Faith v. 3.0 (Cloti Club)


Great Old One
I'm already there (windrider1 on LJ).

I had a blast last year.
Speaking of fanfiction's, anyone hear of sekhirate (did I spell that wrong?). She seriously writes some awesome Cloti fanfictions.


Selene, Sheila
Yes, hate the platform sandals in CC and the boots.


Well, uggs are one letter away from fuggs..

As for Tifa's CC outfit, I mainly noticed how it's ridiculously detailed for the sake of being detailed. Also the way she stood was kinda unusual.


Lesbian Aerith
Tess, Leaute
Regarding the pink and red - In the original game, it was this bright, red coat with shoulder pads and a bright pink dress with lovely, matching Uggs. Even though I'm all about the Aerith, it was kinda fugsville. I liked when they updated her outfit in AC and the end of CC. The jacket lost the shoulder pads and was a more maroonish red. Alas, she was still all about the Uggs.

Another eye-hurty outfit? Tifa's CC outfit. WTF. Why couldn't the designer (Nomura?) just leave it the way it was. I didn't mind the hat, or the skirt, but... the boots? The top? Nooooooo.
They had to jazz it up. It's the only Tifa outfit I don't like, though. I think my favorite is her AC outfit. I just love it, for some reason.

Now, my favorite Cloud outfit is probably his AC outfit too. I know it's all angsty and stuff, but I really like it for some reason. Though, polygon Cloud had the best look with his purple fashion statement.

Celes Chere

I guess I'm really not into fashion much. :awesome: Since I think Aerith's outfit is perfectly fine. It never bothered me, though the boots did. Otherwise, I don't mind the red jacket and pink dress/bow. I remembered my friends saying "look at how she dresses!" and when I asked her what was wrong with it she said,
"PINK with RED?!"

I was kinda like... "So?" =/

Anyway, I love Aerith's KH2 outfit the most, it's quite adorable. Why couldn't she wear that in VII? :rage: It's the best outfit. >D

As for Tifa's CC outfit... I actually like it. I think it's sexy and even cute. The fact she wore it FOR Cloud is an up. :awesome:


It's not bad. But yeah, as Sheila said, it had unnecessary additions.
And the original was darker/simpler, iirc


Ja, I prefer the original. I just feel like they felt the need to "update" it and make it appeal to the new kids on the block, and it was not needed, imo.

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Celes Chere

I do love the original, but I also like the CC one. If I had to choose though, I'd have said definitely stick with the original. It's cute. :)



Greetings fellow Clotis. Or should I say former fellow Clotis.

I have seen the light. I was cheesing last night when it all became so clear to me.

Sure Cloud and Tifa live together. Sure they raise two children. Sure they share a bed. But this is ALL more evidence for Clerith.

I am in the middle of writing a couple of essays. But let me give you the run down. The first one I like to call. "Paying the rent". Now we know Tifa is delusional. But she is also a clingy stalker who can't get a hint. But Cloud needs a place to stay between visits to the Church and random flower fields. Even though he took a job to spend as much time away as possible.

We know this from a new short story I have seen from Cloud's PoV called "Man who travels the planet" (To get away from that nagging bitch).

But Tifa eventually corners him and because she still believes Cloud could come to love her so she makes him "Pay the rent" in the bedroom. To accomplish this we have my second essay called "The Lolita factor".

Now we all know Cloud keeps flowers by his pictures. These obviously represent his undying love for aerith. And as we all know in Lolita the father uses a picture of Lolita to be able to have sex with her mother. Well Cloud stares at Aeriths flowers to be able to have sex with a woman who is like his mother.

The subtext on this couldn't be more clear. You have to go down a few layers of subtext. But it is there.

So I am sorry. I am no longer a CloTi. I have seen the pink light.

Goodbye, all you people
There's nothing you can say
To make me change my mind


In honor of your revelation, Vendel, I present you with these:


Wear them proudly.

Beautiful!~ :monster:
Good luck in the Pink-heaven.
Also, I like Tifa's CC outfit better. It has more details and that is very pretty.. :3
The original one is cute too, but it's too simple for my taste. :whistle:
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@ Vendel: GET AWAY FROM THE LIGHT - oh wait you're not dying right? wrong advice....

by the way don't forget to add on one of your essays
the flowers on the FF7 icon and the sword that looks like Aerith
the true pink facts of love and necrophilia (for those rabbids who make clerith into that so don't take it in the bad way)

anyway enough with the pink let me think of something...oh do you guys see them getting married? having a baby? personally I don't think that they'll be married, but having another kid....:awesome:


Fire and Blood
I've always thought it'd be sweet, if they married, to make them marry in Aerith's church - a momentum to their dead friends, or something like that. I've always thought they'd like to sense their friends' presence for this sort of event XD

Although, I have to say, this is mostly for fanfic, isn't it? :D I don't think they'd marry either, but that's what fics are for! :awesome:
As for having a baby, maybe, but they already take care of Denzel and Marlene, maybe it'd be too much XD


I've always thought it'd be sweet, if they married, to make them marry in Aerith's church - a momentum to their dead friends, or something like that. I've always thought they'd like to sense their friends' presence for this sort of event XD

yes, that's what happens in most of the fanfics :awesome:


Likes The Bartender
I've always thought it'd be sweet, if they married, to make them marry in Aerith's church - a momentum to their dead friends, or something like that. I've always thought they'd like to sense their friends' presence for this sort of event XD

... Dearly beloved, we are gathered together here in the presence of Minerva God and in the face of these witnesses, to join together this Man and this Woman in the holy estate of Matrimony.

If anyone can show any just cause why this man and woman may not lawfully be joined together, let them now speak, or else hereafter forever hold their peace.



Hmm.. The idea of them getting married in Aerith's church is wonderful. :lol:
But, Cloud and Tifa getting married? I can't see it. xDDD But Cloud's proposal would be adorable~

Cloud: "T-Tifa... Will you...." *Cloud shows her the ring*
Tifa: "OMFG YEWSH!! *totally is glomping him*

Somehow.. I can see them having a baby together.
Probably because they already are awesome parents.. >:3
In AC I was suprised that Cloud turned out to be a good father. The man have a good heart ^_^


Pro Adventurer
Hmm.. The idea of them getting married in Aerith's church is wonderful. :lol:
But, Cloud and Tifa getting married? I can't see it. xDDD But Cloud's proposal would be adorable~

Cloud: "T-Tifa... Will you...." *Cloud shows her the ring*
Tifa: "OMFG YEWSH!! *totally is glomping him*

Somehow.. I can see them having a baby together.
Probably because they already are awesome parents.. >:3
In AC I was suprised that Cloud turned out to be a good father. The man have a good heart ^_^

Same here. I don't know why, but I have trouble imagining them getting married... Cloud and Tifa are just weird like that. :awesomonster: But if they did it'd be awesome if it was in Aerith's church, it's so pretty. <3

But for some reason I'm convinced that they'd end up having a kid of their own at some point. :monster:


Fire and Blood
I think because they don't really need it? Especially after AC/C, it did strenghtened their bond, didn't it? They were already a family, with their ups and downs, but now with Cloud not running away from the warmth Tifa and the kids give him, I feel that marriage is futile? Not really necessary, because their bond has been reaffirmed. Especially with the make up scene that was cut at the end :monster:
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