Assassin's Creed (series)

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c



Animus Edition looks cool, but let's not pretend that shit isn't going to end up on the wiki page anyway.

I imagine Revelations will go with at least 8 crazy ass collector's editions like AssBro, right?


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
Grenades/Smoke bombs... cooool. The transition between cutscenes and controlled gameplay looks really smooth too.


One of the things I'm most excited for. I wonder if you still get a max of three or if you can upgrade and carry more. Great way to bring Eagle Vision into the battle system. :D

Jaqen H'ghar

A man knows.
Sully, Nine, Huntress, Relm Arrowny, Ezio Auditore da Firenze, Jon Snow, Spider-Woman, Jessica Drew, Cissnei
Grenades/Smoke bombs... cooool. The transition between cutscenes and controlled gameplay looks really smooth too.

This is what I loved the most of the demo ngl the smoothness and transitions of everything.


alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer

Image recovered from the end of the gameplay trailer. Its the same door as the one from the Animus blackroom trailer, except its all white here. Cool stuff.


Double Growth
In the interest of not dragging the FFXIII-2 discussion off-topic, I'll move the Desmond discussion here:

Desmond Miles said:
Meaning, I think Desmond does have a personality. He's a hilarious character with a genuine heart, what's wrong with that? ;n; And he doesn't do NOTHING. True he is just sitting around in the Animus, but he still has to move around and do shit too. Did you forget the entire ending of teh game or what. OAO Sometimes you *do* have to leave the Animus and do shizz.... so I wouldn't say he does nothing.

OWD just said that a character moving doesn't constitute character and that whole last bit could have just as easily been Ezio or Altair as it was Desmond. It's not like they play differently. I know that's the point and all, I just mean that doesn't say anything about his character. As a character, he just does next to nothing. He comes out of the Animus, you walk around and talk to some of your equally archetypical teammates, spy on their emails, and then he goes back in the Animus. And is he that hilarious? Maybe my impression's colored by North's portrayal of Drake who really is hilarious, but I dunno. How much can you really tell me about his character? He's a bartender, was once some kind of hitman/assassin. Got kidnapped. Lucy broke him out, and now they're working independently, but he's not being strung along any less than he was when he was in Abstergo. I guess he's a nice guy, but there's just as much chance he's doing this out of curiosity to see what happens as out of the goodness of his heart. T Hat would be fine and all, but we just don't know. The most important thing he's done, he did while under direct control of some other being. [Insert Mass Effect 'Assuming Control' reference here]
I don't dislike him, or think that he'll never be a good character. It's just the nature of the beast they've created - the focus is on his ancestors. I look forward to when he does receive development, he just hasn't yet.


Double Growth
Looks like they've finally figured out how to put together a premium pack. That's pretty nice.

Does that mean you can't have the Armor of Brutus even if you had it from AC Brotherhood? Honestly I didn't particularly like that armor, I much preferred Altair's from II. But the soundtrack and encyclopedia look cool.

(Also, I think I'm gonna make an Assassin's Creed series thread like we've done with a few others).



Collector's edition

-artbook instead of animus info book
-soundtrack + short film
-Vlad quest
-blah blah crusader/Halequin

and you have to "break open" the box, whatever that means. I assume you press something and voila! Kinda wish it'd be some crazy code you had to crack, that would take you like 1 month to figure out, during which you couldn't play the game :lol:


Is it just me or do the latter of the Subject 16 ring alignment puzzles in AssBro bring anyone else's piss to a boil as well? =P

Also, after going through the VR segment after finishing all puzzles, did anyone else get a glitch in the cutscene afterwards? Desmond just got stuck in the chair and started spazzing out...O.o

Haven't tried out multiplayer yet. =P

I also get the feeling half of Italy is populated by Cam Clarke. :P
Last edited:


alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer
There's plenty of scope for other games to be made after the Desmond cycle is over and done with. But this is definitely promising news! The last thing I want from this franchise is stagnation.

Jaqen H'ghar

A man knows.
Sully, Nine, Huntress, Relm Arrowny, Ezio Auditore da Firenze, Jon Snow, Spider-Woman, Jessica Drew, Cissnei
I still think we should get a game, a DLC, or something following Claudia tbh or some game with a female lead.


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
Though the way it is worded I'm guessing that won't prevent them from making even more games. =P

I thought the same thing about the way it was worded! XD

The last thing I want from this franchise is stagnation.

So much so. I want it to go on forever.

I still think we should get a game, a DLC, or something following Claudia tbh or some game with a female lead.

I actually wanted (and expected a little) to see a female assassin in AC3, but I don't think it will happen. I do really hope we see it if they choose to go further in the series.


Ok, so interesting thingamabobber from Desmond's trailer:

Ok so this apparently means....


source\S17.anima.06102001.SVJlbWVtYmVy => IRemember
source\S17.anima.21032002.QmxhY2tIaWxscw== => BlackHills
source\S17.anima.16030002.V29vZFNtb2tl => WoodSmoke
source\S17.anima.08212002.TW90aGVyU2Fk => MotherSad
source\S17.anima.08212002.RmF0aGVyTWFk => FatherMad
source\S17.anima.22072002.Tm90aGluZ0lzVHJ1ZQ== => NothingIsTrue
source\S17.anima.22072002.RXZlcnl0aGluZ0lzUGVybWl0dGVk => EverythingIsPermitted
source\S17.anima.04022003.Qm9yZWRPZldhclN0b3JpZXM= => BoredOfWarStories
source\S17.anima.30082003.UGFpbktpbGxlcnM= => PainKillers
source\S17.anima.23082003.RmFjZXNJblN0b25l => FacesInStone
source\S17.anima.16082003.RXNjYXBl => Escape
source\S17.anima.23082003.V2hhdElzVGhpc1BsYWNl => WhatIsThisPlace
source\S17.anima.16052003.Q2hpY2Fnb0dpcmxz => ChicagoGirls
source\S17.anima.27082003.Tm90RmFyRW5vdWdo => NotFarEnough
source\S17.anima.14082004.MTJUbzY= => 12To6
source\S17.anima.11032004.VGhleVdpbGxGaW5kTWU= => TheyWillFindMe
source\S17.anima.03032005.SnVzdEFDdWx0!Q== => JustACult
source\S17.anima.16082005.V0hFUkVBUkVZT1Uh => WHEREAREYOU!
source\S17.anima.16082008.U29NdWNoTm9pc2U= => SoMuchNoise
source\S17.anima.12062008.Q0FMTEhPTUUh => CALLHOME!
source\S17.anima.16022009.VGhlRXZlcnl0aGluZ0NpdHk= => TheEverythingCity
source\S17.anima.04022011.SnVzdEFkZEdpbg== => JustAddGin
source\S17.anima.17092011.VGhlSk1a => TheJMZ
source\S16.anima.08082012.SSBBbSBOb3QgQWxpdmU= => I Am Not Alive
source\S17.anima.09082012.QmFkV2VhdGhlcg== => BadWeather
source\S17.anima.10082012.TmluZVllYXJzQWxvbmU= => NineYearsAlone
source\S17.anima.17092012.QXJlWW91RGVzbW9uZE1pbGVzPw== => AreYouDesmondMiles?
source\S17.anima.19092012.QmFzdGFyZHMh => Bastards!

It goes: Subject. Date. BlahBlah.
There's only one thing from Subject16, whcich is good, because that entry gave me a heart attack. I Am Not Alive :|

Jaqen H'ghar

A man knows.
Sully, Nine, Huntress, Relm Arrowny, Ezio Auditore da Firenze, Jon Snow, Spider-Woman, Jessica Drew, Cissnei
Some parts of that sound a little similar to The Fall comic (if anyone else read that)

How did you find that out though? Did I miss something somewhere? (the answer is probably yes)
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