Faith v. 3.0 (Cloti Club)


xAerith said:
In AC I was suprised that Cloud turned out to be a good father.

How does petting someone else's daughter and saving some annoying kid from certain death make him a good father? A good father gives his kids a good whippin' when he feels like it, for one, :monster:. And one cannot make any assumptions about such issues until the kids finish their teen years, get a job, and that kinda thing. If their job involves skewering rats or chillin' in tha hood, he fails as a father.



Pray for Sound
Issac Dian, Dudley, Chev Chelios
As long as we're speculating on the lives of fictional characters, I think they'd get married eventually. If anything Barret would start yelling at Cloud to make an honest woman outta Tifa after a few years of living together. :D


Pro Adventurer
How does petting someone else's daughter and saving some annoying kid from certain death make him a good father? A good father gives his kids a good whippin' when he feels like it, for one, :monster:. And one cannot make any assumptions about such issues until the kids finish their teen years, get a job, and that kinda thing. If their job involves skewering rats or chillin' in tha hood, he fails as a father.


There are people who have great parents and still manage to screw their lives up. You should never underestimate a human being's ability to screw something up. :monster:


Pray for Sound
Issac Dian, Dudley, Chev Chelios
How does petting someone else's daughter and saving some annoying kid from certain death make him a good father? A good father gives his kids a good whippin' when he feels like it, for one, :monster:. And one cannot make any assumptions about such issues until the kids finish their teen years, get a job, and that kinda thing. If their job involves skewering rats or chillin' in tha hood, he fails as a father.


Alcoholic parents for Marlene and Denzel ... I'm getting a mental image.


Celes Chere

Especially after AC/C, it did strenghtened their bond, didn't it? They were already a family, with their ups and downs, but now with Cloud not running away from the warmth Tifa and the kids give him, I feel that marriage is futile?

Marriage is kind of futile. They're practically married already; all that is missing is the official title.


Alcoholic parents for Marlene and Denzel ... I'm getting a mental image.

I could see the both of 'em become alcoholics. Notice that a bar owner is never an attractive woman, like, ever? In just ten years, Tifa will have boozed herself into an early liver cirrosis, and Cloud'll be doing lines on a regular basis to keep his edge.

Of course, the kids will have left years before that. Or they've been to Dr. Phil and whatnot.


Why must they adhere to the traditional family model?
Married with 2.1 kids + white picket fence?

Cloud and Tifa have been living together for years and as such, by the audience's standards, they are already a couple like millions of others around the world that live together and have children without the white dress and cake.

You people have beef with adoption? Eh, fuckers?

Really stoopid question: How do I get the emoticon window/box thingy opened up? I only know one by heart and that's :monster:

help the technologically impared OWD? Please?


How does petting someone else's daughter and saving some annoying kid from certain death make him a good father? A good father gives his kids a good whippin' when he feels like it, for one, :monster:. And one cannot make any assumptions about such issues until the kids finish their teen years, get a job, and that kinda thing. If their job involves skewering rats or chillin' in tha hood, he fails as a father.



He is protective and caring. Don't you see how he act around Marlene and Denzel in AC and ACC? He's not a failure. He's trying.. :(
I was suprised, because he was being an ass in the game.


correction cloud and tifa have 1 and a half kids: denzel and half of Marlene, since the other half belongs to Barret.

and xAerith I believe Cthulhu is not talking seriously :monster:


Fire and Blood
So that means they need 0.6 of a kid to meet up the 2.1 kids/couple, right?

A head and an arm? :monster:

*gets shot :wacky:*



He is protective and caring. Don't you see how he act around Marlene and Denzel in AC and ACC? He's not a failure. He's trying.. :(
I was suprised, because he was being an ass in the game.

I wasn't denying that, only that you can't base a conclusion like 'he's a good father' on the limited interactions and whatnot from the movie, :monster:.


Pro Adventurer
Yeah, the movie seriously hurts Cloud's case if you ask me.

Demon said:
How do I get the emoticon window/box thingy opened up?
User CP -> Edit Options -> Miscellaneous Options -> Message Editor Interface -> pick enhanced interface/WYSIWYG -> save

now when you go advanced, you'll see the smilies box. :awesome:


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
AC kinda hurts, but ACC helps, given that his motivation got changed to be far more altruistic and pragmatic.


Pro Adventurer
Yeah, the movie seriously hurts Cloud's case if you ask me.

User CP -> Edit Options -> Miscellaneous Options -> Message Editor Interface -> pick enhanced interface/WYSIWYG -> save

now when you go advanced, you'll see the smilies box. :awesome:

Leaving 7th Heaven really didn't show his fatherly side


Fire and Blood
it was said that he went looking for a cure for Geostigma. IMHO, they realized afterwards that they turned Cloud into an ass in CoT/AC, hence all the revisions in the new CoT/ACC.
I personally much appreciated the new scenes, seeing him being very fatherly with the kids, accepting his old failures and overcoming them at least. The new scene with Marlene is extra adorable, from my POV. And it was nice to have more Denzel too.


Pro Adventurer
Cloud just does it all wrong. His speech in ACC pretty much sums it all up
that the people around him have always protected and took care of him but not so much the other way around.
His chance is really now, unless the love for "emo" Cloud gets the better of SE yet again.


Pro Adventurer
There's a difference between a good person and a good father. If I left my family w/out saying a word, for whatever reason and for days on end, would you call me a good father?

If Cloud left for a purely noble purpose, he had no reason not to at least tell Tifa what he was doing. He was gone mainly because of his open-ended emo bullshit.


Fire and Blood
I hope not, I hate emo!Cloud, especially when they turn him into an ass for that :monster:

*hated AC so much >_>*

Edit: Cloud loves to surprise and he's still afraid of failing, that's why :monster:


Pro Adventurer
Cloud's problem is that he lets everyone suffer in uncertainty which is one of the very worst ways IMO. I agree with null. Yes we defend Cloud's intentions in ltd and with good reason. But these things are not one and the same. Cloud is a good person but he is not the man he should be and wants to be.

The end of AC is his chance, unless the love of "emo" Cloud gets the better of SE again.


Fire and Blood
Oh, I agree that he definitely should talk more, you know. That's definitely one of his biggest flaws, because he is still kind of afraid to speak up, say what he wants, what he needs, how he feels, which leaves his family/friends unsatisfied because they can't get through his thick skull.
However, we are meant to see his good sides too, so we definitely can't bash him for something that is simply not true. But
really made me believe that Cloud finally came to an end with this side of his, thanks to his talk with Marlene and his little chat with Tifa. He really needs girls like those two in his life, that dude, to finally move on :monster:
Besides, if he was flawless, it'd be a tad boring to follow his story, wouldn't it? It'd mean that he's perfect and doesn't need to change. But we're definitely seeing him change and overcome bit by bit his defaults, so that's even better :3


and SE needed a good plot for the movie. I mean if he was happy go lucky in AC/C, the movie would have what 30 minutes? that would be his fight with the remnants and sephy-poo, plus we got to see zack and aerith one last time too.
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