
Author of FFVII: Lifestream & FFVII: Reflections
Well, we did get new glimpses of parts of the game we've already seen some of, including scenes from the earliest trailers redone, so that was nice. Barret ranting on the elevator was classic, and the look Cloud and Jessie exchanged was funny, too. Cloud must've been thinking like, "Seriously?" And she's going, "I know... he does this all the time..." Aerith tucking the flower on his shirt was a nice touch, though I wonder what happens if you don't buy one - or if you're even given the option. Tifa is lovely as always, and I liked Cloud's dialogue about him sticking around to help her since she's in a tight spot. It shows he does care despite the way he tries to come across.

And rag on me if you want, but I love the fact that the first time we get to see Cloud give even a hint of a smile, it's at Jessie. :D
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Author of FFVII: Lifestream & FFVII: Reflections
I mean the trailer was announced to be about Cloud. I wouldn't have expected such a trailer to involve any reveals of new characters

True, but doesn't it bother you that one of the main playable characters from this part of the game - Red XIII - hasn't even been mentioned in all this time, let alone shown? And the release date is less than 3 months away now.


Pro Adventurer
True, but doesn't it bother you that one of the main playable characters from this part of the game - Red XIII - hasn't even been mentioned in all this time, let alone shown? And the release date is less than 3 months away now.
Not really. The goal of marketing isn't to reveal main elements from a game, it's to make people buy it. Death Stranding hid the entire gameplay loop until two months before launch and that did all right.

I really enjoyed this trailer, and that was just 90 seconds of Cloud being a cocky asshole. I can't wait for him to be a cocky asshole for tens of hours!


Author of FFVII: Lifestream & FFVII: Reflections
Not really. The goal of marketing isn't to reveal main elements from a game, it's to make people buy it. Death Stranding hid the entire gameplay loop until two months before launch and that did all right.

I really enjoyed this trailer, and that was just 90 seconds of Cloud being a cocky asshole. I can't wait for him to be a cocky asshole for tens of hours!

Except that one of the main playable characters of the game hasn't even been officially mentioned yet, not a hint said or shown of him. They haven't confirmed that he'll even be in this part, and I should think they would show all the playable characters by the time of the game's launch. Considering how they treated Red in the Compilation, I'd have thought you'd want a bit more reassurance that the same thing isn't being done to him here.
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