
a pokémon.
Bayleef, Jessica
THIS NEEDS TO FUCKING STOP!!!!!!!! I can't reallly. As an individual game, I would've had my curiosity picked but...really! They don't understand that at least 85% of the DMC fans don't like what they done to legendary Dante? Even the title looks weird. This is the DANTE I want!!

And they are ruining everything. The only thing that its left is to say that Vergil never existed. And also, found this on Tumblr...pretty interesting...
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Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
Please, Vergil should be so lucky as to be declared nonexistent. You just know they're gonna totally fuck him over too.


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
I don't profess to be a huge expert on the Devil May Cry series, but having seen what the previous games are like and reading on what this new title is going to be

It really just feels like some sort of horrible fanfiction except in this case the writers/designers/directors are all involved and they have the money to make such a nightmare come true in a game form
This smacks of "oh, but this is totally what I think Dante should be like!" and "my game will be the most awesome because I changed all the characters and settings to meet my personal taste!" :monster:


Except he has no personal taste. Or shares it with the emo / goth culture of the past (two?) decades slash the Twilight / vampire cultures of a few years back (dunno if that's still a fad these days btw).

In other words, fail :monster:.

Ghost X

Yeah, that's something I was wondering, didn't they go with the whole emo thing a bit late? I can't say I've seen any emos around for a while =p.


Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
In the last videos, I noticed he was sporting a crest of hair instead of emo hair. He now looks like a pot-smoking squatter.


Fiat Lux
Jesus, why is everyone bitching? Dante's YOUNG here, he's in his TEENS, of course he's gonna look different. Douchebags

why haters are so funny? XD

man,FUCK YOU ALL! if dante came in this new dmc with pink hair,or come into a girl form,it will be still dante!

i still fan of dmc and,yet,i think now he is more fuckin' cool with this punk style,or grunge,i don't know

but now we can see who is fan and who is just a fuckin' noob thinkin' that himself is someone important of the journals and magazines that can say shit of awesome things

Finally, someone who isn't some fan-dumb jackass. You'd think people'd figure out by what we're shown that this is pretty much that same badass we all know and love. Besides, how many times do we see someone stick a cigarette in a demon... thing's... eye?

^ And THIS is why I shouldn't read Youtube comments.


People are retarded. Especially the assholes who keep waving off legitimate complaints as "LOL FANDUMB HATERS GONNA HATE"

Fuck you wankers. Fuck all of you.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
This is why Capcom keeps shitting on its fanbase like that. There are enough suckers who will line up for this shit and eat the bare minimum. They know they can keep pushing it.

Thank God S-E's fans aren't this bad. They at least finally said enough's enough.
This is why Capcom keeps shitting on its fanbase like that. There are enough suckers who will line up for this shit and eat the bare minimum. They know they can keep pushing it.

Thank God S-E's fans aren't this bad. They at least finally said enough's enough.
I really wanna see how well the "new" MVC3 will sell.


Double Growth
I figured he was referring to SE's terrible financial year as fans joining hands and saying that :monster:

As for these "wankers," people are so predictable. If this game were being anticipated and loved I bet those same people would be the ones saying it looks awful. The ones that just refuse to agree with a majority on principle alone.

Celes Chere

Well, those Youtube comments remind me of this tumblr rant I was shown the other day, and I of course will leave the name anonymous. :monster:

I’ll state my unpopular opinion:

I dig it.

I love realism. I love harsh, dirty, unattractive characters. A psycho Dante makes SO much sense story-wise it’s not even funny.

Dante had his mother slaughtered right before his eyes and this didn’t damage him permanently?

Dante has never been a teenager who did bullshit and took retarded decisions in his life?

Dante, the boy who was always plagued by demons and his own demon powers in a world of humans was simply cool with it?

PLEASE, Capcom. Escapism is good, but logic holes and two-dimensional characters is another thing.

This setting is ours. You can go outside after playing this game with its realistic setting and expect some Reapers to attack you.

This Dante looks like us. Only more ragged and tortured and hiding behind asshole-ish behaviour, smoking and a smirk.

I dig it. Hardcore.

People have been whining how he resembles Edward Cullen. Let me ask you this: what are you smoking?

The game is not out yet. So, of course I’ll wait to state my opinion. However, as thousands have been moaning, whining and cursing just from Dante’s appearance, I will wait with baited breath.

And I’ll be more than happy to see all the yaoi fanartists watch their dreams shatter as the pretty boy archetype is kicked out of the series. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

I already responded to it via tumblr and it was LONG so I'll spare you but... so much facepalm.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
....Where's an outbreak of flesh eating bacteria when you need it?

Goddamn, stupid people eating up this stale, half-assed Capcom DmC shit pisses me off. They're worst than brainwashed corporate zombies. They actually believe it in their soul.


a pokémon.
Bayleef, Jessica
OMG!!!!!! I can't even. While looking for something on youtube I found this:

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Celes Chere

Well, I mean it's like that person hasn't even played ANY of the original games! She really thinks Dante never showed ANY remorse that his Mother and Father are dead and never shows any emotion? Bizarre.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
And I’ll be more than happy to see all the yaoi fanartists watch their dreams shatter as the pretty boy archetype is kicked out of the series. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

I'm sorry what?

How is this character any less of a pretty boy? He's just a different TYPE of pretty boy.

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
This Dante looks like us. Only more ragged and tortured and hiding behind asshole-ish behaviour, smoking and a smirk.
I'm sorry, I didn't realize I was supposed to look coked out of my brain and like i had just fallen out of bed with an overdosed hooker.

here just let me go do that and you can be right.

Celes Chere


Edit: I just quoted you and got the link and saw it. :'D
He's sexy there, not pretty. ;w;
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