fights, therefore, they can not be together. Not even using the realistic arguments, the creators themselves state that Cloud and Tifa grow closer because of over coming their issues.

Cloud and Tifa revealed their MUTUAL feelings for each other.

Mutual FRIENDSHIP feelings, of course. :awesome: Come on, now.

Imo, couples that don't fight don't have as strong of a relationship. Anyone who has been with anyone and has really been in love- try to tell me that after a resolving a fight you didn't become stronger.
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