"I've seen enough."
- Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
There are a number of other events in near-ish human history the Silence could be silently retconning out.
Those are both examples that the Doctor himself used - I would have thought a much more obvious one for the Doctor to have used would have been the Cyberman invasion (when we see them climbing out of the sewers).Well, the Yetis in the underground is a bad example- it was well hushed up as an alternate disaster even while it was happening, but the Zygons were fairly easy to spot, since they did fly around a bit and there was a rather noticeable explosion too.
Counter-counter point: "If the time-energy catches up with you you'll never have been born. It'll erase every moment of your existence. You will never have lived at all." Also, the consequence of Amy looking into the eyes of the Angel that's stuck in her eye is removed when that Angel is erased, because it never existed.
Here's the Preview of "Curse of the Black Spot"
Counter Counter Counter point-
The society which had been destroyed by the arrival of the angels and their predations was still destroyed.
We SEE that the actions of erased entities still impact the known reality after their erasure. That would seem to trump the dialogue.
Addendum: The reason Rory remembers his time as an Auton is also related to the Universe in Amy's head being used to set things right. Because the universe poured through the cracks and into her, she was in a unique position to actually recreate the universe, more or less, based on her memories- her own, and those of the universe. That included the Rory who protected her for nearly 2000 years. Because she remembers Rory the Roman (and he was, in part, created from the imprint of Rory found in her Psyche) Rory remembers his time as an Auton, even though it wasn't technically him. Sort of like he was copied back onto the original Rory.
Of course, I'm also of the mind that things which fall through the cracks actually wind up IN Amy's memory somehow, in a strange way that makes me think of the Second Doctor's story in which he actually landed in a different universe where reality and fiction were the same.
Well, fuck...
I'd gotten so wrapped up with the very existence of the little Pond Time Lord that the implications of the most obvious fact of all didn't even hit me until today.
We saw her regenerating., now we have NO idea who she is.
She could be ANYONE. I'm not even sure if her regeneration would be limited to someone the same size, since I'm not sure how much mass changes would affect someone who's already so little. Would she stay the same size, or get smaller/larger? Now I'm gonna be paranoid about everyone new.
She also regenerated in 1969/70. She's got 40 years to grow into her new form, assuming she's got no access to time travel, doesn't regenerate again, and we meet her on present day earth. If she does get time travel or regenerate, well, fuck.
She doesn't even have to be a child next time.
THE DOCTOR: "Time Lord emergency messaging system. Like a flare pistol. In an emergency, we'd wrap up our thoughts in psychic containers and send them through time and space. OK, not like a flare pistol. Anyway, there's a living Time Lord still out there! And it's one of the good ones!"
RORY: "You said there weren't any other Time Lords left."
THE DOCTOR: "There aren't. No Time Lords left anywhere in the universe. But the universe isn't where we're going..."