SPOILERS FFVII:R Chapter 14 Spoiler Discussion


Pro Adventurer
Oh yeah, I think it's definitely just Shinra propaganda. Doesn't change the fact that Barret gets really mad when Avalanche gets accused of being the puppet of a foreign power (specifically Wutai). Now, I assume he's more upset about being called a puppet, but I still think he's going to have a reaction to Wutai-related things--at least at first.

Via Purifico

Pro Adventurer
during the resolutions, I've obviously heard which is canon because "it shows up in the credits", but unless I mandala'd over this I swear I saw the others too.
Anyway, what if they're all canon? They happen on the same night, but why do they have to happen at the same time?

First: Barret and Cloud chat and it concludes when they go to sleep.

Second: Aerith's dream

Third: Tifa.

Because watching it just now, I was struck by the fact Cloud woke up and looked at Barret, like he expected him gone, and this sounds like the sneaky stuff Square would pull to "keep things balanced".


Fire and Blood
Since there is a trophy for it (seeing all 3 scenes), I think it could be thought that way. IMHO the 3 scenes are phenomenal and add each to the game: Cloud and Barret add depth to their relationship, Cloud and Tifa gives the Nibelheim angle that you get nowhere else in the game, Cloud and Aerrith gives you the hint that Aerith knows probably about her future death.

Plus, while I was thinking the same about the canon thing, Cloud wears two different dresses in the ending lol, so there's that.


Pro Adventurer
Since there is a trophy for it (seeing all 3 scenes), I think it could be thought that way. IMHO the 3 scenes are phenomenal and add each to the game: Cloud and Barret add depth to their relationship, Cloud and Tifa gives the Nibelheim angle that you get nowhere else in the game, Cloud and Aerrith gives you the hint that Aerith knows probably about her future death.

Plus, while I was thinking the same about the canon thing, Cloud wears two different dresses in the ending lol, so there's that.
What trophy? I'm not seeing it on the list.


Pro Adventurer
The feature in the credits is worth noting at least, just as whichever is easier to get (if any) is worth noting. Regardless if you're looking for canonicity among the optional scenes, I would put significantly more stock in what the Ultimania and Kitase/Nomura/Nojima have to say about it.


Fire and Blood
I do think that if only one scene gets picked it'll be the Aerith one because it moves the plot while the Tifa one only gives a context and the Barret one is maybe the most optional one but gives a lot of depth to Barret. So I feel people are going to fight over this for years, but I wouldn't, personally. All three scenes are supposed to be seen anyway, given the log.


Pro Adventurer
Can confirm that there are other factors besides side quests, the flower/drink, and who you pick in the Sewers.

How much? => Complete all CH3 quests => Something Hard => Not happening to Jessie=> Complete all CH8 quests => Great fighter => Back off => It's alright => Aerith in Sewers=
Tifa Scene

Adding to what else is known:

How much => Something hard => completed all CH3 quests => Not happening to Jessie => completed all CH8 quests => She's in great shape => No thanks => It matter what I think? => Refuse mystery drink => Tifa in Sewers = Tifa scene

How much => Something hard => don't do CH3 quests => Great shape => It matter what I think? => Tifa in Sewers = Aerith scene

EDIT: Actually, I can't confirm the text that has the strikethrough. I used a streamer's play through for those choices, but they kept dying to Abzu and cutting out the scene before it. So in hindsight they could have alternated between the two girls in the sewer choice...whoops, dopey me.
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Via Purifico

Pro Adventurer
The feature in the credits is worth noting at least, just as whichever is easier to get (if any) is worth noting. Regardless if you're looking for canonicity among the optional scenes, I would put significantly more stock in what the Ultimania and Kitase/Nomura/Nojima have to say about it.
what do they say about it? I don't keep up with all the other stuff


Great Old One
Long chapter is loooooooooooooong

Cross-map sidequesting! I was having problems navigating the maps at first, lol. I don't think they're very intuitive (clicking back and forth on the map is kinda confusing and information is sort of small when it should have been bigger and too big where it should have been small?) and so pair that with the lost Chocobos map and I had to think for a second until I knew what they were getting at. (Boyfriend and I had to have a serious conversation about the Midgar layout in order to fully understand the combination mako reactor number and sector number, and I don't think you should have to understand it, I never had to in the original.) The maps are not the most intuitive imo, could have used some more colour use - they can't be universally designed for shit. (The fact that I was hung over probably didn't help :P) Then I mistook Miss Orphanage's quest for another kids fetch quest; didn't realise until the Corneo stash quest that it was actually a fight-the-monster quest. At that point I was getting tired of figuring out everything for myself, and since I know chapter 15 is a point of no return chapter, I just decided to start looking things up. So I knew I had to continue with story to get back into the sewers (boyfriend had to remind me what follows the sewers is the Train Graveyard chapter, I think I wiped that thing completely from memory lol) but the thing is, I had a distinct memory of a closed door and thought that was Don Corneo's stash, but turns out that's just a regular door you open with the other key. (?) Anyway... doesn't matter, I found the stash and would have figured out how to drain the water if I hadn't already read it.

That Leslie character looked completely out of place to me. People complaining about Chadley; to me this dude is worse. He's straight out of XV. I later learned he's already a compilation character which I guess helps a little, plus he's a likeable character, but still. My immediate thought was 'Noctis left one of his bros in the VII Remake' X)

I did pretty much everything there is to do. I liked Bahamut Type 0 or what his name was, that was a fun fight.

The last things I did was Betty's music quest and almost all of the Colosseum battles. Couldn't be arsed with two of them. Oh, and beating Andrea in pull-ups - but at that point I was so tired I decided to leave it at that. I started playing the start of chapter 15, which so far is a copy of XIII's Leviathan chapter, but more about that in the chapter 15 thread I guess.

Oh and I got the Tifa scene.


As expected I got the Tifa scene (through actively being nice to all Aerith, Jessie, Tifa, and trying to get the best possible results for all of them from what I know about the game, and doing the supposed maximum Wall Market experience (including getting Aerith's potent Arcane Sceptre, I was basically following a guide telling me what to do so I could get this weapon), and going with the most cutscene rich choice in the sewers (Tifa), I did the save/reload thing and yeah Aerith is basically just like got to go, move your ass, while Tifa's offers something for Cloud/Tifa, Cloud/Aerith (she'll understand), and Aerith/Tifa, for Cloud/Aerith/Tifa team as a whole really, supplementing the bonding they did in the run up to that point. My take anyway.


Fire and Blood
I think the scene in the sewers is the one that decides which scene you get if you are nice to all the girls. I wonder if replying "she's in great shape" to Sam actually makes you lose points with Aerith? Given her reaction.

Oh that reminds me a friend gave me a link for the dresses in French, I'm going to check if they have hints for Cloud's!


Fire and Blood
I've felt like who you pick in the sewers decides everything, lol

(but clearly there's a way to get the Barret scene, so there much be something else)

I really feel we ought to make a compiling thread for the dresses and the (non-) romance scenes. To have Barret you have to tell Aerith you don't want the flower, refuse Tifa's drink, do no side quest for the girls' dresses. So he may be the easier and the hardest to get, because really who doesn't want frilly dresses lol?


By the way left to my own devices I was going to pick ".... No, no, thank you" for the hotel option to which Aerith replies "buut you thought about it right?" it seemed like the safest option, one that might boost Aerith a little but not significantly dent Tifa. I think "How much" might have actually ticked Aerith off though it was hard to tell from her body language and the huge sh*t eating grin on her face but her "Cloud!" does seem like she might have been scolding him or something. Ultimately I went with "How much" because that's what the guide told me I had to do to get Sam's quests which would also get me the Aerith weapon in the end.

Play by play steps taken by me -

"How much" > "Something hard" > "Complete all Chapter 3 quests" > "Something mature" > Got Biker Boy trophy/best Jessie result > "No promises" > Complete all Chapter 8 quests > "Yeah" to Johnny > "she's in great shape/Tifa" "How much"/stayed at hotel" > "Luxury Course at Madam M's" > "It's alright/Aerith's outfit" > got Sam's quests > red/blue dresses for Aerith and Tifa > got Dancing Queen trophy/Aerith loved the dance

I think "Luxury Course" might have also ticked Aerith off ("Cloud …") but again I thought I had to do it for Sam's quests.

Yeah I agree with sewers as the determining factor and as I mentioned in another thread the game showed a close up of first Aerith then Tifa and it was also brought to my attention that just before you regain control of Cloud his body is faced in Aerith's direction so maybe I was supposed to pick Aerith there it's just ... the scene. Maybe it's a "Lost in translation" thing and there's more to picking to picking Aerith in other languages or something.

I am doing sidequests. I have over 55 hrs on the clock now. I accidentally stumbled upon "way of the sharpshooter III" for Barret which was a reward for competing Betty's quest. I got stuck on pulls ups with Andrea before I called it quits and went to sleep for the night.
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