SPOILERS FFVII:R Chapter 17 Spoiler Discussion

Who would've guessed! Just now I defeated him! :D

Thanks ya'll for the tips! This was literally the worst and most stressful fight in the entire game for me! Glad that's over now! :faint:

Now the last Chapter really starts... but I'll have to leave that for tomorrow! After that I'll finally be able to join all the discussions and spoiler threads! Halleluja!

Same for me. I had to fight the damn thing three times - on EASY MODE! Nothing else in this game gave me anything like as much trouble. Even the tonberries only game-overed me once.

At least I never have to fight it again.

Tseng + Rufus 4 ever.


Pro Adventurer
I beat the Motorball on my third attempt in Normal mode, it was definitely challenging for me, but it only toed the line of “poor design” induced challenge for me, it never quite crossed it IMO.

Honestly third time for Motorball sounds pretty great. I think it took me 9 or so attempts (I lost count at one point) before I managed it. Turns out playing on a tiny TV where you can't read the controls makes things difficult. I had no idea how to break on my first few attempts.


Pro Adventurer
Whaa...? I beat Motorball on my first try on Normal :neo:
To be fair I managed by the skin of my teeth (was probably 2 hits away from a Game Over).
Still, I'm just puzzled that it has given folks so much trouble.

I did pretty well with every other boss in the game, but Motorball was just beyond me. Managed it on my first try on my next play of the game at least.


Pro Adventurer
The Motorball fight is all bout have the patience of waiting for the right time to throw your hits (which I don't ) so I HATED it! :@ How I managed to beat it in my first try is beyond me tho..luck I guess!

When I come to the difficulty to me it was Rufus....like I had such a hard time beating him, like a REALLY hard time (and then I watched Max killing it with a single limit break....:wallbanger:)
One thing Ch17 did especially right was the super-quick respawn time of the Unknown Entity foes at the beginning. You can fight these foes, go heal up at the bench, then come right back and they will have respawned (or be just a few seconds away from respawning).

Did so much grinding here and in particular for Aerith since she had so much to catch up on in terms of abilities and EXP. It was great to, after so much time, finally be able to grind away at an easy speed.


Lv. 25 Adventurer
The Rufus battle is among one of my favorites in Remake. From the cool quips to the amazing gunplay. Just a well done battle with great teamwork from Darkstar. He was only a generic shotgun user in the OG, but he's actually moving like an Anime antagonist this time around. I was able to bring him down pretty quickly once I caught him with the Ascension, though that didn't change my mind at all about the awesomeness of the fight. Personality, appearance, and fighting style is on point.

Btw, not sure if this was answered, but...what happened to Darkstar? He seems to vanish after Rufus stops him from attacking.


Lv. 25 Adventurer
Darkstar receded into the dark starry sky of plot inconvenience. Hoping we will see her again tho.

Yeah, I hope to see Darkstar again as well. The whole link between them was well thought out and cool.

I started a new playthrough of the OG just to see how the characters were portrayed compared to now. Despite giving his speech about controlling the world with fear, Rufus seemed pretty surprised that Cloud wanted to fight him. He even says it's too bad that they'll never become friends. In Remake, Rufus was pretty much looking forward to taking on Cloud the moment he stepped out of the helicopter. Nothing groundbreaking, but it's another change I'm happy with.

Keveh Kins

Pun Enthusiast
I've just completed the Drum.

I see what a lot of people mean when they say the end chapters felt like a lot of padding.

That said, I really liked the atmosphere of the dungeon, the resemblance to the reactor at Nibelheim with the pods. Also loved the whole Resident Evil vibe to the wards and the monsters therein.

I really don't get why Sephiroth had to appear at the start of this, didn't care for it. Would have preferred if Cloud just lost it at the sight of Jenova and fell off the platform or something, but it's not a huge deal.

But yeah, this was a dungeon that exists mostly to pad the game out. Not great for story but a pretty enjoyable gameplay experience with some nice character moments.

Wedge should still be dead though. Fuck that.


Ninja Potato
The drum just overstays its welcome I think. It's just fighting and similar looking rooms and hallways, without any interesting set pieces until the end. It would have been improved by 1000% if Hojo was mocking you and goading you on over the PA system the entire time like Eggman does in that one level in SA2.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
The drum just overstays its welcome I think. It's just fighting and similar looking rooms and hallways, without any interesting set pieces until the end. It would have been improved by 1000% if Hojo was mocking you and goading you on over the PA system the entire time like Eggman does in that one level in SA2.
A la Ardyn in FFXV's Chapter 13?
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