
Rookie Adventurer
Dude, no way, I'm BarretBoy! That's kickass that you enjoyed our silly wee comics enough to have saved them - I still talk to ArmouredHamster on the regular, I reckon he might still have the source files for 'em as well as the parody animation he did for the AC Complete trailer!



  • BarretBoy & Armoured Hamster's Final Fantasy Comics.zip
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Pictures and schedules released for the FFVIIRemake x Tokyo Sky Tree event. Unique merchandise sold at the event. Cloud, Aerith, Barret and Tifa get character-inspired drinks.

Google translate:
Tokyo Skytree Town will be held today (January 23, 2020) and for a limited time from February 6 to April 22, 2020. Tokyo Skytree and "FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE" (hereinafter FFVII REMAKE) The details of the collaboration event have been released.​

@LicoriceAllsorts and other Tseng fans may find some enjoyment in this new picture found among the merch.




Author of FFVII: Lifestream & FFVII: Reflections
What, no trio? Getting the shaft again, I see. Choco/Mog gets a spot, but not them? How lame is it that a fluffy summon gets more press (trailers excluded) than three characters combined? Even Roche, aka Mulletboy, has a hires profile render. Yet three of the first characters to be revealed for FFVIIR still don't have theirs. It took forever just for them to get a single HD screenshot each. For all of SE's talk about wanting to explore the trio more deeply, they haven't given them much attention in things like this (the Turks got in, but they didn't), nor have they given them what they've given virtually every other officially revealed character so far - the aforementioned hires profile renders. Anyone know when the next Famitsu issue comes out? Maybe we'll get something then, if SE actually remembers them for once. If only the playable characters got the renders, that would be one thing. But that's not what's happened. Literally every officially revealed character except for Jessie, Biggs, and Wedge now has a hires profile render. Why have they been left out? It doesn't make sense.


Double Growth
Because the Turks are iconic and hugely popular. Hardcore fans of the original Avalanche members is a way smaller group. So they're not going to be as marketable before the game even comes out.

They've gotten more attention in the trailers than the Turks did, relax.

Also, what are we even looking at? Are they buttons? I thought it was a decorative plate for a second :lol:


Author of FFVII: Lifestream & FFVII: Reflections
So? SE can grow the trio's popularity before launch by including them in stuff like this. I'd just like to see them get more attention outside the trailers than they currently have. The VII/Buster, Shinra logo, and Choco/Mog in this thing could have easily been replaced by the trio. Or they could have just added them to the the rest of the collection here, plus President Shinra to make it an even 16. Adding Roche, Heidegger, Ifrit, and Shiva would bring it to 20, which would have been a nice parallel to it being 2020. But I guess they didn't think of that.


Author of FFVII: Lifestream & FFVII: Reflections
Not sure why, though. Reno and Tseng are basically mass murderers since they activated the bomb to drop the plate onto the Sector 7 slums without a second thought.
I honestly couldn't tell you why. I just find them more interesting than any of the other characters except Tifa and Barret.
You can't know that they dropped the plate without a second thought. They might have done... or they might have anguished over it. One of the most popular sub-sub-genres in the subgenre of Turkfic is the 'plate drop' fic, in which authors explore Reno's state(s) of mind before, during and after his act of mass murder. It's not that these authors are trying to excuse the inexcusable. I think, in part, we're fascinated by the fact that we find these characters so alluring and are trying to figure out what their appeal is for us. But after all, James Bond spreads death and destruction everywhere he goes, and he's hugely popular, so...


Author of FFVII: Lifestream & FFVII: Reflections
Whether they did it without a second thought or not, they still did it. I guess I just don't understand the appeal of characters like that. I mean, except as being villians, which makes sense in that regard. It just seems odd to otherwise celebrate characters who would do things like that.


Author of FFVII: Lifestream & FFVII: Reflections
No, but the difference is, Avalanche wasn't out to kill people. And they set out to atone for their mistakes a lot sooner than the Turks ever did and in the case of the trio, even gave their lives to do it.

Erotic Materia

The trio will get more press than they can handle at launch--admittedly, that press will come from the plate.

(I couldn't resist, sorry)


Author of FFVII: Lifestream & FFVII: Reflections
Well, if what we've seen is any indication, they may die during the attack before the plate actually comes down this time. So they'll already be gone by that point. Which makes your joke a bit flat, Cannon. :mon:

*cymbal crash*

Anyway, I just wish SE would quit forgetting about them outside the trailers, is all. They're part of the game, too.


Pro Adventurer
Whether they did it without a second thought or not, they still did it. I guess I just don't understand the appeal of characters like that. I mean, except as being villians, which makes sense in that regard. It just seems odd to otherwise celebrate characters who would do things like that.

I totally agree, how could people find such vile and awful characters to be the least bit




Save your valediction (she/her)
Was just thinking about how cool he looks there, but then he goes and mucks it up by attacking a Mako-infused, SOLDIER-uniform-wearing greatsword wielder with a frontal attack, instead of slinking away and sending his mooks after them. You know, like a Turk from the OG might do.


Author of FFVII: Lifestream & FFVII: Reflections
I wonder if people would continue to fawn over him if it turns out he's the one that kills Jessie (shooting her from the chopper while she's trying to disarm the bomb, perhaps)? Hypothetical question, of course, since the game's not out yet and I don't know how much of the details of what happens were in the leaks. And please, no spoiling, directly or indirectly. I haven't seen them and I have no idea how it happens. All I know is what some guy on the GameFAQs boards was saying about a certain screenshot supposedly at the end of the leak which he didn't even bother to put in a spoiler tag. I haven't seen it, he just said what was supposedly in it. I don't know if it was really there or if he was just making it up or exaggerating because he was arguing with me a bit and trying to use that as some kind of counterpoint.


Double Growth
Was just thinking about how cool he looks there, but then he goes and mucks it up by attacking a Mako-infused, SOLDIER-uniform-wearing greatsword wielder with a frontal attack, instead of slinking away and sending his mooks after them. You know, like a Turk from the OG might do.

He fights 3 heavily-armed people, including the SOLDIER, multiple times in the OG, though.


Pro Adventurer
I wonder if people would continue to fawn over him if it turns out he's the one that kills Jessie (shooting her from the chopper while she's trying to disarm the bomb, perhaps)?

I mean, people like Sephiroth and look at who he kills. Hell, people even like Hojo! If it's an interesting character then they'll have fans who will fawn over them. And FFVII is full of interesting characters.


Pro Adventurer
Was just thinking about how cool he looks there, but then he goes and mucks it up by attacking a Mako-infused, SOLDIER-uniform-wearing greatsword wielder with a frontal attack, instead of slinking away and sending his mooks after them. You know, like a Turk from the OG might do.
That scene in the trailer is so cut up, he could send his mooks after them, and when they get ganked, he steps in (at lightning speed). Hence why he says "Now it's my turn."


Author of FFVII: Lifestream & FFVII: Reflections
True enough, Teioh, though it was different with Sephiroth in that when the game first came out, it wasn't known beforehand what would happen to Aerith. With Jessie, though, we do, just not how. And it would be having Reno (or maybe Tseng) with all the years of fandom behind them do something that they hadn't before. I'm just not sure what effect it would have, is all. But having one of them do it and kill your teammate and friend would certainly emphasize their supposed lethality much more directly than just the plate drop alone, I think.


That Silver-haired Lady
True enough, Teioh, though it was different with Sephiroth in that when the game first came out, it wasn't known beforehand what would happen to Aerith. With Jessie, though, we do, just not how. And it would be having Reno (or maybe Tseng) with all the years of fandom behind them do something that they hadn't before. I'm just not sure what effect it would have, is all. But having one of them do it and kill your teammate and friend would certainly emphasize their supposed lethality much more directly than just the plate drop alone, I think.
If it's indeed Reno who ends up killing her, there will be people who will despise him and people who will keep liking/loving him. This fandom is super huge and everyone has different tastes -I love, adore Sephiroth and there's people who doesn't like him at all- and that's completely okay. As for me, I wouldn't stop liking Reno if he does that, but then again, I doubt they will have him doing something like that. A whole fandom won't stop liking a character just because he or she ends up killing another one, that pretty much depends on people's bias.
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