Yeah, it really is a shame, but as Phantasia said, it was only a matter of time. Because it's expected, like a flare bursting on the already hot sun. That is, there comes a time where the extremes will happen, they already did a long time ago with the developers receiving death threats or demands over Aerith's death. Every company gets this stuff, I'm sure. Jairus has placed his face in the cement of their "Hall of Shame", but I somewhat just shake my head at it all. Because at the end of the day, he's the extreme result of what otherwise is an extension of the festering, dumb cesspools of fandom behavior in the dark alleys of FF7 fandom for the past 20+ years—this isn't limited to the small spaces of Twitter or just one place, it's where ever people are who are willing to lose their mind over a fucking game. You have the people who will exhibit this type of behavior to each other, and then that to the actual official parties—I don't care for either one, even the middle ground that isn't directly to the parties, but will have no problem spreading delusions and talking shit about any aspect of the development team without reason behind their backs, creating stigma and lies. Not even just perception based things either, just straight up filth. Ya'll know how it is, it's happened plenty of times in these spaces, with Jairus even specifically.
I'm glad that there isn't anyone (as far as I can tell) who is slithering out some hole and being like "Yeah Jairus! Woo! You did great bud!", and it will never be all shippers (knock on wood), and we can't extrapolate to the point of condemning them all—yeah, but boy, does this need to be a time where people stop and have a bit of self reflection of the broader mindset and behavioral patterns that breed this sort of behavior for people.