Avatar: The Last Airbender & Korra (SPOILERS)


Kaiju Member
Interesting realization about the Council since in the past Sokka was on it means non-benders have been members before. Non-benders are also probably less satisfied now than before, the Council than Sokka was on had at least two non-benders (Sokka and the Air Acolyte) and Sokka was the Chairman of the council during that period. Non-benders are justifiably miffed that they used to have representation and now longer have it.


Higher Further Faster
That actually makes a lot of sense, Theo. The city moved away from equally representing everyone. Perhaps when Aang died?

Tumblr had prepared me for every and any creepy ship.

is it amonxkorra?

No, it isn't.


wangxian married
i love your cosplay, zealkin. WERE YOU AT THE KORRA PANEL



i love your cosplay, zealkin. WERE YOU AT THE KORRA PANEL

thanks, but wut WUTTT YOU WERE THERE???

No I wasn't at the panel, I didn't even know there was one! D:
All the Bolin's I saw were adorable though <3


wangxian married
YES I WAS THERE and the korra panel was saturday morning

oh god there was this girl dressed as bolin she was the CUT EST EVERRRR and so in character (she also hosted the doctor who panel)

i wish i had known tls people were coming to anime next we could have met up or something :sadpanda:


YES I WAS THERE and the korra panel was saturday morning

oh god there was this girl dressed as bolin she was the CUT EST EVERRRR and so in character (she also hosted the doctor who panel)

i wish i had known tls people were coming to anime next we could have met up or something :sadpanda:
I think i saw her at the atla photoshoot, she was adorable!

I didn't know you were in the area, ill be sure to notify people next time though :/
And did you see the Aerith hosting the masquerade? She was adorable too!


Higher Further Faster
I had a couple theories about Amon. The trailer for the season finale seemed to imply that he was
blood bending
. This could be two things:

Maybe Amon doesn't just take away peoples' bending. Maybe he can absorb their abilities, and thus absorbed Tarrlocks' ability to blood bend? But I doubt it. As I type this I realize it's very stupid.

We know he's an energy bender. Maybe energy bending can achieve something similar to blood bending. He controls you by bending your chi/energy. huh? huh? Maybe it will tie in with Tarrlock and his father being able to blood bend when there isn't a full moon somehow. Us being shown how Aang took away Yakone's bending has to mean something.

Come on, it can't be THAT creepy.

There's an age difference...


Kaiju Member
I had a couple theories about Amon. The trailer for the season finale seemed to imply that he was
blood bending
. This could be two things:

Maybe Amon doesn't just take away peoples' bending. Maybe he can absorb their abilities, and thus absorbed Tarrlocks' ability to blood bend? But I doubt it. As I type this I realize it's very stupid.

We know he's an energy bender. Maybe energy bending can achieve something similar to blood bending. He controls you by bending your chi/energy. huh? huh? Maybe it will tie in with Tarrlock and his father being able to blood bend when there isn't a full moon somehow. Us being shown how Aang took away Yakone's bending has to mean something.

There's an age difference...

We don't know for sure that Amon is an Energybender, just that what he does if very similar to it. And there are some differences in what Amon does and what Aang/The Lion turtle does: 1) the placement of the hands are different, Aang/The Lion turtle positions their hands over the heart and forehead while practicing energy bending, which reflects the Lion turtle's reference to "the true heart" and "the true mind". While Amon places his hands on the forehead and back of the neck. And some trivia which is likely not coincidental, Amon is the name of the second deadliest pressure point in the human body. Located on the back of the neck, near the base of the brain stem, a precise strike can be fatal. So it could be also be possible that Amon is just using some really advanced form of chi-blocking.

As for Amon being able to resist Bloodbending, that is normally only possible for waterbenders with some knowledge of the dark art. Which (along with the Season Finale trailer) possibly adds support to theory that he is a Bloodbender as well.

Another theory I have heard is that Amon might be a spirit in human form, since we have seem that some spirits have taken a physical form before.


I had a couple theories about Amon. The trailer for the season finale seemed to imply that he was
blood bending
. This could be two things:

Maybe Amon doesn't just take away peoples' bending. Maybe he can absorb their abilities, and thus absorbed Tarrlocks' ability to blood bend? But I doubt it. As I type this I realize it's very stupid.

We know he's an energy bender. Maybe energy bending can achieve something similar to blood bending. He controls you by bending your chi/energy. huh? huh? Maybe it will tie in with Tarrlock and his father being able to blood bend when there isn't a full moon somehow. Us being shown how Aang took away Yakone's bending has to mean something.
I think that Amon was bloodbending too, or at least doing an advanced technique of chi blocking. Someone posted a chart of where all the chakras are, the place where Amon always seems to touch is the illusory chakra that relates to reality(i might be butchering this but that's the gist of it). From the beginning, I thought Amon was a bender though. Sifu Kisu answered a question from a fan at one point, he said: in order to bend you have to be a bender right? Enerybending(if Amon really is doing it indicates that he could be a bender himself, that fell from grace or something i dunno.
There's an age difference...
eh i ship yuffentine, how bad could it be?

Oh and just regarding episode 9 overall after I watched it again in a more lucid state lol:
About Mako, his behavior is still ticking me off a bit, I can only blame this on his lack of normal interaction and not having a relationship before. Yes he's terribly confused I'm sure, but that doesn't 100% excuse his behavior, going out with Asami if he had feelings for Korra was a dumb move. I really just want him to man the fuck up and stop causing the two girl so much grief! I felt so bad for Asami, Korra consciously or not is/has taken everything away from her, her home and now her boyfriend, i mean wtf.

On Bolin, I love this guy, but ALL he's done so far is provide comic relief, and it's really disappointing, his character has so much potential and they haven't tapped into any of it yet. I can only hope that they delve into it more during season two, because right now it seems there is too much going on and they won't likely go into it.

Korra's meditations/flashbacks were really interesting, and I can only guess that she was able to do finally meditate because she was slowly gaining some spirituality by learning airbending principles, and it finally it clicked.

Meelo was priceless as usual.

And the trailer, I reallllly think that Korra's going to go into the avatar state when Amon tries to take her bending away. Surely her past lives won't let that just HAPPEN? I mean Korra's been in danger before and it hasn't activated but that would be THE highest level of danger since Amon actually got a hand on her unlike in episode 4 where he just backed away. And Bolin also looks like he's facing off against the platinum robots, maybe he'll the one to find their weakness?


Kaiju Member
Guys, Did You Notice This?
Notice where Sokka is sitting.

Council in present day:

And what is right underneath where he used to sit?



yeah i saw that when playing the game! I knew Sokka had something to do with the council! :D


Chloe Frazer
I love Bolin but they really haven't done much to show him as more than just comic relief. He reminds me of Sokka but with him we could see he was more than just comic relief, he was smart, resourceful and uses his wits to solve situations which make up for the fact that he isn't a bender.


Kaiju Member
I love Bolin but they really haven't done much to show him as more than just comic relief. He reminds me of Sokka but with him we could see he was more than just comic relief, he was smart, resourceful and uses his wits to solve situations which make up for the fact that he isn't a bender.
I don't know...sure Sokka got some development but a lot of that came from the later two seasons. Sokka in the first season was in a similar place as Bolin is now. Also it is still slightly premature to give a final judgement on Bolin's (and everyone's) character development since we are still not done with the first season yet.


I don't know...sure Sokka got some development but a lot of that came from the later two seasons. Sokka in the first season was in a similar place as Bolin is now. Also it is still slightly premature to give a final judgement on Bolin's (and everyone's) character development since we are still not done with the first season yet.

Yeah good thing there's going to be a second season, because if things were left as they were i would be pissed. There's still time, and P.J. byrnes did say bolin grows at some point, so we have to keep waiting i guess.


Higher Further Faster
You don't think it's creepy?


I don't even know what happened I just realized one day that they were my LoK OTP. <3
I wonder if the spirits will somehow be disappointed in Aang for using energybending a second time to remove somebody's bending. I could see how this could be written as a "severe violation of something" and that they were only ok with it happening to the Fire Lord/Phoenix King. I could also see this as a reason as to why Korra is almost spiritually mute; the spirits have tried their darndest to block her from Aang so she can't learn that energy bending move from him. Merely my speculation though.

Korra/Lin eh? ...I approve. :monster:
That's hot stuff.


wangxian married
toph is a major hottie when she's older

like wow girl

what was the rest of the episode about


Chloe Frazer
What did you expect? It's Toph. She look really young for a 40 year old too.
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