Doctor Who!!~


Higher Further Faster

But I for the life of me can't think of where the magnifying glass is from...

And the telescope from Tooth and Claw, was that this episode's Rose reference?

The Doctor

The Definitive Article
How many of you modern Whovians know who The Valeyard is?

Heard an interesting theory surrounding John Hurt and that character.


Higher Further Faster
I think we all do. I haven't seen "Trial of a Time Lord" yet, but I know he was supposed to be
a manifestation of The Doctor's dark side that exists between his twelfth and final regenerations/incarnations.

You think that's who John Hurt might be?


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Yeah, I've known who the Valeyard was since shortly after I started watching the show. I wouldn't be surprised if he shows up again, given how much Moffat loves bringing back elements from the old show, although there's also an existing theory that "the Dream Lord" from "Amy's Choice" is also the Valeyard.

Anyway, yeah, liked the latest episode quite a bit. My mother fell asleep the last two times we've watched the show, though, but I think that was just to her being tired and overworked :<


Harbinger O Great Justice
How many of you modern Whovians know who The Valeyard is?

Heard an interesting theory surrounding John Hurt and that character.

This was my first suspicion about him when I heard that he was in the 50th, so it'll be interesting to see what actually happens. I'd love for that to be properly addressed.

I have really just been LOVING the episodes lately. This episode did just SO many excellent things. If you think back, you get to see a really clear picture of what she was trying to do to stave off her own destruction during The Big Bang. Hell, we even see the Engine Room held in stasis as it starts to rupture. This was one of my favorite things is just getting a feel for how goddamned amazing the TARDIS is. Between this and The Doctor's Wife you have such an excellent perspective for what an amazing and sophisticated piece of technology she is and how she works. I have to say that the updated appearance of the entire interior of the TARDIS from then to be more "Timelordy" works on every level to help sell her as this sort of "alien god of time" machine. When things are being torn apart on the center console, I was absolutely ecstatic about hearing all the clips of the past companions talking, as you can hear different times leaking through as she's breaking. I love the relationship that the TARDIS and the Doctor has, and how Clara is becoming an integral part of that as a companion - at the insistence of the Doctor. I love the idea that the TARDIS is a passive character now, even though she can't speak with the Doctor anymore.

On to some other points. Good god, I just love Clara. Even when she has no one else to act off of, she's just wonderful to watch, and the reactions that she has are fantastic. This episode in particular, she gets to have a very deep peek into his world, and it's wonderful to see how that plays out, even if she doesn't get to keep that memory, we know that she doesn't WANT to forget. I think that she's significantly growing to understand The Doctor and his world. I also loved the build up to her looking up and seeing his name. FANTASTICALLY pleased that the name is being shown as something that's directly connected to the Time War, and that's why it's such a dark and dangerous secret. I'm also hoping that it's connected to the Valeyard, like Andy was suggesting. This was another moment that I LOVED having, and being able to cover up by circumventing the timeline.

The Doctor in particular has a very fantastic performance and role during this episode. We get to see him showing off all the little facets of the box that they spend so much time travelling in that as viewers, we so often take for granted. I, like Tenny, LOVED the no-jacket look he had this episode. It gives him such a different manner. It feels like the jacket is what he wears out and about, and he just takes it off at home (sort of like Mister Rogers has an "at home" and "away" sweater). In a way, it feels like he's donning his familiarity with humanity, and it's off when he's at home with his TARDIS, it's when he's really... himself. If anything, I think that seeing him under attack at home is when we see who he really is. With that, I was SO pleased to see him finally completely and totally break down at Clara over the stress of not being able to figure her out. We see him in a moment of pure panic and when he realizes that she REALLY IS just a normal girl, we get to see him react and recoil, and immediately understand how wrong he was. I also loved that - as a Timelord - he seems to have kept the information from that encounter, while Clara didn't. It's a clever solution to the conundrum that he was in and it does WONDERS for helping their relationship normalize.

The reveal that the monsters were temporal distortions of the characters from when they were trappen in the room with the Eye of Harmony was pretty awesome. This episode reminded me a LOT of the film Sunshine, especially in how the enemies were portrayed and distorted while on screen. The scrapper crew was mostly forgettable, but they provided some good material for the Doctor to work off of.

Overall, aside from some slightly forgettable dramaz with the scrapping crew, I loved everything about this episode.


This is bloody brilliant. What with The Crimson Horror next week, I am REALLY curious to see how Vastra, Jenny, & Strax react when they see Clara "again". On top of just being excited as all hell that they're appearing in another episode, because I love the ever-living-fuck out of those three, I think that we'll be getting into some REALLY good Clara-mystery details at some point. I'd even be glad if The Doctor sets Vastra & Jenny on a detective hunt about their era's "Clara" to see what they can find out about her (assuming that he hadn't already done so).

X :neo:


Harbinger O Great Justice
Episode 11 - The Crimson Horror
There's something very odd about Mrs Gillyflower's Sweetville mill, with its perfectly clean streets and beautiful people. There's something even stranger about the bodies washing up in the river, all bright red and waxy. When the Doctor and Clara go missing, it's up to Vastra, Jenny and Strax to rescue them before they too fall victim to the Crimson Horror!

Episode 12 - Nightmare In Silver
Hedgewick's World Of Wonders was once the greatest theme park in the galaxy, but it's now the dilapidated home to a shabby showman, a chess-playing dwarf and a dysfunctional army platoon. When the Doctor, Clara, Artie and Angie arrive, the last thing they expect is the re-emergence of one of the Doctor's oldest foes. The Cybermen are back!

Episode 13: The Name Of The Doctor
Clara is summoned to an impossible conference call, alerting her that the deadly Whisper Men are closing in on Vastra, Jenny and Strax. Someone is kidnapping the Doctor's friends, leading him toward the one place in all of time and space that he should never go. It's a deadly trap that threatens to unravel his past, present and future...

X :neo:


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V

Maybe she's a Time Lord?


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Harbinger O Great Justice
Double post, but this needed its own:


Oh my science. This 50th Anniversary photo.



X :neo:


Higher Further Faster
So I finally rewatched Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS so that I could catch the bit in the middle that I missed. I did enjoy the episode more the second time around, and maybe that's because I got it all, now. :P

First main observation:
Despite the TARDIS not being very keen on Clara, she was actually trying to protect her!!!! Remember how The Doctor and the younger brother got into the console room and The Doctor said that it was because the console room was the safest room on the ship and the TARDIS led them there to protect them? It kept leading Clara there as well, no matter how many times she tried to leave. If Clara hadn't opened that door, she would have been perfectly safe there. The TARDIS was trying to keep her safe!!!!

Now, safe because she is starting to like Clara? Or safe because she simply knows The Doctor would be upset if Clara died?

Second main observation:
The subplot with the brothers was completely stupid and none of them could act. It felt so incredibly tacked on. Like, what's the point? I would have rather that time been spent showing us more TARDIS rooms.

Third main observation:
Two possible Rose references. First, the telescope from Tooth and Claw. Also, we hear the Ninth Doctor speaking, and it's a phrase he said in a conversation with Rose in the very first episode. Not sure if that was consciously meant to be a reference, but at least the telescope most surely must be.

I've also been hearing the number 10 mentioned a few times. I was surprised Clara didn't answer with, "Eleven," when The Doctor asked how safe she felt on a scale of one to ten.

THE TARDIS HAS SHOWERS!!! I actually do think about these things. I ponder what domestic life aboard the TARDIS must be like. Where do the companions cook? Where do they sleep? Are there bathrooms? Are there showers? Where do they do their laundry? etc etc

I like being shown these things. I feel like these tiny little bits, despite how tiny they are, really add a lot to the show. If part of it can be grounded in the normal, then it makes the fantastic all the more rewarding. Seeing Clara with wet hair and a towel over her shoulder really made me more excited than most normal people would be. :)

What I really hope the show does now is touch a bit more on the life that Clara left behind. What became of the family that she was a nanny for? Did they find a new nanny? How come we were never shown her saying goodbye? When she does go back, will she be dropped off on the same day she left so that they never even realize she was gone?

I wasn't sure how I felt about the reset ending. I mean, at least The Doctor seems to be aware of what happened. I was really hoping that Clara could remember, though. I feel like this could have been a significant step forward in her development, but we were denied. Not sure how I feel about that.

The reset ending also made the brothers even more pointless than they were before. I was surprised because I didn't think that would have been possible.

Doubly lastly
I want to know where Clara does her shopping. All her clothes are so cute. That little red dress with the collar was so adorable. <3333

And speaking of clothes, The Doctor really does look a lot better without that purple coat and just the vest. I think he would look even better without the bowtie as well (Yes, I do blaspheme). For some reason I'm reminded of Balthier from FFXII. :P
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Higher Further Faster
Hawt dog

So the show will finally reveal the secret origins of
Clara's wardrobe? :awesome:


But seriously, I'm hoping we get to see the family she was a nanny for. I really want the show to let us get to know them a bit more.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
So that episode was pretty great. It's always great to see Strax, Madame Vastra and Jenny again.


Higher Further Faster
Those three are quite awesome. I just wish they had each gotten episodes where we got to see them meet The Doctor. Also, I would have liked to have seen how Vastra and Jenny got together. :)

But as for the was awesome. It was a lot of fun, and had a good, solid story.

I'm have so many rambling thoughts about this episode. I enjoyed it so much I almost want to go watch it again right now. Bare with my word vomit.

Both of my roommates watched it with me. I figured Lindsey would like it, but even Mai loved it, and she's cynical about most of the things I like and generally thinks that Doctor Who is stupid. :P But she really enjoyed it!

Oh, two things, though.

Thomas Thomas!!! You all got that joke, right? XD That was clever.

AND, the family of misfits keeps growing in Victorian London, doesn't it? Madame Vastra, Jenny, Strax, now I forsee them taking in Thomas Thomas and Aida. Oh my goodness that's a full cast. Are they getting their own spinoff? I really kind of want one now. :3

Honestly, the only thing that could come close to topping this would be another Craig episode. Sadly, I don't foresee one of those happening. :(

I didn't notice a Rose reference this time, though. Unless I just missed it. I was so busy being slapped in the face with awesome that I forgot to keep an eye out for hidden clues.

Time traveling with the children!!!! I kind of thought they figured it all out a little too easily and conveniently, and one of my roommates pointed out that it shouldn't have been possible for them to find a picture from the sub since it was a top secret Soviet sub (I don't find this as dubious, seeing as it has been 20 years later, maybe it's no longer a secret, I don't know). But all in all I'm just glad the show didn't forget that they existed. I had been worried that it would.

Another OH AND,
was The Doctor using John Smith again? He and Clara were Doctor and Mrs. Smith? Good good, when was the last time he used that name? Has Eleven ever used that name? I can't remember.

AND I just had a thought! Two episodes in a row with the name Smith. The key, now the alias. What is this that we have happening here? Smith, Smith again, I'm looking for another Smith mention next episode.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
The use of "Smith" in multiple episodes could also be foreshadowing a possible return of Martha and Mickey, but if that's happening, they've done a really good job of keeping it under wraps thus far. It would be awesome if it happened though.


Higher Further Faster
That thought had occurred to me, but I don't think it is very likely.

Maybe there will be something nice done in rememberance of Sarah Jane?

But then there are other companions/actors gone who have not had a shout out. :(


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Yeah, I think it's kind of unlikely as well. I hope it happens though.
A Sarah Jane tribute would also be welcome.

Can't remember if this was posted or not.



Higher Further Faster
I forgot to come post about how the other day they apparently wrapped on the 50th anniversary. It kind of makes me sad that they are done already. :(


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
What I don't get is
why they didn't press the Doctor more about the new Clara they'd just seen.
Great episode, though. I'm really looking forward to how the series wraps up and if we ever get closer to the mystery of Clara. However, knowing Moffat and how long he left it with River?

Probably a while. :monster:
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