The trio will get more press than they can handle at launch--admittedly, that press will come from the plate.
(I couldn't resist, sorry)
Username checks out.The trio will get more press than they can handle at launch--admittedly, that press will come from the plate.
(I couldn't resist, sorry)
Whether they did it without a second thought or not, they still did it. I guess I just don't understand the appeal of characters like that. I mean, except as being villians, which makes sense in that regard. It just seems odd to otherwise celebrate characters who would do things like that.
Was just thinking about how cool he looks there, but then he goes and mucks it up by attacking a Mako-infused, SOLDIER-uniform-wearing greatsword wielder with a frontal attack, instead of slinking away and sending his mooks after them. You know, like a Turk from the OG might do.
I wonder if people would continue to fawn over him if it turns out he's the one that kills Jessie (shooting her from the chopper while she's trying to disarm the bomb, perhaps)?
That scene in the trailer is so cut up, he could send his mooks after them, and when they get ganked, he steps in (at lightning speed). Hence why he says "Now it's my turn."Was just thinking about how cool he looks there, but then he goes and mucks it up by attacking a Mako-infused, SOLDIER-uniform-wearing greatsword wielder with a frontal attack, instead of slinking away and sending his mooks after them. You know, like a Turk from the OG might do.
If it's indeed Reno who ends up killing her, there will be people who will despise him and people who will keep liking/loving him. This fandom is super huge and everyone has different tastes -I love, adore Sephiroth and there's people who doesn't like him at all- and that's completely okay. As for me, I wouldn't stop liking Reno if he does that, but then again, I doubt they will have him doing something like that. A whole fandom won't stop liking a character just because he or she ends up killing another one, that pretty much depends on people's bias.True enough, Teioh, though it was different with Sephiroth in that when the game first came out, it wasn't known beforehand what would happen to Aerith. With Jessie, though, we do, just not how. And it would be having Reno (or maybe Tseng) with all the years of fandom behind them do something that they hadn't before. I'm just not sure what effect it would have, is all. But having one of them do it and kill your teammate and friend would certainly emphasize their supposed lethality much more directly than just the plate drop alone, I think.