Doctor Who!!~


Higher Further Faster

Very interesting read. I got a bit confused, though, but mainly due to Tumbler's formatting. Are you the one who had the Twitter debate? Or were you responding to someone who did?

And using Ultimate Spider-man is a good example. Although I must say, I really don't think I have an opinion on the Doctor's skin color.

D'aww Peter was such a little nerdling! I love hearing stories of life-long fans who get to be on the show and how excited they are. Peter Davison says he grew up watching, and obviously as we know David Tennant and John Barrowman were massive fans of the show in their childhood days as well. <333


Harbinger O Great Justice
@Tenny: the Twitter debate was between myself and Gingerhaze (who seemed like a reasonable person to mention that to but it obviously went disastrously).

X :neo:


Higher Further Faster
Gingerhaze, really? The illustrator? I feel rather disappointed. I follow her on Tumblr. :(

She doesn't even watch the show anymore, anyway! Her and I had a brief discussion on the Ponds and River and Clara over private message on Tumblr and she said she stopped watching it after season five. :/


Harbinger O Great Justice
Yup. The one & the same. I follow her there and on Twitter, and that's why I left it anonymous. She was just really aggressive, scathing, straw manned all my arguments, and completely mocked everything when I tried to present my views. The Twitter conversation is a god awful mess to look at, but those quotes are just a small part of it.

It's especially annoying that she's this adamant about it especially since she isn't a fan of the show anymore that she's so negatively vocal about it on hearsay.

So yeah. Crazy disappointed.

Edit: even more so after this: so I re-tagged my post and added an addendum to the end of it removing the anonymity 'cause I don't roll that way if you can't own up to a mistake and want to passive aggressively mock me to your loyal audience.

X :neo:


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer

<3 Ace


Higher Further Faster
I think pretty much every actor/actress refers to The Doctor that they are most well known for being a companion of as being their Doctor. Go watch "The Doctor's Revisited" on BBC America.


Higher Further Faster


Trying to figure out how to do it. Blah it's not working. lol Oh PS Home...


Higher Further Faster
Nah, I figured it out. The problem was that the value packs are borked and give you an error when you try to purchase them.

Last night was my first time logging into Home since before they switched to saving all of your info on their servers. How long has the TARDIS space been there?

Also, yes, we should all log onto Home more often. How often do you log on, X?

Also, lol put on the River outfit and got hit on my everyone. It's nice that certain things in Home never change. :monster:

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
I dont get it, are we expecting all the docs in the 50th anniversarry other than number 10 and 11?


Higher Further Faster
There is a tiny blurb of an interview with David Tennant about the 50th on Entertainment Weekly's website:

&#8220;I suppose you&#8217;d expect me to say we&#8217;re new best friends and I love him like a brother,&#8221; the Scottish actor tells EW. &#8220;But that is sort of how it was. I had a fantastic time and that wouldn&#8217;t necessarily have been the case. I&#8217;m coming back onto a show that&#8217;s effectively somebody else&#8217;s show and used to be mine and that&#8217;s potentially quite a weird situation to be in. Going back to something I knew so well and had such fun memories of might have backfired. It&#8217;s a quite rare set of circumstances: Pierce Brosnan and Daniel Craig don&#8217;t get to play James Bond next to each other. But actually it felt familiar enough that it was like coming home and working with Matt proved to be a real joy. I hope I&#8217;m speaking for him when I say we really enjoyed bouncing of each other and playing sort of two aspects of the same character. It was everything that I hoped it might be and nothing that I feared it could be.&#8221;

D'aww that gives me warm fuzzies. ^_^

And it especially makes me happy to read that after seeing this:

Can't we all just be one big happy family? :sadpanda:


Harbinger O Great Justice

A TV interview with William Hartnell dating from 1967 has been unearthed and will feature on the DVD release of The Tenth Planet.

The news broke today following the BBFC's classification of extras, which included an interview with Hartnell among them.

Doctor Who Restoration Team member Steve Roberts confirmed that it was an in-vision interview - meaning that it was on screen as opposed to just being audio - and stated that it was fellow team member Richard Bignell who had discovered it.

The interview was conducted by Roger Mills for Points West - the BBC's regional news show - and was held in the dressing room of the Gaumont Theatre in Taunton, where Hartnell was appearing in the panto Puss In Boots less than three months after last being seen in Doctor Who. The interview aired on Tuesday 17th January 1967.

The extra runs for 3 min 16 sec, and Bignell detailed the discovery of what is now the only known on-screen interview with Hartnell to exist.

More information at the link:

X :neo:


Higher Further Faster

look look look look look

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Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Hurt's definitely a great actor, but Capaldi will be great too. Anyone who doubts that just needs to compare his characters in, say, Children of Earth and The Thick of It. He's got amazing range as an actor.


Higher Further Faster
I am so stupid. That Tumblr page that I linked you all to HAD THE LINK TO THE VIDEO ON IT. :loopy:

It almost looks like an advanced screening of one of the "Doctor's Revisited" documentaries. Did Japan get an advanced look or something like that? I have seen all seven that have been broadcast so far, and Matt Smith hasn't been in any of them, so it would have to be a future episode.

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