Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
- Tim, Ryu
Mako and Bolin come from bending parents, one was a firebender the other an earthbender that's why Mako and Bolin have different bending. Another example would be Aang and Katara who had 3 children, one non bender (Bumi), one waterbender (Kya) and one airbender (Tenzin).
Excuse me? Bumi is an AWESOMEbender. Yeah, he bends AWESOME. I said it.
no it didnt. instead of butting into a conversation when i dont even like you, how about you prove it!
Asami introduced and established as now dating Mako- episodes 3 and 4.
Kiss- Midway through episode 5, during a conversation that is, in part, about Mako dating Asami.
you all just want me to suck avatar korras dick and i refuse u_u
Whatever you've been shooting, smoking, snorting, freebasing or absorbing through your mucous membranes, I recommend you attempt to quit.