Faith v. 3.0 (Cloti Club)


Great Old One
Naturally, only us Koreans know the super-duper-ultimate secrets to the film. :awesomonster:

I think there is symbolism throughout the movie, but it's incredibly idiotic if people are initiating as the game/movie to only be 'clearly understood,' by Japanese natives. Hell, I guess you have to fly to Japan, go to a WcDnalds and conduct an interview by some biased Clerith Japanese native who's name is always apparently... Noriko.
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AI Researcher
I pity the foo' who doesn't understand the symborism of Doctor Who.

I'm sure if you watched it, book of British symbolism in hand, you could probably find stuff (or make 'pink ribbon=red string'-esque leaps) in there. But just because it happens to be there, doesn't mean they actually intended that.

Actually, I can't even think of any British symbolism. And I'm British :monster:

I think the famous (regardless what people might say) disputes between Japanese C/A and C/T fans proves that there wasn't anything 'clearly understood' about it.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
The idea that the Japanese MUST have put known-to-Japanese-people-only symbolism in everything they ever produced makes me facepalm. Does Doctor Who contain known-to-British-people-only symbolism that signifies which companion the Doctor really loves?

Yes. And the answer is Jamie.

But no, Hitobito, I'm not saying that Japanese steeped symbolism doesn't exist or couldn't be in FF7, I'm decrying the 'secret symbolism', the symbolism impenetrable to all but the native Japanese, of which no ready examples can be located elsewhere.


Pray for Sound
Issac Dian, Dudley, Chev Chelios
Yes. And the answer is Jamie.

Sir, I may tolerate your Cloti lies, but do not denegrate the DoctoRose canon. :monster:

holy s- I just thought of the best end to all of this. Cloud needs to clone himself.

As a ghost. :awesomonster:


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Sir, I may tolerate your Cloti lies, but do not denegrate the DoctoRose canon. :monster:

holy s- I just thought of the best end to all of this. Cloud needs to clone himself.

As a ghost. :awesomonster:

The doctor gave her his realdoll so she'd stop stalking his ass. Not quite, but it was another RTD Shitty solution to an RTD Shitty problem. I desperately await Moffat's stepping up to the plate.

Of course, if you insist on Doctor/Rose, I shall insist on Doc/Liz Shaw, Doc/RomanaI/II, and a few other more interesting pairings.
Seriously, I view the Ship tease of Doc/Rose as among the fucktarded bits that RTD attached to that show. Really, though scarily enough, of any relationships with the new companions, scarily, the Doc/Jack actually works the best.

But on that note, we should take all further such DW discussion to the proper place, the DW thread.


Pray for Sound
Issac Dian, Dudley, Chev Chelios
I've actually never seen Doctor Who for more than 30 seconds, but I saw a video online where they got all british intimate ... the internet doesn't lie, does it? :monster: And who gives a fuck about interesting when we're talking about this?


Back on topic then... :D


Fire and Blood
Dr Who rocks my world. And I don't even ship in there. XD *loves all the girls equally :monster:*

Also, seen in the monkeyshine thread (quoted from a famous forum :monster: ):
That's what always irks me about Cloti shippers that say "Cloud must choose Tifa, because Aerith is dead". To start, why would he start loving Tifa now when Aerith is dead when in our opinions he never did. And there is lots of women in the world not just Aerith. Cloti bugs me about the fact that Cloud only would choose Tifa as a replacment not a soulmate. Cloud loves Aerith still so why push a relationship with Tifa because he cannot physically be with Aerith? It is possible to be single...
Do you guys see Tifa as a replacement? Because I sure never did (he'd have to love Aerith romantically first for that, and he never did IMHO).
Discuss :reptar:

Celes Chere

Tifa isn't a replacement. FFS. Anyone who thinks that is clearly deluded beyond repair. If anyone is a replacement, it's Cloud being a replacement for Zack to Aerith.

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
How is Tifa a replacement when Cloud had a crush on her since a teen and only knew Aerith for a couple of weeks (and while he was buried under his fucked up personalities, might I add.)? I can see him getting a crush on Aerith too, but once he realized that once upon a time he liked Tifa, he probably went for her. Just saying.


Your Mom
I've found that a lot of Cleriths think Clotis believe Cloud should move on with Tifa because Aerith is dead. So they assume that even Clotis believe Cloud loved Aerith more than Tifa, which most Clotis don't believe. I personally can see where he could have felt attraction to Aerith and was developing feelings, but I never got the idea that what was developing in those 2-3 weeks was more powerful than what he felt for Tifa.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Even in death, even in losing, Aerith must win. Because that's what it's really about to those sorts of folks who make those statements and twist and invent opposing claims. Aerith, pure, innocent, perfect them Aerith winning over the evil skanky naggy slutbagho throwing themself at their Aerith's man.


Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
I like to think that Clerith being considered canon (until we get SE saying it's canon) and going by the "facts" we have for its canonicity, can be fairly summarized in one sentence... a self titled thread that's one of the leading topics for their forum's LTD... "Beyond Death and Logic"


I like to think that Clerith being considered canon (until we get SE saying it's canon) and going by the "facts" we have for its canonicity, can be fairly summarized in one sentence... a self titled thread that's one of the leading topics for their forum's LTD... "Beyond Death and Logic"

I was reading up on the "why not Tifa" section. I was doing it for the lulz (as the kids say) but I left with a severe headache after a few threads.
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Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
Ohey, same here. A lot of it is really outdated too, it seems not all that active of a forum anymore.


one of my favorites is the bullying.

He had to deal with the shame and humiliation of being rejected by Tifa and her snotty friends day in and day out. Then, he is blamed for Tifa falling off the bridge at Mt. Nibel. Does this sound like they were close? In this article, Naru, a girl who grew up in Japan, states that she believes Cloud was actually the subject of "ijime", or bullying, from Tifa and her friends. This is, in fact, true. You can see two articles on "ijime" here and here. These articles state that victims of "ijime" are ignored, ostracized, and humiliated. This is exactly what happens to Cloud during his childhood. So, why would Cloud fall in love with someone who bullied him as a child? Some people don't believe Tifa bullied Cloud because they are looking at this from a NA perspective. However, in Japan, it is a well-known fact that children wish to fit into a group. Cloud was excluded from Tifa's group. Tifa participated in his exclusion willingly. According to the Japanese, Tifa was guilty of subjecting Cloud to "ijime".


Your Mom
in Japan, it is a well-known fact that children wish to fit into a group
What is this strange creature called a Japanese child? I've never heard of a child that wishes to fit into a group.

The Japanese certainly are a mysterious race.


Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
Lol.. As a Clerith I never really thought of Cloud as being 'ijimied'. Tifa sorta just ignored him, he watched her from afar so he didn't exactly jump out into the limelight, and he was a runt so Tifa's friends completely disregarded him. Everybody's fault rly.

Lily Ella

Pro Adventurer
What is this strange creature called a Japanese child? I've never heard of a child that wishes to fit into a group.
And here I thought that most children wanted to be unpopular and uncool, and have no friends. Them Japanese children be weird, wanting to fit it with others.

Seriously though, my reactions to a lot of the crap that some people spew is pretty much like this now:


It's barely even ha-ha funny anymore. It's just... straight-up ridiculous.


[no fucks given]
FHS, that cloti bitch
Lol.. As a Clerith I never really thought of Cloud as being 'ijimied'. Tifa sorta just ignored him, he watched her from afar so he didn't exactly jump out into the limelight, and he was a runt so Tifa's friends completely disregarded him. Everybody's fault rly.

No one's fault but Cloud's. How was Tifa supposed to acknowledge him when she wasn't even AWARE of his fascination with her. He watched her in secret and hid himself from her. I mean the kid STALKED her. (Who friends their stalkers? I mean really...) But the fact remains, Tifa didn't ignore him. She was unaware of him. Those are COMPLETELY different things.

The moment she did become aware of him, she spoke to him, listened to him and even worried for him while he was gone.

On a side note (but not too far off to the side) Tifa can't be blamed for her friends being idiots, and besides that it was Cloud picking fights with them all the time. He says it himself HE picked the fights (all angry over his failure to save Tifa from falling. Boy this guy has failure issues...) He wasn't bullied in the manner people seem to think he was. He was the weird kid that thought everyone else was stupid, sniffed Tifa's panties and attacked you on your walk home. Who wants to be best buds with this kid?


No one's fault but Cloud's. How was Tifa supposed to acknowledge him when she wasn't even AWARE of his fascination with her. He watched her in secret and hid himself from her. I mean the kid STALKED her. (Who friends their stalkers? I mean really...) But the fact remains, Tifa didn't ignore him. She was unaware of him. Those are COMPLETELY different things.

The moment she did become aware of him, she spoke to him, listened to him and even worried for him while he was gone.

On a side note (but not too far off to the side) Tifa can't be blamed for her friends being idiots, and besides that it was Cloud picking fights with them all the time. He says it himself HE picked the fights (all angry over his failure to save Tifa from falling. Boy this guy has failure issues...) He wasn't bullied in the manner people seem to think he was. He was the weird kid that thought everyone else was stupid, sniffed Tifa's panties and attacked you on your walk home. Who wants to be best buds with this kid?

Aww.. I do feel sorry for him tho.
But I really don't blame Tifa for being unaware of him. She didn't know what he felt.. So I agree with everything you said there, FHS.
But the part were Tifa says:
"Okay.. If you become really famous, then you will save me whenever I am in danger (etc.)"

Why did she want him to be famous..?
But again, they were just kids and she did wanted a 'blond knight' to come and save her. But then after Cloud leaved Nibelheim, I think Tifa got more serious about him. And now when they are adults, well.. You see how it ended up. :awesome:


[no fucks given]
FHS, that cloti bitch
Why did she want him to be famous..?

He did just tell her he wanted to be like Sephiroth--the most famous SOLDIER on the planet. I always took that quote as a sign that she believed in him, that he could do it, and when he did not to forget her. Maybe that's just my Tifa bias... But I doubt it.

And yes


He did just tell her he wanted to be like Sephiroth--the most famous SOLDIER on the planet. I always took that quote as a sign that she believed in him, that he could do it, and when he did not to forget her. Maybe that's just my Tifa bias... But I doubt it.

And yes

And maybe you're right..
Oh, yesterday I was looking at the official site for CC. And on Tifa's profile it says that Cloud was drawn to her cheerful and optimistic attitude.
And that he would join SOLDIER in order to protect her.
It isn't anything new, but I think it's sweet. X33
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