Eerie said:
Concerning Nojima, I have about zero doubt that this decision was taken accordingly with SE's PR department (he already barely talked about FFVIIR before anyway).
I'm sure of this as well. He's not permitted to disclose anything regarding FF7R in the first place outside of official interviews, but at least he had the freedom to engage with fans in the form of likes and replies.
The soc med handlers for SE and FF7R have been following him at least since remake was launched and forsho it's not to look at his guitars and guinea pigs. I hope shippers know that just because they don't @ creators directly, it doesn't mean that they don't receive social listening reports ABOUT them.
Jairus was probably the catalyst for the first (mild) warning shot. If the more likes of him come crawling out of the wood works, their next steps are usually to tell creators, voice actors and motion actors to disengage with the community entirely, which really sucks, because I see Brianna White and Tifa's motion actress being really active with the fans.
I'm guessing that it's too rich to hope that Jairus may eventually develop self awareness of how...culturally inappropriate his actions are as well. Japanese fans thank creators for scenes of their favorite ship, respecting that it is the creator's choice to "give" it to them, or not.
This whole "my personal expression, I can post what I want" "You need to respect minorities and equal representation (of NPCs)" "Toxicity of this (opposing) ship" are Western concepts that may not exist in another culture.