30 Days of FF Themes [Music]


Double Growth
Day 10: Best normal dungeon theme

EXCELLENT theme for wandering in the unknown. This song always makes me want to explore the dungeon. Great, great song. (also, notice the similarity to Kuja's theme starting at 0:27)

Honorable mention to:

'cause it's badass.
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Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V

These two manage to convey the mysteriousness of caves better than pretty much any other themes in the series, i'maho. Then there's:

Nice and playful. The Mt. Kolts theme Force posted is also nice and majestic. That said:

This eclipses all. Best dungeon theme in the series bar none.


There are so many of these suckers. I apologize in advance.

When I think Final Fantasy dungeon music, this is the one that comes to mind. It isn't particularly sinister or anything, but neither are classic FF dungeons.

This one is probably my favorite of all regular dungeon themes.

I thought about putting this on the town themes, but it fit better here. A sense of isolation is its strength.

I'm always bummed when the aliens leave in VIII.

This is really the worst dungeon theme, but it makes a decent song, provided you ignore the vocals.

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lil' rice krispies
Elizabeth, Selda

And this! Garnet looks so cute running around to this track. <3

Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku
You guys beat me to all my favourites - Gargan Roo, Phantom Forest, Magitek Research Facility.

This one's pretty sweet too:



Waiting for something
Two days for me coming up

Day 8: Best emergency/action theme


special mention also goes to this

Day 10: Best normal dungeon theme

and this one



Double Growth
Day 11: Best Final Dungeon Theme.

Finally! One that doesn't require any difficult decisions. This one is no-contest.

As I said in final dungeon retrospective, this is the final dungeon theme to which all others are compared. It just captures the mood absolutely perfectly. The intimidating chords, the march-style drumbeat, the inspiring melody. Every emotion you would feel climbing down that massive hole knowing what awaits you at the bottom - nervousness about facing it, but confidence in your abilities - is absolutely spot on. I can't say enough about how brilliant and awesome this song is for your climb into the abyss.

And this is an excellent remix that gives it a cool rock orchestra sound but captures much of the same feeling:

I especially like the change at 2:28 when the violins take over the melody.
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Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
These two responses are entirely predictable to anyone who's been paying attention to my responses thus far but

I know I've been listing almost exclusively VI and IX pieces but I can't help it that those two soundtracks are basically flawless :monster:


Jump Rope Champion
Vivi, Setzer Gabbiani
HOLY CRAP CRYSTAL WORLD. That song is just so hauntingly beautiful.


Waiting for something
I have to go with this one, most of my posts in this seem to have FFIV featuring in them but I love this game and soundtrack so much so....

Day 11: Best final dungeon theme

It gotta be the two for me that play during FFIV's final dungeon, The Red Wings and Within the Giant, while they are used already in previous parts of the game they sum up the final dungeon really well


Celes Chere

My favorite emergency theme is also the one from FFVIII that Force listed. c: Fucking awesome song.

And my favorite normal dungeon theme is... Phantom Forest that Aaron listed, as well as phantom train (which he also listed). :'D Not only was that music my favorite, but that part of the game was astonishing. :')

Finally catching up here... Crystal World as listed already, for Final Dungeon theme. It's absolutely trippy.


I think Crystal World sounds pretty good, but I guess it's hard to appreciate it as a final dungeon theme because all you do there is run Zidane through four screens to get to where you fight the last three bosses in the game. The music in Memoria was amazing. Too bad that wasn't the final dungeon.

I like VII's Judgment Day the best because you really felt like "This is it. Time to wrap this mother fucker up!" Or, you know, what Vash said.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
I realised I forgot another really great theme

Though like the FFIX example, it's just the final part of the final dungeon; the earlier part is also nice

And yeah, as mentioned by the previous poaster, Memoria has a really nice theme as well



Double Growth
I prefer Memoria to Crystal World, actually. But I think I've mentioned before how much it reminds of Can You Hear the Cry of the Planet from the Forgotten City in FF7.


Double Growth
Day 12: Best specialty boss/recurring boss' theme.

The previously posted


Both songs get you so pumped their respective games used them a handful of times OUTSIDE of combat. Sometimes during events that only tangentially related to the opponent they represent :monster: Two excellent songs. Clash on the Big Bridge with the absurdly memorable melody and JENOVA with that almost Euro-trance pounding and bass line.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Gilgamesh and J-E-N-O-V-A, but also:

I can't remember if this was used more than once but it's awesome and I feel stupid for not mentioning it previously. It's epic.

counts, then that too.

edit: also


lil' rice krispies
Elizabeth, Selda
Gilgamesh and J-E-N-O-V-A, but also:

I can't remember if this was used more than once but it's awesome and I feel stupid for not mentioning it previously. It's epic.

It's used at least twice, in Burmecia and Cleyra. Maybe more, but I don't remember. And YES IT IS SOOO EPIC. *-*

I also love this one:

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