Faith v. 3.0 (Cloti Club)


Pro Adventurer
Dutch Dread
I have never apologized for that post, AFAIK. Other people did. I stand by it. Even the Ted Koppel image. Especially the Ted Koppel Image.

2010 is the elder days of the internet? Oh my sweet summer child...

A lot of C/T people are content to enjoy it, but there is a very vocal C/A minority that have to make themselves known and assert the pairing as true.
Could be that you didn't, I had some confusion I think concerning who wrote it, I just know that somewhere, someone said something about how they shouldn't have said that and that it angered a lot of people or something, which I found to be silly.

Perhaps elder days is a bit much, especially since I was already in the third year of university in 2010 XD, but still, I feel like back then people were more spread out over numerous small sites and communities, where these days we have more larger monopolies, youtube didn't get started untill 2007 I think.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Yeah, she is. I think someone here (Quexinos, maybe?) confirmed it a while ago. Didn't you recognize the tone?

I'm working from pure memory here, but I'm fairly certain BB is Anastar.

There are a few people with a very similar tone, so I just wanted to get my ducks all in a row.


Pro Adventurer
I've seen that poll, but then strangely enough, when I went into the comment sections (for that poll I think), it seemed to be overwhelmingly pro-clerith, which again made me wonder if there is some sort of difference in the type of people who ship each pairing. Is Cloti perhaps numerous enough to vote, but not interested enough to send tweets? who knows.
A lot of C/T people are content to enjoy it, but there is a very vocal C/A minority that have to make themselves known and assert the pairing as true.

Basically what Ryu said. Because CT fans are the vast majority, most of them don't feel the need to assert their ship over any others. CT is the easiest ship to get to if you just follow the story as laid out in the OG and Compilation. A lot of CA fans are also just content to enjoy their ship, but a small group are extremely vocal because they feel the need to declare themselves better/more canon than CT.

Master Bates

Do you enjoy your life?
Mr. Koiwai
There are a few people with a very similar tone, so I just wanted to get my ducks all in a row.

Well... you have a point there lol. Still, I'm about 70%-80% sure she is and I could do some digging up, but nah... that's too much work and I can't be arsed right now.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Well... you have a point there lol. Still, I'm about 70%-80% sure she is and I could do some digging up, but nah... that's too much work and I can't be arsed right now.

Thing is Anastar made an account here for a time as well, and BB reminds me a lot more of Cali than Ana.

Master Bates

Do you enjoy your life?
Mr. Koiwai
Thing is Anastar made an account here for a time as well, and BB reminds me a lot more of Cali than Ana.

Then it's entirely possible I've mixed them up and you may be correct. It's been so long. Although I don't think it was ever pointed out that Cali joined TLS. Ana and Shroudy, I'm sure of.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Then it's entirely possible I've mixed them up and you may be correct. It's been so long. Although I don't think it was ever pointed out that Cali joined TLS. Ana and Shroudy, I'm sure of.

Not only did she join TLS, I had to ban several of her sock accounts back when I was staff. He legit account is still unbanned, though, AFAIK

Master Bates

Do you enjoy your life?
Mr. Koiwai
Not only did she join TLS, I had to ban several of her sock accounts back when I was staff. He legit account is still unbanned, though, AFAIK

Oh wow, I never even knew. All these time I thought Cali never bothered to join TLS because she seemed to really hate us here (even more so than Ana and Shroudy, who at least tried to be civil). It feels like my whole TLS life is a lie. lol


I must say, I don't need a conclusion, as in more than we already have (which comes pretty near to a conclusion). I love that the Remake still honors the LTD, despite CC and ACC. They could've just abandoned it altogether, but they chose not to, because the Clerith relationship has too much meaning for the game. It's only for this strong bond and his feelings, that Cloud is able to move forward. Aerith's death wouldn't have as much meaning, the whole development and tragedy of the story wouldn't be as deep. Cloud develops feelings for Aerith, as much as he does for Tifa (just different). That's the whole tragedy. They mellowed it down for the Remake, but I'm sure some kind of emotional impact will follow in the second game.

I like Aerith, I love her as a character. But ultimately, she doesn't belong with Cloud. Cloud and Tifa belong together and she knows it. She also knows that she has no future, she knows that Zack died (at least before the AT) and that she will follow him (unless they both live).

Why do we have to wait so long?? :'(

(And I'm glad I was never part of any shipping wars. :joy:)


Fire and Blood
Even when I first played the game in '97, I was never an Aerith fan. I found her annoying back, just like I do now. When I was playing she was the least developed party member and when she was killed, I was grateful that I didn't have a "ribbon" or any important gear on her to begin with

Lol are you me? When I was forced to have Aerith in my team "nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" could be heard cause I did not level her at all lol and I hated playing her. I know that if you played her well she was a super asset in your team, it was just not my play style, so I never missed her. Also I couldn't stand her over the top flirtiness and basically locked her out lol. For maximum fun I had Cloud-Tifa-Vincent because two of them had such random limits that could or could not work (I guess me being a tabletop rpg player showed most haha). But I must say I like her way better in this Remake, and I hope I will continue to do so in the next installment, in order to feel the whole loss thing? I was just glad when she died the first time around, so I missed that feeling haha.

Also, I think most people are just casual when it comes to pairings, especially in video games. Watching a French guy whom I did not expect to play Remake (he's a youtuber first and foremost, and criticises old horrible video games while poking fun at them), he's so much into Tifa lol, yet he makes fun at everyone, Cloud and Tifa included (it's his style of comments tho). But typically, he's not the kind of person who will argue about the LTD or whatnot, he doesn't care to go to that level, and I think most people are like this, they just want to enjoy their favourite characters/pairings without all the arguing that can stem from a LTD. Even us here (the old ones) have mellowed a lot over the years.


Pro Adventurer
@odekopeko and @Graymouse thanks for the translations <3

I've seen that poll, but then strangely enough, when I went into the comment sections (for that poll I think), it seemed to be overwhelmingly pro-clerith, which again made me wonder if there is some sort of difference in the type of people who ship each pairing. Is Cloti perhaps numerous enough to vote, but not interested enough to send tweets? who knows.

To further add what Ryu and Minami said, a few of these people in the comment section are quite known for being loud like this in comment sections, so if you're a little bit active in the FFVII twitter fandom you prob came across some of them at some point ( or they came across YOU which is worst), so most people are probably fully aware that there's no point in engaging in a discussion with them, really.


Pro Adventurer
I feel like a huge part of why I'm so invested in the LTD when normally I'm a "ship and let ship" kind of person is because of what happened when I entered the fandom. I watched AC first and was so in love with the characters the world that I went online to learn more about it.

The first forum I found was very pro-clerith and when I mentioned I thought the AC family was cute I just got slammed by pages of angry Cleriths telling me that Cloud and Tifa weren't a couple, and Denzel was a Clerith child and Cloud just wanted to be with Aerith and the entire OG game (and AC) was just a tragic love story for Cloud and Aerith, plus a good helping of "Tifa is a slut and an NPC". I was sad but at that age I didn't think critically very well, so I just accepted that Clerith was canon, I mean they had pages of quotes to back them up! I still loved Tifa though, so not all of their lies worked on me.

Imagine my surprise when a few years later I managed to play the OG and found it WASN'T even a love story, and looked into it again and found Cloti likely was canon. Since then I've been way too invested in the LTD because I feel angry that Clerith's used fake quotes and misleading information to misrepresent the entire story to a new fan just for their shipping purpose.


Lv. 25 Adventurer
Imagine my surprise when a few years later I managed to play the OG and found it WASN'T even a love story, and looked into it again and found Cloti likely was canon. Since then I've been way too invested in the LTD because I feel angry that Clerith's used fake quotes and misleading information to misrepresent the entire story to a new fan just for their shipping purpose.
I have the same experience with you. I started looking into FF7 when the AC was released. But that time, I really don't think Cloti are couple. I also feel very clueless about their relationship, because AC gave me the feeling that there was always a girl living in Cloud mind and made him and Tifa suffer, not be able to move on. I simply just felt Tifa was a badass sweetheart girl. That was the moment when I started liking Tifa. But I was not in this LTD probably because I was too small to get access to the internet.

Then CC released, afterwards I played OG. After OG, I developed the feeling that I really dislike AC after I saw Tifa was so dedicated to Cloud in OG so as the novel On the way to smile, which makes me a Cloti stan. I want Tifa has a real family! She deserves it, because other than death, what else has she not lost? I think OG is a good story because two girls serve different purpose of the main story line. Cloti is part of the main story to me, Tifa is resolved mainly around Cloud character development while Aerith is for the main story of the FF7 world. It just doesn't make sense to me that Clerith should be further developed. I mean you can prefer Clerith since most of people think they have complementary character which cloud be a perfect fit. But I think Clerith should not be served as part of the main story line, it just lows down Aerith as a great character.

ACC kind of makes me relieved a little bit but I still think it is still a depressing movie for a Cloti, I have mix feeling on it. Then I got noticed about this LTD, and I expressed the my feeling that I think after ACC they would be together and I could remember clearly there was a clerith fan, he literally told me Cloud and Tifa are exactly the same as Barret and Tifa relationship, they live together, take care of child, that's it. I was very annoyed, even nowadays, I can see people ship Barret x Tifa to disapprove Cloti so as to prove Clerith.

Sorry, I am not a native English speaker, please pardon me if I said sth not make sense.


Pro Adventurer
Guys, please don't hurt me. But it's been bugging me for a while now when I keep seeing it mentioned.

I saw AC on youtube somewhere a while ago. I then went and bought the blu ray from Amazon (is this even a legit version?), but it's still unsealed right now. Not sure I'll have time to get around to it yet. What is the actual difference between AC and ACC, and how does it affect the CxT pairing?



Pro Adventurer
It has been a long time since I saw AC (I own ACC) but from what I remember ACC adds a few scenes that are pro-Cloti (some overtly, some more subtle) and then lots of scenes that generally improve the overall story.

Marlene and Cloud have a cute chat where Cloud says something similar too "you, Denzel and Tifa have always looked after me, now it is my turn."

Cloud saves Tifa (and Denzel) during the Bahamut attack

We get some of Denezel's backstory and the line "Tifa says to bring you home kid"

There are medical textbooks on Cloud's desk to show he was looking for a cure for Denzel

Possible added Zerith: After credits scene where the buster sword is moved to Aerith's church, and flowers are planted on Zack's grave

This isn't Cloti, but we get more Zack, which is always a plus!


Pro Adventurer
Ah, okay. I understand now. Appreciate the clarification. Yeah, the scenes @RhinoKart mentioned are definitely not in the version I saw. I think I need to watch this version soon.


Pro Adventurer
I agree, I watched AC years ago and only recently watched ACC in its entirety after completing the remake. It feels like an different film and a superior one at that. Maybe not a popular opinion but as an OG fan since original release of the game I was a little underwhelmed by the original AC itself although I loved that we found out more about what happened to the main characters (that 500 years later ending was a cop out in my opinion).
I have always been a CLOTI fan and even an active LTD debater back in the day but the release of AC, On the Way to A Smile and subsequent components of the compilation ended any notion of there being a true “debate”
I mean if Tifa is the woman he’s sharing a bed with, raising two kids with, then goes home to after the battle is won, he’s cured of terminal illness and his depressive episode is in remission; what more is there to argue about? I mean the alternative explanation really reflects poorly on the type of man Cloud is fictional or not.
Then came the remake.... I’m basically over the moon about the CLOTI treats we receive in this game. It’s finally setting the record straight and validation after 23 years.


Fire and Blood
Yeah, it does wonder to Cloud's characterisation, which made me hate AC so hard. ACC it heaps better just for that. IMHO the fact that Cloud was unrecognisable in AC really had to have them reconsider and add scenes, because fans loathed it so much.

Ah, I also forgot, but the French dude I watch play absolutely LOVED the moment where Tifa showed Cloud his room. He spent time going "OMG IT'S TOO CUTE!!" in front of the appartment, going on "It's Japanese style appartment, you know, like in anime, students often have rooms in those!"... and I immediately thought about Nojima and how he wanted to elicit this kind of reaction lmao.


Pro Adventurer
Guys, please don't hurt me. But it's been bugging me for a while now when I keep seeing it mentioned.

I saw AC on youtube somewhere a while ago. I then went and bought the blu ray from Amazon (is this even a legit version?), but it's still unsealed right now. Not sure I'll have time to get around to it yet. What is the actual difference between AC and ACC, and how does it affect the CxT pairing?

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I feel like it helps the Cloud x Tifa pairing more than anything else.
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