Faith v. 3.0 (Cloti Club)


Pro Adventurer
I was reading up on the "why not Tifa" section. I was doing it for the lulz (as the kids say) but I left with a severe headache after a few threads.
Never ever ever read that stuff for the lulz. It defies logic and common sense in a really messed up and definitely not lulz-worthy way. I learned it the hard way too - I was skeeing some lulz, and I found myself hopelessly watching as a little part of my faith in humanity was slaughtered instead. D':


AI Researcher
Re: ijime:

Since we're talking about what Japanese people think :monster: Where the English version says Cloud was "never allowed into the group," the Japanese script says he could never ask to be let into the group (仲間に入れてって言えなかった). The English one makes it sound like he was actively left out of their group, but the Japanese one sounds more like he just couldn't bring himself to ask them to let him join in with them.


Fire and Blood
Thank you for the correction, hito (you biased translator!!! XD). I've always understood it that way anyway; especially since he did say it was his own fault in the Lifestream scene - when he thought that all the kids were stupid etc XD I can't recall the exact scene, and Tifa tells him but we WERE KIDS! XD).


If Tifa only ever wanted a SOLDIER, why did she abandon AVALANCHE and everything she had fought for to nurse a loser with Mako poisoning, who may have never even gotten better as far as she knew?

Tifa thought Cloud was cute. He called her to a famous date spot and said he's gonna be big and strong like Sephiroth. So she said that when he does, he should not forget her and come back to help her if she's ever in trouble. They're kids. That's what being a SOLDIER means to them -- being heroes. This isn't just Tifa dreaming of a prince. Cloud tells her he wants to be a hero and she plays on that. Heroes rescue people. She believes in him and says: come rescue me.

To think that she forces him to make that promise is ridiculous. It's not something he didn't want. He followed her to the mountains when all others abandoned her and blamed himself for not being able to rescue her when she was in a coma.
Being strong in Tifa's eyes is what he's always wanted. Even before she asked.
So his hesitance has more to do with that and him being surprised, than his unwillingness to be her hero. That's stupid. Why would he call her to the water tower to tell her he's gonna be a SOLDIER then? What the fuck was the point?

Why would that promise be foreveretched in his heart?
Why so embarrassed that he covers his face the entire time after his return to Nibelheim? Why does it matter then, if he never wanted to fulfill it?

Why not just say "Hey Tifa. Boy, you've grown. Oh yeah, that silly promise we made as kids. It was so long ago" if that were the case?

No, but he hides like he failed his one mission.
Must be cause he really fucking hated it. Cloud rues that day every day
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If Tifa only ever wanted a SOLDIER, why did she abandon AVALANCHE and everything she had fought for to nurse a loser with Mako poisoning, who may have never even gotten better as far as she knew?

Tifa thought Cloud was cute. He called her to a famous date spot and said he's gonna be big and strong like Sephiroth. So she said that when he does, he should not forget her and come back to help her if she's ever in trouble. They're kids. That's what being a SOLDIER means to them -- being heroes. This isn't just Tifa dreaming of a prince. Cloud tells her he wants to be a hero and she plays on that. Heroes rescue people. She believes in him and says: come rescue me.

To think that she forces him to make that promise is ridiculous. It's not something he didn't want. He followed her to the mountains when all others abandoned her and blamed himself for not being able to rescue her when she was in a coma.
Being strong in Tifa's eyes is what he's always wanted. Even before she asked.
So his hesitance has more to do with that and him being surprised, than his unwillingness to be her hero. That's stupid. Why would he call her to the water tower to tell her he's gonna be a SOLDIER then? What the fuck was the point?

Why would that promise be foreveretched in his heart?
Why so embarrassed that he covers his face the entire time after his return to Nibelheim? Why does it matter then, if he never wanted to fulfill it?

Must be cause he really fucking hated it. Cloud rues that day every day

......Exactly. Cloud was even obsessed with the promise.
And as we know he was Tifa's stalker :monster:

Tifa's panties = da f00dz 4 Cloud. 8DDD


Never ever ever read that stuff for the lulz. It defies logic and common sense in a really messed up and definitely not lulz-worthy way. I learned it the hard way too - I was skeeing some lulz, and I found myself hopelessly watching as a little part of my faith in humanity was slaughtered instead. D':

I'm a glutton for punishment I guess.


Pro Adventurer
one of my favorites is the bullying.

He had to deal with the shame and humiliation of being rejected by Tifa and her snotty friends day in and day out. Then, he is blamed for Tifa falling off the bridge at Mt. Nibel. Does this sound like they were close? In this article, Naru, a girl who grew up in Japan, states that she believes Cloud was actually the subject of "ijime", or bullying, from Tifa and her friends. This is, in fact, true. You can see two articles on "ijime" here and here. These articles state that victims of "ijime" are ignored, ostracized, and humiliated. This is exactly what happens to Cloud during his childhood. So, why would Cloud fall in love with someone who bullied him as a child? Some people don't believe Tifa bullied Cloud because they are looking at this from a NA perspective. However, in Japan, it is a well-known fact that children wish to fit into a group. Cloud was excluded from Tifa's group. Tifa participated in his exclusion willingly. According to the Japanese, Tifa was guilty of subjecting Cloud to "ijime".

I love how it begins with one imaginary girl's belief, links to a site for English speaking parents in Japan, and somehow concludes with "according to the Japanese" as a whole.

*starts the slow clap*

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
It's amazing how anti-lulzy that is. And how blatantly fake it sounds.

So now proofz don't come from the maker, but imaginary Japanese girls. :awesomonster:

Edit: This is for null's post. LOL
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Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
True: she also dated, married, had a horrific hybrid baby and turned into a member of the undead for her stalker.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
The only difference is that no one here cares about Twilight spoilers because no one here likes it :monster:

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
If anyone here bitches about being spoiled for Twilight, the AIDS of all literature, I think I'd sink my rabidly Twilight-hating teeth into their e-butt. :awesome:

Bella is either unquestionably devoted or really stupid. I'm going with the latter.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
If anyone here complained about Twilight spoilers they'd probably be banned for caring enough about Twilight to complain about being spoiled for it :awesomonster:


Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
You don't know that Aaron. They could be waiting.. lurking... anticipating the moment to strike... That was the statement they've been waiting for. YOU'VE UNLEASHED THE SEVEN CIRCLES OF HELL UPON US.

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
The thing about the hybrid hell spawn was but yeah anyone who didn't see the marriage/vampirism coming is pretty god damned retarded.

Actually, I knew they were going to have a spawn. Just not a hybrid hell spawn. I even thought 'Oh Bella's so getting pregnant by the 2nd book'. :awesome:

Predictable series is predictable. :monster:

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Actually, I knew they were going to have a spawn. Just not a hybrid hell spawn. I even thought 'Oh Bella's so getting pregnant by the 2nd book'. :awesome:

Predictable series is predictable. :monster:

Not that predictable, since it didn't happen until the fourth. Then again the fact that the author is Mormon should have made the long delay obvious.

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
Not that predictable, since it didn't happen until the fourth. Then again the fact that the author is Mormon should have made the long delay obvious.

Mormon? :huh:

I can't even believe it made four books. FOUR BOOKS!!!!! DDDX

You don't know that Aaron. They could be waiting.. lurking... anticipating the moment to strike... That was the statement they've been waiting for. YOU'VE UNLEASHED THE SEVEN CIRCLES OF HELL UPON US.

AMAGAD :aah:

My friends are scary Twilight fans. I always avoid bringing it up in case. They scare me with their fangirl rage. :awesome:
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