Avatar: The Last Airbender & Korra (SPOILERS)


Consumed By Darkness
I blame you Carlie for my love of this series and getting me into Anime and such in general :monster:

Can't wait for the new season, I can't wait to see what they will do now considering
Korra has become the Avatar

And I wish I was at SDCC right now and not just for Korra, but for everyhting that is geeky and Nerdy, We need to make London Comic Con as big as SDCC xD
I am so excited for this. There's not a whole lot I get truly excited for, but this...is the real deal for me. Getting really into the Avatar universe (I will never recognize James Cameron's Avatar as THE Avatar universe) lately, having rewatched A:TLA, listening to Nostalgia Critic's reviews of those episodes, rewatched LoK and now rewatching LoK yet again.

So refreshing to get deeply invested in the Avatar franchise instead of FFVII for once.
- Tenzin to Kya: I’m not scared of you… Anymore.
- kya used to beat up tenzin when they were kids
My guess is that Kya was bitter and felt like Tenzin was receiving the most attention because he was the first new airbender to be born into the world in well over 100 years. Must have been a lot of pressure on Tenzin because of the legacy he has to carry on, which might have made Kya feel abandoned. That's just my guess though.

Korra goes into the Avatar State, and bends her mightiest… the spirit slams her into a pile of wooden boxes.
That is bloody badass and can be made to make much sense in the story. The Avatar is a product from the spirit realm as far as I can gather, so the Avatar might not be well equipped to fight spirits, especially those that are very strong and old.
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Seriously can't wait for this, the wait has been driving me nuts.

Read the search part one, anyone know where I can read the search part 2?


Kaiju Member
Seriously can't wait for this, the wait has been driving me nuts.

Read the search part one, anyone know where I can read the search part 2?

It should be available in brick and mortar comic/book shops as well as on Amazon (including Kindle), and the iTunes Bookstore by now.


Chloe Frazer
God I hope someone manage to record the episode, if someone managed to at the panel they're now one of my favorite people on the planet.


Chloe Frazer
"What happened to me is that as I watched the show, Zuko was my favorite character, but now that I'm writing it, it's Toph. I mean, I liked Toph before, but now I love Toph," he said. "We're trying to keep the focus on the characters. We want to talk about the world in relation to the characters, so what we learn about the world will always be filtered through their eyes. Aang and Toph will be the center of this one. I missed having Toph in 'The Search!'"

A new comic more Toph centric you say? Well Mr. Yang I'm going to find out where you live and give you all of my money.


Double Growth
I would think so too. There's just been no sign of them. I guess they're just going to wait until such time that that I break and buy the DVDs...


Chloe Frazer
Since LoK Book One is on blue ray I suspect that they're working on ATLA to come out on blue ray soon.


Kaiju Member
I would think so too. There's just been no sign of them. I guess they're just going to wait until such time that that I break and buy the DVDs...

Nickelodeon will probably want to wait a while and see how well TLOK Blu-Rays sales will turn out to be before considering ATLA Blu-Ray releases.
I find it fascinating when readers or viewers are upset by an unexpected turn of events in a story, because this is the very reason we like to read them — to be surprised, to find out what happens next, to have a vicarious experience through another’s eyes. When stories don’t deviate from the expected, they become boring. And no one likes a boring story.

The intentions are good, but a twist to make things exciting is not always a good thing. Even IF it turns out that Zuko is not Ikem's son, the damage is done because now for all this time, Ozai has believed Zuko to not be his biological son. We are meant to watch through A:TLA, place ourselves inside Ozai's head and know that in this retroactive continuity, Ozai does not consider Zuko to be his son. This DAMAGES my perception and enjoyment of the original series. Ozai being so cruel to his own son had a stronger emotional impact, because of the shock value with Zuko being HIS SON. We were left speculating as to just why the Fire Lord would be such a douchebag and there was a good theory about Ozai favoring the younger sibling because he himself was a younger sibling, not meant to inherit the throne. But now the emotional impact has lessened, just for the sake of exciting readers with a surprise.

The best case scenario would be that not only does it turn out that Ozai really is Zuko's father (nevermind how difficult it would be to explain Ursa's letter to Ikem) but that Ozai at some point before the start of A:TLA realized this truth as well. Then at the beginning of The Search, he remembers this misunderstanding and decides to use it as a weapon to rid Zuko of his Fire Lord status. But this theory feels way too optimistic and farfetched. Unless the best case scenario unfolds, I will without a doubt consider The Search to be the biggest blunder in Avatar franchise history.


Kaiju Member
The intentions are good, but a twist to make things exciting is not always a good thing. Even IF it turns out that Zuko is not Ikem's son, the damage is done because now for all this time, Ozai has believed Zuko to not be his biological son. We are meant to watch through A:TLA, place ourselves inside Ozai's head and know that in this retroactive continuity, Ozai does not consider Zuko to be his son. This DAMAGES my perception and enjoyment of the original series. Ozai being so cruel to his own son had a stronger emotional impact, because of the shock value with Zuko being HIS SON. We were left speculating as to just why the Fire Lord would be such a douchebag and there was a good theory about Ozai favoring the younger sibling because he himself was a younger sibling, not meant to inherit the throne. But now the emotional impact has lessened, just for the sake of exciting readers with a surprise.

The best case scenario would be that not only does it turn out that Ozai really is Zuko's father (nevermind how difficult it would be to explain Ursa's letter to Ikem) but that Ozai at some point before the start of A:TLA realized this truth as well. Then at the beginning of The Search, he remembers this misunderstanding and decides to use it as a weapon to rid Zuko of his Fire Lord status. But this theory feels way too optimistic and farfetched. Unless the best case scenario unfolds, I will without a doubt consider The Search to be the biggest blunder in Avatar franchise history.

I have to disagree because
any explanation for Ozai's parental abuse of Zuko does not justify it, be it him favoring younger siblings because he was one, Ozai simply having disdain for people who are kind and compassionate (this still seems to be the primary motivator/reason IMO even with the revelation as evidenced in his behavior towards Iroh and Ursa), or him resenting Zuko because he thought he was not his biological son.
Also the revelation was not just done for shock value, as Mike DiMartino explained it was done to give Zuko further internal struggles to deal with and explore.
At least for me personally, the impact of Ozai's cruelty in the series does not hinge on Ozai's motivations but how it affected Zuko (also to be honest, Ozai is not a super complex character, even Bryke have admitted that (I think), he is mostly a typical hammy evil emperor character).
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