Doctor Who!!~


Harbinger O Great Justice
What I don't get is
why they didn't press the Doctor more about the new Clara they'd just seen.
Great episode, though. I'm really looking forward to how the series wraps up and if we ever get closer to the mystery of Clara. However, knowing Moffat and how long he left it with River?

Probably a while. :monster:

Jenna's confirmed that we figure out what's up with her character in "The Name of The Doctor."

As for why they didn't press him about it, it was clear to me that the Doctor is trying to accept her for who she is, and be ok with not having the answers yet. He got his suspicions relieved during Journey to the Center of the TARDIS, and he KNOWS that she's normal, even if he doesn't know why. He's curious, but not suspicious now, and I think that he doesn't want to way that he doesn't know, but he also doesn't want to ruin his adventures with the REAL, NORMAL Clara. That's why I think he's always spinning and walking through doors and awkwardly avoiding the question during the episode.

Plus, they get to be back with questions in the finale. :monster:

X :neo:


Higher Further Faster
Hot damn, my roommates are gone for five days.

This means I get to watch whatever I want on Netflix.

Going to use this time to catch up on some much needed Classic episodes. :monster:


Higher Further Faster
More John Hurt spoilers.

I only have a very vague idea of what they say. It seems to be more
"True 9"
stuff. Which is something I don't know how I feel about.

But I'm not going to read it in full because I really need to stop spoiling myself. I must resist!!!!


Harbinger O Great Justice
The comment. "Part of the Doctor" makes me even more inclined to believe that he's the Valeyard, because that's explicitly different than being "one of the Doctor's incarnations" because he's composed of different elements, rather than properly being The Doctor like some people are speculating.

X :neo:


Higher Further Faster
I hope he's the Valeyard instead of this "True Nine" nonsense. That would just get confusing. Are we supposed to start calling the Ninth Doctor Ten? Or the Tenth Eleven? Eleventh Twelve? :/


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
The comment. "Part of the Doctor" makes me even more inclined to believe that he's the Valeyard, because that's explicitly different than being "one of the Doctor's incarnations" because he's composed of different elements, rather than properly being The Doctor like some people are speculating.

X :neo:
^Pretty much this. Of course, this is if he isn't
a version of the Doctor from an alternative universe... I still hold that the "Could've-Been-King" was a denied possible reincarnation of the Doctor (such as Richard E Grant's Doctor). Would also tie-in nicely to the alternative Third Doctors seen at the end of The War Games.

Hell, it suddenly occurs to me how awesome it would be for Valeyard!Hurt to say "you chose not to wear this face, Doctor. Now I have taken it!"


Higher Further Faster
And it needs to start with showing us how they all met the Doctor.

Anyway, I'm currently watching "The Pirate Planet."
Is it just me or all the guards walking around with huge dildos that shoot lazers? :P Those guns are rather Freudian.

Also, what happened to Tom Baker's mouth? I noticed something was off in the previous serial that I just watched as well.


Harbinger O Great Justice




Also- Nightmare in Silver was grand. Posting from my phone, so I'll rant properly later.

X :neo:


Higher Further Faster

I love how he just takes it all in stride. He was retweeting both positive and negative comments about the episode.

I'm about to go watch it myself. :monster:


Higher Further Faster
So this episode was fun. I don't know if I'd say it was the absolutely greatest episode ever, but I liked it.

Matt Smith was creepy in this episode when he was being controlled by the Cyber Planner. That part was pretty good.

I really don't have much to say on the matter. I didn't really notice any hidden meanings or clues or hints at anything in this episode. However,
scrolling through the pictures of all the Doctors was nice, AND AND AND the Cyber Planner said, "Allons-y!" :3

Yes, I had a bit of a fangirl moment there...

Perhaps that was the hint of what's to come? We had Rose references, now we get Ten references since he is coming back for the 50th?

Oh, and I must confess,
a tiny part of me kind of wanted Clara so say yes to the Emperor. It would have been cheesy but I really did kind of want it, even though it really would make no sense and probably would throw off the plot. Oh well. Poor lonely emperor. :(

Oh, and on a different topic, Netflix inserted "Waters of Mars" and both halves of "End of Time" into the show listing proper. They are now listed along with the regular episodes at the end of season four. They STILL have not added "Planet of the Dead" or the "Christmas Carol" specials to the instant stream, though. :/

I have a theory about Clara, Rose, the season finale, and the 50th Anniversary:

This is the most perfect theory I have yet read on this issue.

Absolutely 100% perfect.

Last edited:


Higher Further Faster
So apparently there was a mix up here in the United States somewhere and people who pre-ordered the season seven part two DVD have already received it, and therefore have already been able to watch the season finale.

And are posting spoilers up on the internet. :/


"One day, I'll be queen of the universe."


lol That made me chuckle a bit. :)


Higher Further Faster
What I want to know is, if they didn't film the ending of the finale episode until after they began filming the 50th, how were they able to get the DVD's and Blu-Rays (apparently it was the Blu-Ray versions that got shipped, not the regular DVD versions), ready for shipment so soon? They didn't give themselves much time for leeway, did they?

Talk about cutting it close. :P

Oh, and...



Harbinger O Great Justice
I enjoyed the episode, and the new Cybermen are properly scary, but I wish that their capabilities weren't used at random. The detaching limbs decoy was excellent, but I was a little bothered by the fact that they can move at breakneck speed, but just sort of wander in to the castle.

Aside from that, the kids were ok. I loved the Cybermites. They helped the Cybermen to feel naturally upgraded, and a little bit borg-like, but not being TOO similar (the speed and limb detachment really helped with that). Holy HELL can Matt Smith act. Full stop. That was amazing. Clara being in charge was wonderful. I also love that she knows to do what the Doctor says, but also knows that he might now have everything together and she needs to fill in the gaps. Lastly, seeing the Emperor regretting having to command someone to take out so many systems really came full circle by him being forced to do so himself. LOVED. IT.

Fun fact: The Turk was an actual chess playing machine that did what the Cyberman was doing.

Also - something UTTERLY AMAZING has been found in the trailer for the finale. Probably a bit spoilery, but let's just say that it answers the question about Clara meeting the Doctor more than 3 times. az;dfbRNaluSrHsbzd;lxfiSFG3;erzd.jfblks. I CANNOT CONTROL MY EMOTIONS.

X :neo:
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