30 Days of FF Themes [Music]


Waiting for something
Day 7: Best incarnation of the Chocobo theme.

There's no other winner of this for me, it has to be this


Ghost X

@Heather Mason: I have a similar taste in music as far as town themes are concerned. Though Mt Gagazet is probably my fave.

Favourite chocobo theme being from FFVII, though to be honest, I'm not a fan of any =p.

Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku
Day 6: Cosmo Canyon and Slam Shuffle. Hnnngghh so good.

Day 7:

omg it's so hick i love it


Higher Further Faster
Listening to Electric de Chocobo that Shining Gem Posted while staring at Yaccy's sig...

It's strangely fitting...


Higher Further Faster
Oops, sorry, Aaron. :(

But anyway, I need to go back in time to the town theme and post this that I forgot:

I adore Lowtown, and this music is so fitting and amusing. Especially when you can get the camera to focus in on Old Dalan smoking his hookah with that weird cat in his lap. lol


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
8. Best victory fanfare

Most of them are pretty similar. I'll go with
also had a nice version. Definitely the classic version of the fanfare is the best; I'm not too fond of the alterations in games like VII, VIII, and X. Call me puritanical, but having a different theme for winning a battle in an FF game just seems wrong.

Celes Chere

I'm skipping the chocobo one because tbh I'm not really fond of any of them. :x

As for best fanfare? FFIX and FFVIII(because after the main tune it makes me think that they're all doing the funky chicken)

also here easy access to all the fanfares lawl

Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku
Best victory theme:


Every other fanfare: okay that's nice let's carry on now /spam X

Ghost X

According to what Maria posted, the first FF version (I figure its from a re-release) sounds pretty cool. Gonna have to say FFVII again though for the fanfare.


Double Growth
I also say FFVI's. For a midi soundtrack, why does that game have the best bass and drum lines in the series?

Second place might go to FFX's, I always kinda liked it, for one of the alterations.

By the way, have any of you heard FFXIV's? It's pretty good, really amps up the triumphant-ness.


I have to go with X-2. Probably because it's different, and I'm less tired of it.

Otherwise, III has a pretty nice coin purse-esque shuffle.



Jump Rope Champion
Vivi, Setzer Gabbiani
I'm going to go with VI. The others are good, but VI's has the nostalgia factor for me--I just can't pick another one.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Well, obviously


Though I vaguely recall a version of the IV theme with a trill between the bars.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
9. Best emergency/action theme

Probably won't surprise that I'm going to list
It contains another variant of Terra's theme, which helps elevate it above the others for me.
from the same game, is also pretty great.

That said, if it counts,
is probably the best of these themes from any Final Fantasy game. Just flawless in pretty much every way.

Honourable mentions to
And I guess if I can use
again, that as well.

Finally, I must mention
I'm not really sure whether it fits here, but it doesn't really fit under any of the categories either as far as I can see, and it is epic.

So yeah, not really sure which of these is my overall favourite; too much good stuff here.
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Double Growth

This song knows how to get your heart pumping. I always loved it when this song came on. That pounding bass line that overpowers all the other instruments in the song - especially with that loop it gets 'caught' in for a measure of the main riff (first at 0:11), the high, diminutive melody, the the percussion that drives but gives way to the tapping hi-hat in the "chorus," if that's what you call it, only to fade back in with that pounding bass drum. This song is excellent. No idea what the hell the name means though :P

See Weapon Raid in Aaron's post for an example of how to garner very similar feelings using orchestrated sound, but it still doesn't pound in your ears like this one. Protecting my Devotion is also an awesome song, more of the triumphant variety, but still fits in "action theme" imo and is beautiful.

Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku
Day 9:

Well, both Hurry and Hurry Faster from VII never fails to get my blood pumping.

That 'ticking' percussion in the background and then the high melodic runs (0:20) with the heavy chords throughout gives a really good feeling of that panic you get when time is precious.

There's nothing like some good, sharp snare drum to make you feel like you have to move. The long-short pattern in various parts of the melody gives the song a sort of lunging feeling, like you're just barely keeping ahead of something that really wants to teabag you.

It goes without saying that WEAPON Raid is awesomegasmic.

Technically this is a battle theme, but FF Tactics had so many of them and this one definitely makes it feel like an emergency.

Fast tempo, low, ominous strings mixed with the higher, more urgent strings. Never fails to make me twitchy.


Jump Rope Champion
Vivi, Setzer Gabbiani
My favorite emergency theme has to be FFVII's Weapon Raid. I seem to be failing at actually uploading the video on my post, so here's a link:


The Junon scene in Disk 2 is one of my favorites in the entire game, and I think this theme really fits in with the chaos of the situation.

Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku
[ youtube ] videcode [ /youtube ] without the spaces, Lyra :) (and the video code is the random string of characters between the v= and the & in the url).


Tactics "Apoplexy" is a great call from YACCBS. I wouldn't have thought to use one of the boss themes, but it fits this category better.

I also like "Crazy Motorcycle."

Yet another from VI, "The Unforgiven," which is basically just another version "Protect the Phantom Beasts" or "Save Them," except that it's a little more eerie. I always want to break my controller when it comes on because the stupid sprite won't move fast enough.



Double Growth

That's the one I was looking for originally but I didn't know the name and could not for the life of me find it. That song is fantastic. Might come in second to my choice from FFVIII. I just like when it plays the Mission Impossible Theme at 0:28 :lol:

Anyway, thanks for finding it, lol.
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