30 Days of FF Themes [Music]


My favorites here are all from Final Fantasy IX: "Sword of Doubt" and

"Huter's Chance," which plays during the Hades battle in addition to The Festival of the Hunt. It is basically the second Black Waltz theme, only better.

Then "Feel My Blade!" The over-the-top-ness of this song is the best evidence that Uematsu knows how to push his music into the realm of satirical humor. It made the play scene/commemoration of the Opera from VI really memorable.



Waiting for something
12. Best specialty boss/recurring boss battle theme

My usual FFIV soundtrack addition. I absolutely love Battle with the Four Elemental Fiends. Its one of my favourite FF music pieces, it really gives you a sense of danger, the opening of it also makes you feel like you're desperate to win.

Also on my list is Atma Weapon, I think its a great little track from FFVI

J-E-N-O-V-A is one of my favourites, great track, great pace, great music, my favourite arrangement is the one done on the AC soundtrack

And finally it may not be a speciality boss battle theme but it doesn't fall into the normal category or boss category either, it is only used in certain sequences in the game and the times it is used is a speciality in its own way :)



Double Growth
EDIT: Ack, double post, I'll just replace this one
Yeah, man with the machine gun counts :P

Also, nice obscure call with Atma Weapon :monster:


Double Growth
Day 13: Best final battle theme. (Also, I'm not being so specific that it has to be the last battle theme you hear, it just should be involved in the final battle sequence)

I needn't post it, but I probably do have to give it to One Winged Angel. Just because its overplayed doesn't mean it isn't good. Or didn't do EVERYTHING a final boss theme should. I remember when that bass drum started with the screen still black between the two Sephiroth battles as a kid. I was terrified.

After that, Neo Exdeath:

Again, why did these old soundtracks have such awesome bass lines? Listen to that thing go! Also, the recognizable riff at 1:26 nearly makes the song all on its own.

2nd runner-up

I actually learned this song on guitar :monster:


I too enjoy "One-Winged Angel", and I will post it, because listening to it again is always worth it. Is it necessary? No... That's all I got.

Otherwise, this is probably something that you shouldn't admit on the internet, but I do enjoy "Otherworld."

Come on. The guitar riff starting at 1:34. You know you like it.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
There is only one correct answer to this question and it is

Besides OWA (which definitely is a runner-up, as are both of IX's themes;
the other honourable mention goes to

Otherworld isn't actually even anywhere near a bad song, but I don't think of it as a final battle theme because it's used several times in the game.


Higher Further Faster
FFX had like... four final battles
(Seymour, Jecht, Aeons, Yevon)

I always liked this one, though:

So urgent, and yet...sad. :(


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
FFX had like... four final battles
(Seymour, Jecht, Aeons, Yevon)

I always liked this one, though:

(Summoned Beast Battle)

So urgent, and yet...sad. :(

That's a really good one. Interestingly it should be about eight minutes in order to loop twice. It's one of several songs on the FFX soundtrack that didn't extend as long as it probably should have. Twilight wasn't extended long enough even to loop once (to loop twice it would take about ten minutes, plus a fade-out, which extends the version I made from the PSF2 to 10:17), which sucks because it's one of my favourite tracks on the soundtrack.

As great as Uematsu is, several of FFX's best songs weren't his compositions. Nakano and Hamauzu did a pretty good job.

Dark and Divine

Pro Adventurer
Besides Dancing Mad, One Winged Angel and the Dark Messenger, as some other themes mentioned before, I also like The Extreme a lot.

I love how the music builds tension until it finally "explodes". :monster:

Ghost X

Hard to pick.

1. Dancing Mad probably. Nice and varied. I always like dynamic music.
2. One-wing Angel. I've listened to it and its various incarnations so much, that familiarity has brought contempt. I remember the first time I listened to it though, and I was quite excited, probably by the purple haze introduction. You just know something big was happening.
3. The Extreme.
4. Dark Messenger had potential up until it became jazzy (yes, right at the beginning =p).
5. FFX's music does nothing for me (except that Mt Gagazet one), including the final music.


Double Growth
Day 14: Saddest song

There are a lot of good sad songs, so its kinda tough. To Zanarkand has a very somber sound to it and is probably up there. But my first choice has to be

Now the song is plenty sad, the almost timid way the guitar plays, the floaty, quiet backing, peaking when the drums come in and somehow manage to make it more sad at 0:54. However, what puts this song over the top is the scene that accompanies it. Red barking at Bugenhagen, refusing to accept that he might soon die. Proudly admitting for the first time the heritage of his father, causing his petrified father to cry crystalline tears. Nanaki bounds up the mound of stones and fills the canyon with a long, low howl. That scene, and this song, give me goosebumps to this day. Aerith's death (well, burial in particular), is very sad, but as I grow older, its this scene that has the most effect on me.

And speaking of this song and its sad qualities, listen to this remix if you haven't before.

After a piano intro, the drums and deep choir vocals and come in at 1:31 with a subtle bass. At 1:59, the guitar enters along with an American Indian flute to play the melody. A bit more orchestration joins in periodically until everything culminates at 3:11 and it gets so powerful. A masterfully done remix, made all the sadder that the guy that remixed it was killed in a boating accident a few years back.
If you have a soul, you will feel something from this song.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
The ones Force mentioned are good choices. I'd also throw in
which somehow manages to be both sad and hopeful at the same time. I know of few other songs that have managed to pull this off.

However, the two that jumped out to me immediately were
Each of these is an extremely mournful rearrangement of an existing character theme which is comparatively way more upbeat.

I'll probably think of dozens of other examples later and will either edit them into this post or, if people have posted, make a new one.

edit: also

and, for reference, here's a video of

edit 2: derp I forgot two of the most obvious choices

Not to spoil anything, but the scenes that play during each of these pieces' usage in their respective games probably helps their impact a lot. There is a piano-and-vocals version of the latter from Love Will Grow that is somehow even more stirring but I have been unable to find it on YouTube.

edit 3: found it

and what the hell, here's one more

it's a vocal arrangement of Terra's theme so I probably don't even need to say more. This is one of the most majestic arrangements of any Final Fantasy theme ever, but it's also quite sad.


"You're Not Alone" is my favorite, but I also like "The Great Warrior."

"Destruction of Brahne's Fleet" from the Final Fantasy IX PLUS OST is great because there's so much in 1:10. It replicates the movement of a sometimes over-looked tragedy in sound.

"Fragments of Memory" from Final Fantasy VIII for time-faded sadness.



lil' rice krispies
Elizabeth, Selda
All the others I would've thought of have been mentioned, I think. But this one:



Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
how the fuck did I forget all three versions of Freya's theme

Ghost X

Aerith's theme (esp. orchestral one played around time of death), and yeah, any song associated with Freya. Can't think of any others. How about all 'game over' themes? =p

Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku
Bit behind, excuse me while I play catch-up.

11. Best final dungeon theme

Pretty sure it was already mentioned, but Place of Memory, from IX:

As final dungeon theme's go, this one is unique in it's...I don't even know how I'd describe it - tragedy, maybe? It just has this mix of inevitability and sorrow that almost makes you want to just turn around and never come back.

12. Best specialty boss/recurring boss battle theme

There's a lot of great ones that have already been mentioned, and while I'm hesitant to call this one the best I still want to mention it because it's pretty damn great:

Fighting Fate (Barthandelus Boss Theme):

What helps make this theme all the more epic is that during the battles it seems like it's Barthandelus' faces that are singing and it's creepy as fuck. Say what you like about Barthandelus as a villain, but
when he revealed himself to be a fal'Cie and transformed for the first time and this music comes in it was totally fucking awesome. It didn't hurt that the fight was a whole new level of difficulty.

13. Best final boss theme

Yes, One Winged Angel is undeniably awesome. But how about it's less-recognized brother, Birth of a God?

Where One Winged Angel is ominous and booming, this one has an adrenaline-filled urgency to it. It doesn't make you feel scared so much as hyper-focused - and then that theme from Those Chosen By the Planet comes in at 1:25 and all of sudden it dawns on you that holy shit if we lose here the whole world's gonna end.

Also have to give massive kudos to Ultema: The Perfect Body

Starts out with one of the most awesome bass lines of any FF tune, delivered with that feeling of epicness that only cellos can manage. Then the violins come in an octave higher and the tempo picks up and bam the snare drum kicks in and the brass starts up and oh Gooddddd we're all gonna die. The melody almost has a Middle Eastern/Indian flavour to it - and then at 1:45 it drops out only to come back with a time-signature change to 6/8 and the violins are spewing out demented triplets while the brass thunders over top and the timpani is a low roll underneath it all and IT'S SO AWESOME FFFFFFFF.

It's a shame the actual boss fight sucked, because if it had been anything like the music it would have been totally sick.

14. Saddest song

A Place I'll Return To Someday wins just because it gets bonus points for being the very first song you hear when you boot up IX and fuck if that wasn't a pro-move by Uemats. Several times, including the very first time I played the game, I just sat there and listened to this music, making a T____T face the whole time.

Anxious Heart also had a wonderful melancholy to it that somehow manages to be depressing and strangely soothing at the same time - probably thanks to the back-and-forth between minor and major chords.

Dust to Dust is possibly the best example of atmospheric music in all of FF. It makes the already tragic rediscovery of Oerba all the more haunting and gives the whole scene this feeling of loss.

As already mentioned, Great Warrior and Freya's Theme are absolutely fantasmic. Seriously, next time it rains - listen to Freya's Theme. Try not to cry.


Double Growth
Forgot about Dust to Dust, that's also a great one. I'm one of the few that don't like Fighting Fate, I think. It's too short and too shrill for a boss fight that takes as long (or must be played as many times due to its difficulty) as Barthandelus. :monster:

Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku
Hm, I suppose it is pretty short by boss-theme standards - and one of the things I find about orchestrated music versus the classic synthesized tunes is they don't hold up as well when you have to listen to them repeat endlessly. So, :monster:


Waiting for something
Day 13: Best final Boss battle

I know its been posted but I love it so much it's getting posted again because I just adore the FFIV soundtrack

oh and these three from FFVIII, epic as ever

Day 14: Saddest Song

Aerith's theme, which I'm not gonna bother posting:monster:

I think FFX's ending theme is really sad as well, it really just sums up the tragedy of Yuna losing both the Aeons and Tidus.

And finally FFIX Bittersweet Romance, no description needed, the title sums it all up.

phew done for now.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
15. Happiest and/or Silliest song

Happiest song:

Offhand, probably

Silliest song:

This song is a sequel to another track in FFV which is also fairly silly:


Double Growth
Ha, gotta love Locke's theme. FFV's huh is good too :D

I always enjoyed the silliness of this song:

It's just so ridiculous :P I like that the title is referencing the game too. About how Red XIII is trying to stand upright to blend in :monster:
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