Faith v. 3.0 (Cloti Club)

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
LOL It's Aerith versus Edward now?

Aerith definitely PWNS him. I can't even believe we're comparing. :shifty:


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Aerith and Edward don't belong in the same universe.

Clerith!Aerith and Edward, on the other hand... :monster:

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
I do agree with you on that one. :awesomonster:

Poor Clerith!Aerith, raeped by fandom. Poor Edward, raeped by Meyer and fandom.

Edward Cullen is the new Gary Stu. XDDDDDD

But real Aerith can kick his shiny butt. :monster:


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Edward is a creepy stalker, I can't understand why so many women seem to find that attractive :monster:

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
Apparently it's because stalking is very romantic. I'm not a woman yet, so maybe I'll understand when I'm older. :monster: But it does make as much sense as how hot he is because he has the skintone of a marble, he sparkles under the sun, and that he feels cold like a corpse. :awesomonster:

His cold lips are ttly hot yknow :wacky:


Higher Further Faster
Well hopefully once those girls grow up and take a few English Lit. classes they will realize just how terrible those books really are. :monster:


Your Mom
One of my best friends is OBSESSED with Twilight and with Edward. She can't stop fantasizing about him. And she's 41. I like to tease her about her midlife crisis. :monster:


AI Researcher
Is ~dazzling~ a reference to something?

Being an arse to the heroine is a staple of classic romance.

Which is why I don't understand "Cloud isn't utterly worshipping the floor Tifa walks on/does jerky things to her, they can't be in love!!" thing. Read a book :monster:

I mean honestly, how can people not see the Clotiness of the Lifestream scene?
Just played that bit, and couldn't help thinking "this is a pretty heroine-ish thing to do, isn't it?"

And the Highwind scene, complete with 'Tifa......' instead of '......' :monster: The bit at the end when they walk off together to go fight Sephiroth looked heroine-ish to me as well.

Also, the surprising number of people who think Tifa is strong. You'd like Barret would know her better. But then again, Tifa was surprised at how weak she was without Cloud, so you can't blame Barret.

And that guy in Mideel say Cloud has a 'guardian god' instead of angel :monster:

But that's getting off the point. So I'll just leave it at this image expressing my frustrations:



Higher Further Faster
You know the books might not be half bad if Ms. Meyer would ditch Bella and Edward and focus on the back stories of the more minor characters instead of ignoring them.

Also if she wouldn't cop out on the climax.


Higher Further Faster
No pun not intended. XD

But yeah Twilight climax = fail. I wanted a damn epic vampire fight, but noooooooo
we get to see Bella attacked, then pass out, then wake up to everything being okay. wtf was that shit about?


low budget?
When I saw the trailer I thought it was a trailer a bunch of students put together for lolz

EDIT: Oh wait. You mean the book? LOL *hasn't read*


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
You know the books might not be half bad if Ms. Meyer would ditch Bella and Edward and focus on the back stories of the more minor characters instead of ignoring them.

Also if she wouldn't cop out on the climax.

No, they'd still suck, they just might not suck quite as much :monster:


Higher Further Faster
low budget?
When I saw the trailer I thought it was a trailer a bunch of students put together for lolz

EDIT: Oh wait. You mean the book? LOL *hasn't read*

lol Yes I mean the book. I haven't seen the movie. It isn't exactly high on my priority list.

No, they'd still suck, they just might not suck quite as much :monster:

Well at least it would still be a bit better...


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
I've heard the film is actually worse than the book, if that's possible :monster:


AI Researcher
What is this, the Twilight topic?

I've read about two chapter of the first one. From a pirated file, since I don't think I'd feel right putting money into this woman's pocket :monster:


Higher Further Faster
I borrowed a copy from a friend. She reads everything and bought the book on sale or something just to see what it is like. Only reason why she bothered reading the rest is because someone else she knows bought them. She says that it's not something she would invest money in. Also, it took her a long time to read each book, and hasn't bothered to finish the fourth one, which is really something coming from her. She's the type to read really huge thick novels in the span of a couple days.


AI Researcher
It's taken me over 3 months to read just 2 chapters :monster: I'm a rather slow reader anyway, but with Twilight I just cba.

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
Well, considering some pinkers feel Aerith stalking Cloud's brain is cute and romantic. Remind you of anyone? Then there's also the emotional manipulation of Tifa all because she isn't Cloud's troo luv. It's like reading that awful book all over again. :awesome:
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