Faith v. 3.0 (Cloti Club)


Fire and Blood
I remember I did notice Ginny, but I wasn't sure of how to handle her back then. Afterwards, book 2 tagged along and RonxHermione was obvious... I began to look out for Harry's pairing, if there were any - I just knew it wasn't going to be that Asian chick whose name I forgot :monster: Then book 5 hit me and when I closed it, I was like, ok, easy, it's HarryxGinny XD And even then, I still didn't ship :monster: It was just for my pure amusement - I wasn't even in the HP fandom XD I only heard about the Harmonians much later, almost when HP was finished :P Somehow, I like to guess the pairings even if I don't ship because I think it always gives some insight about the characters. And I dig characterization the most \o/ But really, Ryu, kudos to you to guess HarryxGinny from book 1 XD


AI Researcher
I wasn't 10, but I didn't remember Ginny being in the book. Granted I just barely know how she is, but still :monster: Make more of an impression, plz.

I'm reminded of my first/only published work now: a review of Harry Potter book 1 when I was like 11 or 12. Which was strange, because I'd never even heard of it, let alone read it :awesome:


fyi, there's an Entertainment section where you're free to discuss HP, and a non-FFVII LTD thread where you can discuss its love triangles / quadruangles / pentiangles / etc.

Just wanted to note that I was semi-forced to read the first four HP books, and didn't like them. Carbon copy of each other, chewed out 'nerd becoems MITY MAGICIAN!11' story mixed with 'omg high school ^___^'-drama / lameness, etc.


Pro Adventurer
I used to like the idea of Harry/Hermione at the beginning of the series. It was just a mere combination of the movie interactions and my personal opinions. Not to mention I didn't like Ron is the first book 'cause he acted like such a guy (no offense to those present).

It's just sad when the characters are butchered. Actually, no. It's frustrating. Like I said before, is it really that hard to support your pairing without making the other party look bad? Come on, this is not 3rd grade.

A friends of mine recently entered the FFVII fandom. Before playing, she asked me if Aerith was as bad a Ginny. I could only look on with horror.
I wonder if some of her fans will ever realize what they have done to not only her, but Cloud, Tifa, and Zack as well.

AMAGAD. YOU GET OUT OF MY HEAD :catfight: Are you my evil twin?!?!

I am not!
Or am I? :awesome:


Just wanted to note that I was semi-forced to read the first four HP books, and didn't like them. Carbon copy of each other, chewed out 'nerd becoems MITY MAGICIAN!11' story mixed with 'omg high school ^___^'-drama / lameness, etc

And now back to C/T or Mako will murder us


Higher Further Faster
lol Aww that is super adorable! Baby...whatever it is that RedXIII is!!!! ^_^

Also @ HP (ya'll shuddup!):
First book I thought it would be Harry/Hermione, because I was fifteen and not clever enough to realize that the hero can definitely be in love with someone who isn't part of the main focus of the story. lol

Second book I began to speculate Ginny. Was told that Harry/Hermione was not canon anyway, but the fact that Harry was rescuing Ginny meant to me back then that it was twoo wub!

Third book I thought it would be Cho due to how she was introduced (again my lack of cleverness at the fact that it could all be a nothing more than a tease, I had just turned sixteen, or maybe was still fifteen, since I read the first three books over the span of only a month or so. I really was not a bright child back then). But Ron/Hermione did start to seem more plausible.

Fourth book I definitely assumed Harry/Cho. Ron/Hermione was now cemented as inevitable.

Fifth book obviously confirms Harry/Cho is a train wreck and that Ron/Hermione was the main pairing to keep an eye on for endless drama. lol Scene in the library with Harry and Ginny eating chocolate was cute and made me raise an eyebrow but didn't set off an alarm.

Sixth book. Harry/Ginny, oh yeah. And I loved it. Ron/Hermione still drama whores but still true. <3

Seventh book. Still Harry/Ginny, Ron/Hermione finally cement the deal, now that Ron has grown up a bit and stopped being a twat.

I never really got a taste for all the shipping debates until I joined Mugglenet. I wasn't very active there but still, I couldn't help raising an eyebrow. Why would people disregard the story so much? Even when JKR herself expressed disbelief at the fact that people were arguing that Harry/Hermione was canon?

But then as I got more involved with the FFVII LTD I came to realize just how desperate people can be to throw all narrative sense out the window just to prove that their ship is correct. I mean sure I've come to love many stories that had something happen in thm that I didn't like, but you know what? I accepted the fact and moved on. I have no right to dictate a story that I didn't write, and neither does anyone else.
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I remember seeing a pick of Cloud and Tifa during an...intimate moment. You see his back and her ring. Very sweet and gentle like.

Which I figure is probably very accurate. Although I think after 10-15 years it will start to look more like this.

The safe word is banana.

Also the audio on this is way off but it's the only clip of the scene I could find.

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Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
lol Aww that is super adorable! Baby...whatever it is that RedXIII is!!!! ^_^

Also @ HP (ya'll shuddup!): kersnip

My personal review can be summed up as 'Harry you fucking idiot: a series in seven parts.'

Starting with Harry's inability to notice the patently obvious, and moving into the realm of 'How can it take your months or years to realize what I, who shares but snippets of your world could figure out in an instant?'

It was like listening to a symphony performed entirely by gong at times. Even the subtle bits were blatant. It's silly.


Higher Further Faster
Why are we talking about Harry Hermione and Harry Potter stuff?

I was trying to draw a parallel between it and the FFVII LTD but I was too tired at the time to make much sense or get my point across, I'm afraid.

I guess I was just trying to illustrate that there are always people who take things the wrong way then run with it, no matter the fandom, and regardless of how in your face proof of the contrary is.

I mean preferring one pairing over the other is one thing, but denying the truth and refusing to hear arguments to the contrary just to make yourself feel better about it is something else entirely. It's a shame the LTD thread spiraled back into what it was before Drake came along. He actually injected some maturity into that thread for the other side. :/


Likes The Bartender
I remember seeing a pick of Cloud and Tifa during an...intimate moment. You see his back and her ring. Very sweet and gentle like.

Which I figure is probably very accurate. Although I think after 10-15 years it will start to look more like this.

The safe word is banana.

Also the audio on this is way off but it's the only clip of the scene I could find.


Huh? Their sex life would evolve from tender lovins to hardcore S&M as the years go by? :lol: Cloud would learn to take advantage of his mako, I would think.


WOW, this starts with cloti, makes a stop at HP, another small stop at family guy and ends up in cloti hardcore sex life.

I'm impressed.


AI Researcher
You all know it would be such a boring relationship. Tifa's such a nag, Cloud is thinking of Aerith all the time, they're both too similar (in the thinking of Aerith sense). They've got to do something to keep make it interesting.

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
I hate those opposites attract bullshit rants. :rage:
But they DO! I mean, perky, cheerful Tidus got together with depressing, pessimistic Lulu, right? ...wait...


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
There's really barely any of the opposites attract, and less of the knight/white mage nonsense people wanna push. What with three major pairing being between a thief and his lady friend (a knight, summoner/whitemage, and dancer respectively), another being a sportsman with a sword and his summoner/whitemage to gunner lady, and one quasi knight getting together with the black mage chick, only Cecil/Rosa ACTUALLY properly fits the Knight and White mage trope. And even then, she's just as lethal with a Bow as Edge is with his swords.

Of course, by the same tack, the Childhood friends trope has shown up three times and been subverted once, not coming into play the other two, so it is present, but not an indicator.

As for the Opposites attract... I'm curious as to the logic behind that for the main pairings. Perhaps for the secondary pairings, but even then, the trend is, I think, not of statistical relevance.

This is, of course, discounting side games such as Tactics and Chocobo games, but including canonical spinoffs to the main games, such as Revenant Wings.


NOT AMUSED how do Zack/Aeris fit into teh "opposites attract" theory?
Oh wait, I forgot their love wasn't true love, like C and A's, despite being canonz.

Even so, what the fuck does it matter? Although it does happen some cases, it doesn't in all, or even in most, especially where FF is concerned.

It's staw-grasping like Japanese symbolism, pink + blue, mage/knight bullshit.
Especially since SE said they wanted FFVII to be different and ~uneek~ and all that shit. The Japanese symbolism shit falls falt when you see that Mifgar was like originally supposed to be New York or something, or some Western city, and that Tifa's outfit/7th Heaven have a heavy Texan feel to them (stated somewhere, maybe Sheila haz it), and considering Sephiroth's freakin name (complete with theme song with lyrics ganked from Carmina freakin Burana). Yeah, real heavy with the obscure Japanese symbolism there, SE.

Where's that giant old article with Squaresoft quotes? I'll see if I can dig up, although it doesn't really seem necessary. Common sense should suffice
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Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Well, there is a 'Texas' neon sign in the bar, for one...

But yeah, for a game steeped so heavily in western symbolism, like jewish mysticism and the teutonic mythos, the idea that it's littered with secret Japanese symborism (which generally fails to occur in Japanese modern media) falls flat.

It'd probably help their case it examples of this secret symborism could actually be found elsewhere. I mean, there's a reason I analogize many of my points to other shows. It's to show I haven't asserted without existence.


AI Researcher
I don't think the idea of Japanese symbolism is totally out-there. The game was made by Japanese people, and sometimes cultural symbols might find there way in there.

But for symbolism to work, the people making it would have to intend for these things to mean that. It's just as likely (if not more, given the differences) that Aerith's pink ribbon is just a pink ribbon, and not some kind of representation of the 'red thread of fate' thing. Just because a (vaguely similar) symbol exists, doesn't mean that every use of that object is meant as symbolism.

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
The idea that the Japanese MUST have put known-to-Japanese-people-only symbolism in everything they ever produced makes me facepalm. Does Doctor Who contain known-to-British-people-only symbolism that signifies which companion the Doctor really loves? Does the film "I'm a Cyborg, But That's Okay?" contain symbolism that shows Young-goon loves someone other that who we were shown in the movie that only Korean citizens realize?

Seriously now.
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