SPOILERS FFVII:R Chapter 14 Spoiler Discussion


Pro Adventurer
I got the Tifa scene, and absolutely loved it. Like, this is the only time in anything FF7 that we see Cloud and Tifa actually embrace each other as far as I recall. And it's so well done, with Tifa breaking down over losing yet another home, and Cloud being surprised by her vulnerability in his current sort of cold, Ex-Soldier-tough-guy, state. It's almost like his awkwardness with high-fiving Aerith before. But the weight of her emotion affects him - this person that is the only person he has an actual history with (even though his memory of what that all entails is incomplete). Then that moment where his hands move up and he finally hugs her. It's hard to tell if Cloud hugs her so hard it ends up hurting her is because he got really emotional too, or if he is just trying to comfort her and his Soldier strength is just too much. But he does a pretty good job of restraining his strength at other points, so my guess is Cloud at least at least felt a lot of sympathy for her, coupled with their childhood connection, and squeezed too hard. It will be interesting to see how Cloud's attitude towards Tifa changes in the Remake when we finally see the "real" Cloud.

All in all, just a really powerful scene, especially if you are like me and always adored Cloud and Tifa's relationship.

Jimmy XH

Pro Adventurer
For those of you who went through the pull-up pain, what score did you eventually get? I finally managed to put two good rounds together and beat him with a 45.

So infuriating, regardless of how far you were ahead. On one occasion I ended the first round on 24 with him on 17 and I completely lost the plot, fell twice, ended up on 31 whilst he got to his standard 44. Controller-throwingly annoying!

Besides that though, I’m enjoying being a little more thorough second time around. I’m not a completionist by any stretch, but I don’t like missing things that could potentially be useful or interesting stuff. I think I was definitely in a rush to power through the story, so going down each alleyway in Wall Market to fetch the things that were blocked in Chapter 9 was a priority!

These things didn’t feel excessively drawn out or padded to me. Sure there were some frustrating moments (I couldn’t get the music one for ages, even though it’s quite straightforward) but the whole fetch stuff, get stuff mechanic is a well-trodden thing these days, and it’s a bit more of a challenge than say RDR or GTA because each step isn’t literally spelled out on the screen.

Besides, any opportunity to do more exploration of these environments is a good thing as far as I’m concerned. If only they’d fix those textures...!


Kaiju Member
I was able to beat up to the second level of difficulty for the pull-ups, still haven’t beaten the third level of difficulty though.

Jimmy XH

Pro Adventurer
The best case scenerio is for Jules to fall really early in the first round, he finishes with about 41 in that case.

It seemed to me the earlier he fell, the more time he had to build up momentum and get his silly scores. If he fell around the 6/7 mark then he'd never quite get back to full pelt.

I might be wrong though, my memory is a mess after all that. Way worse than trying to get a 6 dart 301.


Ninja Potato
The thing that kept screwing me up in the second round is that my muscle memory for the button pattern would revert back to the first phase and I would get confused and mess up. In the attempt I finally beat him in, I took a break between rounds so I would forget what the pattern was and be able to adjust to the new one easier.


Pro Adventurer
I finally beat Jules last night with a meager 44 to 43. Literally all I could think after that was I NEVER HAVE TO DO THIS AGAIN!

I ultimately had to mute the TV. I also threw on two maxed Luck Up materia just for the hell of it. I don't know if it actually did anything, but that round was the one and only time Jules fell at the very end of the second round rather than in the beginning so I actually had a chance to pass him.


Got the Barrett resolution this time. I like it, the chat about the quarter master, and Finn, and Al. Why didn't we get to meet other Avalanche members? I look forward to this possibility in future games. Think I'm going to finish this Chapter so I'll have fourteen chapters completed on Hard then think about what I'm going to do about the final resolution and dresses.


Double Growth
Got the Barrett resolution this time. I like it, the chat about the quarter master, and Finn, and Al. Why didn't we get to meet other Avalanche members? I look forward to this possibility in future games. Think I'm going to finish this Chapter so I'll have fourteen chapters completed on Hard then think about what I'm going to do about the final resolution and dresses.

I can't figure out if we're supposed to think they died in the plate drop. It sounded to me like they are for most of his monologue, but then he says he'll introduce Cloud to them, so I guessed not. But then he says that "they'll be fine" like he's trying to reassure himself. But if so you would think he'd mention them earlier when you're looking for survivors...but then what's the "they'll be fine" line about?


I feel like one of the named npcs from the sidequests d*ed falling from the Sector 7 tower, that could just be a similar npc model though. Felt like I saw that guy somewhere before though.

Well I beat chapter 14 again, that was intense, I kept getting turned into a toad, running into physically resistant enemies, and burning through MPs, just sewer shenanigans. The boss was relatively easy though compared to the ones in the rest of the game beforehand.

I like Leslie. I feel like the game did Don Corneo very well, this man is brutal, he's ruthless and competent. I think this along with other things goes towards justify Aerith standing up so firmly to Cloud about going after/saving Tifa.


Pro Adventurer
Does someone know how many sidequests do we have in this chapter? I feel like I miss something here... D:

In my first playthrough, I was able to get a quest from an elder asking for something related to his dead wife? (not sure actually?!) and also someone asking me to look for a few people from Sector 7 that were lost?! (which I think are the gloomy people with a green mark! above their heads in the wall market), but I just can find the guy who asked me this the first time around?


AI Researcher
In my first playthrough, I was able to get a quest from an elder asking for something related to his dead wife? (not sure actually?!)
near the weapon shops in sector 5? he wants you to go visit his wife's grave for him in the scrap area just outside sector 5?


Pro Adventurer
Yup, should be around 9 sidequests for Chapter 14.
  1. Chocobo Search
  2. Corneo's Secret Stash
  3. Malicious Goons
  4. Missing Children
  5. The Power of Music
  6. Secret Medicine
  7. Subterranean Menace
  8. Tomboy Bandit
  9. Wavering Heart
I believe were the ones I found and completed in this chapter.
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