Faith v. 3.0 (Cloti Club)


Pro Adventurer
I think AC/C could have been written any number of ways with a regular/peppy Cloud. The problem is that A) AC/C's point was to rehash Cloud vs. Seph, a proven crowd pleaser, and B) FF7 completely and utterly resolved that conflict, and SE's staff wasn't creative enough to revive it w/out making it seem horribly contrived. I remember seeing better plot ideas come out of ACF for crying out loud.

But obstinacy aside, I understand it was fan service. I just wish they hadn't ruined Cloud in the process of appealing to fans.


Rookie Adventurer
Hi, just jumping in here. Used to be on ACF forums many moons ago, mostly lurked, spoke up every now and then, that sort of thing. I only found this site a week or so ago and was debating whether or not to join in but figured I may as well. Cuz, I mean, why not? :)

Anyways, on topic:
I can definitely see both marriage and more kids, or I could see no marriage and the kids they have, or a little of both (ie, no marriage and more kids, or no more kids and marriage). Just because they're stable and living together doesn't mean they won't choose to get married, and just because they're raising two kids doesn't mean they won't have more. And of course wouldn't that just be a fun bit for another compilation title? "Cloud and Tifa are finally getting married, but Sephiroth shows up to ruin the big day and OMG Tifa's already pregnant and there are summons and zombies and lots of androgenous, leather clad young men... or women... or men?... and there's explosions and stuff and OMG how. will. it. end?"

To be totally serious, I do see SE eventually adding to the series (as cued by the secret ending in DOC) and incorporating the next stage of the Cloti relationship into it, whether as a side story or as a feature. They ain't dumb, they know it'll bring in the $$ :)


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
I don't predict Cloud and Tifa getting married if only because Square Enix knows the LTD controversy drives sales and they don't want to make the canon that obvious :monster:


Rookie Adventurer
I don't predict Cloud and Tifa getting married if only because Square Enix knows the LTD controversy drives sales and they don't want to make the canon that obvious :monster:

Iunno, by this point the LTD doesn't seem like that big of a deal, not after CC put Zerith in the spotlight anyway. Maybe it's just me but it looks like people are more being sold on storyline, fan fodder and pretty boys than LTD. Besides, if the LTD drives sales they might want to add something truly Clerisy in ASAP. You know, something with real, romantic proof.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Does it now? Most people I know buy the FFVII stuff for more Cloud & Sephy-poo, and fight scenes/shiny graphics.
True enough but you might as well leave as many areas open for "debate" as possible. At least, that's the reason I assume they haven't had CxT marry, :monster:.

Lily Ella

Pro Adventurer
True enough but you might as well leave as many areas open for "debate" as possible. At least, that's the reason I assume they haven't had CxT marry, :monster:.
Or... having them be apart, and get back together (again, and again) makes them more ~interesting~. Everyone loves tortured couples.

And it's more interesting and fun to have them living in sin, then to be mawwied. :monster:

+ you can have them be married, and still have it be "open for debate." Once again, let's not forget about Harry Potter.

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
I don't think the LT actually exists in the first place (unless you make it Clephiroth vs Cloti, then we have something going there). SE's just screwing with their fans, as usual. :monster:

C/T married...hah, that'll be the day. :awesome: If SE marries them off, I'll kill them. Cloud loves Zack, not Tifa. sales will drop, then that's their greatest fear. It's the same as how they just won't let Sora admit his love for Riku by putting Kairi there in the middle. :shifty: Kinda.

Anyhow, I think the only thing that drives the LTD is the forced :quote:vagueness:quote: of Cloud's own feelings. But even then, looking at it, it's clear who Cloud really loves. Romantically.

Edit: Some people just don't like Harry/Ginny is why a lot can't accept the marriage. :awesome: I don't like Ginny myself, and I like Harry/Luna better. :monster:


Pro Adventurer
I do think the only reason the LT is 'there' is because of preferance...and the fact many don't take the Compilation in account as a whole.
Also, I do know some people that only bought it for the pairing wars. Sad, but true. I guess the constant rabid 'debates' helps keep the fandom alive.

HP-TOPIC: The major reason why the whole Harmony started out was 'cause of the movie. Dan and Emma have quite a lot of chemistry there :whistle:
@I Am Not Me-
I don't like Ginny either....
Get outta my head!:catfight:

Lily Ella

Pro Adventurer
HP-TOPIC: The major reason why the whole Harmony started out was 'cause of the movie. Dan and Emma have quite a lot of chemistry there :whistle:
@I Am Not Me-
I don't like Ginny either....
Get outta my head!:catfight:
I disagree. A lot, if not most, started shipping "Harmony" before the movies came out. Some think that their personalities mesh better and stuff. Hell, even I thought so (I was never a shipper or anything like that though). However, Harry & Hermione don't hook-up. They never had any romantic interest in each other.


Ginny is such a Mary-Sue from what little bits I've read after book 5.
And I always liked Hermione better, but the books are more than clear (like the movies) that Hermione and Ron lub each other. Just because two people would go well together doesn't mean they will get together...even though Ginny's such lame character & Hermione is kickass


I don't know why some CloTi's are so dead set against them getting married. I think it would be wonderful. But they wouldn't make a huge deal out of it. If a future title comes out they would just put it in the bio's and maybe a mention or two of it in the piece itself.

Because in the FF7 world itself Cloud and Tifa married would not be something extraordinary. More like a "what took you so long".

Although I have said more than once. Cloud and Tifa could be married and she could be expecting and the PN would find some way to spin it.

(The Lolita theory of course) :muhaha:


Fire and Blood
Oh, I'm not against it, I just think that the possibility is high for it to remain in the fanfic department :)

As for HP, I was never a shipper, but Ron*Hermione was obvious since book 2 (Harry*Ginny since book 5). You just had to deny the hints very strongly - but it was there. I never understood why the Harmonians wanted Harry*Hermione to be canon so badly; it was obvious from the start that it'd be a fanon pairing, IMHO. Another case of "wanting to win" case? *remembers reading a very interesting post about alchemy and stuff :wacky:*

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
I'm not against the marriage either. :shifty: Not totally anyway. Cloud is allowed to move on from Zack. :wacky:

Rabid Harmonians are weird. That's all I can say.

I do think the only reason the LT is 'there' is because of preferance...and the fact many don't take the Compilation in account as a whole.
Also, I do know some people that only bought it for the pairing wars. Sad, but true. I guess the constant rabid 'debates' helps keep the fandom alive.

The thing about preferences is that people seem to think their preference is the canon one. They refuse to see from the other side, simply because it is not what they want to see.

They choose not to see. There is no "this is how this is supposed to be". NO. They don't want to see it.

Besides, have you seen their preferred Cloud and Aerith? They're not even Cloud and Aerith at all! :rage:

I'm not talking about you sane Pink Siders. >_>

A lot of people don't even care about the LT. All it is for them is Tifa's kickass, Aerith's pretty, and Cloud's badass. That's all. Only us constant net lurkers know of this :quote:LT:quote:.

In fact, I wouldn't have known had my friends not exposed me to their Clerith views. :awesome:

HP-TOPIC: The major reason why the whole Harmony started out was 'cause of the movie. Dan and Emma have quite a lot of chemistry there :whistle:
@I Am Not Me-
I don't like Ginny either....
Get outta my head!:catfight:

AMAGAD. YOU GET OUT OF MY HEAD :catfight: Are you my evil twin?!?!
I also think Dan and Emma have good chemistry. Though I still much prefer Harry/Luna and Hermione/Draco. I love Ron single. :awesome:

Ginny is such a Mary-Sue from what little bits I've read after book 5.
And I always liked Hermione better, but the books are more than clear (like the movies) that Hermione and Ron lub each other. Just because two people would go well together doesn't mean they will get together...even though Ginny's such lame character & Hermione is kickass


Hermione is KICKASS. Yes. YES. UBER-YES. Ginny's got nothing on her!


AI Researcher
I thought Hermione and Harry would get together, but I've only ever read the first book years ago, she was the only major female character (I remember).

But that 'magical/symbolic flight' thing seems oddly familiar :monster: Though I don't get how the girl going "I don't like this, I don't like this at all" is meant to be good symbolism for a blooming romance. That's like the guy calling the woman 'mother' or something.

Oh wait.

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
I liked Harry/Luna, Ron/Hermione and Neville/Ginny. Cos I'm weird like that. But still,
I liked how in the seventh book there was Ginny/Neville/Luna as a sort of silver trio. That was so kickass. :joy:

I really have no idea about some Clerith shippers ideas of what Cloud and Aerith should be like: with Cloud blowing off Tifa to roll around in the flowerfields and Aerith being the 'other woman'... I think people who have that sort of idea of Clerith should gtfo the fandom. :shifty: Of course, I only really hate it when people say Cloud's using Tifa to make him a hot meal and a warm bed. I honestly don't think Tifa would let herself be used like that.
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AI Researcher
with Cloud blowing off Tifa to roll around in the flowerfields and Aerith being the 'other woman'...
Off course! C/A isn't a tragic fantasy romance, but the tale of a sordid spiritual affair. Only this time it can't end with the betrayed killing the other woman, because Sephiroth got there first.

But she still couldn't be able to do anything. Tifa's too weak and spineless (despite what silly goons like 'Nomuuura' and Nojiiima' say) to actually stand up for herself and get some balls. And then smash them.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
I'd pegged the Potter pairings from the first book, myself. Something about the way Ginny got introduced tripped a clue by sledgehammers circuit in my brain. The second book just served to cement it all.

Of course, while the harmonians are silly, it's the Lup/Siri folks who amused me the most. Especially the reaction to Lup's marrying Tonks they had.

But yes, in HP as in FF7, there are pairings that exist in the narrative, and pairings that don't. It's a matter of facts and creator statements which is which.
Generally, one can tell by the quality and the quantity of the evidence for each pairing which is canon and which is not.

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
Ryu, sometimes I think you're speaking another language. But that's just my limited thinking capacity. :monster:

I liked Harry/Luna, Ron/Hermione and Neville/Ginny. Cos I'm weird like that. But still,
I liked how in the seventh book there was Ginny/Neville/Luna as a sort of silver trio. That was so kickass. :joy:

I really have no idea about some Clerith shippers ideas of what Cloud and Aerith should be like: with Cloud blowing off Tifa to roll around in the flowerfields and Aerith being the 'other woman'... I think people who have that sort of idea of Clerith should gtfo the fandom. :shifty: Of course, I only really hate it when people say Cloud's using Tifa to make him a hot meal and a warm bed. I honestly don't think Tifa would let herself be used like that.

Tifa would kick Cloud's sorry butt if Cloud even thinks of doing that. :awesome:

I hate Clerith!Cloud. I hate him. There's no reason not to. He's a jerk. And Clerith!Aerith is a Sue who has no consideration for other's feelings. Fandom-raep is AWFUL :no:

You like Harry/Luna too? Hell yeah! :joy:


Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
You like Harry/Luna too? Hell yeah! :joy:

Harry/Luna's great! Even Harry's actor ships it. :reptar:

Ryu, however, seemed to have been able to find the legendary hammers of Harry's love. :awesome:


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
It's not my fault Rowling treated certain plot points as though she were Thor battling the frost giants.

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
Perhaps it's my fault for being 10 when I read the first book, but I barely noticed Ginny in that one. Now in the second book, that was much more Ginny-centric.
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