SPOILERS FFVII Remake Frustration Expression Thread (*Open Spoilers*)


I mean "I don't mind them expanding on Avalanche" legit lmao. Quite frankly, I liked Jessie way more than Tifa in early game. Jessie has clear motivations and goals and you wanna root for her.

What I mean by giving Tifa room to breathe was that the early time we spend with her, and only her, should be the time to establish her character and really get a feel for her. Now granted, these were my initial impressions and they might change when I do my second playthrough, but I felt like I knew Jessie better than Tifa after a few hours which...didn't sit right with me. She feels really contradictory, tbh, and also feels way more outside of Avalanche than she did in the original. It's part of a bigger problem with the remake, imo, where the writers are being really wishy washy with the shades of grey when it comes to these characters, wanting them to be responsible for the acts of terrorism they commit but pulling back on how much is actually their 'fault'. When it comes to Tifa, something that's interesting about her character is that you wouldn't necessarily expect someone as kindhearted as her to take part in an organization like Avalanche. But you see her past, and you see that she and Barret share a similar anger and hatred towards Shinra that blinds them to the collateral damage they cause. I feel like remake!Tifa barely wants to be there, as if a bunch of people have just overstayed their welcome at her house and she's too nice to tell them she wants them to leave. Which just makes it feel weird when she's trying to get Cloud to stay and help them. In the OG, her motivation is very clear because she wants to keep Cloud close, so she keeps him at the hideout with the rest of the members, and she joins the mission with him early game. She's on board and she wants Cloud to be on board. Ok. Clear cut. Got it. Remake!Tifa wanting Cloud to work for Avalanche makes less sense when she barely feels like she wants to be there, like girl she could've just hired him as a bouncer for the bar and had more success tbh

I don't want it to feel like this is just a problem I have with Tifa though, I know I mentioned the Shrina building so I'm also going to point out that Barret not kicking president Shrina off the roof was the second dumbest fucking thing I had to witness. I literally hate writing thats like "we killed 50 grunts to get here but now that I am faced with the Big Bad I will take the moral highground" get this shit outta here malcolm reynolds wouldn't stand for this

lioraaaaaa I missed seeing you posting here again because I finished the game later :sadpanda:

anyways I stand by that I had an absolute fucking blast with this game, from start to finish

but the ending is still absolute garbage

and thats my contribution to the frustration thread :monster:

(also mostly wanna say hi liora ilu)


Author of FFVII: Lifestream & FFVII: Reflections
I thought he was referring to the LTD forum (as well as the LTD itself). Just didn't think Jessie'd be acknowledged as a legitimate option if she wasn't allowed to be discussed over there in terms of being with Cloud, but I don't know.

Master Bates

Do you enjoy your life?
Mr. Koiwai
I thought he was referring to the LTD forum (as well as the LTD itself). Just didn't think Jessie'd be acknowledged as a legitimate option if she wasn't allowed to be discussed over there in terms of being with Cloud, but I don't know.

It's an LTD subforum. The Remake and OG LTD are strictly limited to the main triangle to avoid it getting messier. The main LTD is already messy enough.


Author of FFVII: Lifestream & FFVII: Reflections
What I meant was that, with all the new content she got with him in the remake, is that still not enough for her to become a new established point in the triangle (or square, as it would become)? But what place were you referring to that would be better, Lic? Just a little confused, sorry.

Theoretically, what would happen with the remake LTD forum if
Jessie were to come back in Part 2 and be made into a viable official third option?

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
What I meant was that, with all the new content she got with him in the remake, is that still not enough for her to become a new established point in the triangle (or square, as it would become)? But what place were you referring to that would be better, Lic? Just a little confused, sorry.

Theoretically, what would happen with the remake LTD forum if
Jessie were to come back in Part 2 and be made into a viable official third option?

Probably would just have to rename the sub-forum "The Final Fantasy VII Love Square Debate." At that point, I'm sure the discussion around Jessie's relationship with Cloud compared to the other women would have gotten toxic enough to warrant containment in there as well.

So we've been living a lie all this time?!

Only if you haven't read "How this shitshow works; to be read before posting here." :wacky:
@ Jairus: I guess it would become the love square? The love rectangle? The love diamond? No, that would be bad, because somebody would have to be on the point furthest from Cloud. The love pyramid, then. The love cone.

Jairus, realistically, as opposed to in your best dreams, how likely do you think it is that Square Enix are going to keep Jessie alive and also make her a viable third option?

I'll tell you honestly, I don't even really understand why you want this. Right now you can have all the fun of shipping them to your heart's content, and sharing your shippiness with all the other Jessie/Cloud shippers, of which there are many, without being shackled to Square Enix's canon. Personally, I would HATE it if they made Rufus/Tseng canon (not that they ever would), because then I'd have to toe their canon line. I don't need their validation for my ship.

So, Tres, where do we discuss the really important shipping news?

Can we make a new thread and call it Andrea Rhodea's Love Lounge?
Odysseus said:
I kind of liked the idea of a horrifying shipping free-for-all thread though

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
I kind of liked the idea of a horrifying shipping free-for-all thread though

Shipping is in your heart, Ody. You can do it anywhere.

Why you mislead me? What will happen to Chairith now? :no::'(

Chairith is canon, so ...

I'll tell you honestly, I don't even really understand why you want this. Right now you can have all the fun of shipping them to your heart's content, and sharing your shippiness with all the other Jessie/Cloud shippers, of which there are many, without being shackled to Square Enix's canon. Personally, I would HATE it if they made Rufus/Tseng canon (not that they ever would), because then I'd have to toe their canon line. I don't need their validation for my ship.

Well, to be fair, you are unusual in that regard. Not saying that's a bad thing.

Lic said:
So, Tres, where do we discuss the really important shipping news?

Seeing as there never is any ... :wacky:

Maybe in the fan clubs area?


Author of FFVII: Lifestream & FFVII: Reflections
@ Jairus: I guess it would become the love square? The love rectangle? The love diamond? No, that would be bad, because somebody would have to be on the point furthest from Cloud. The love pyramid, then. The love cone.

Jairus, realistically, as opposed to in your best dreams, how likely do you think it is that Square Enix are going to keep Jessie alive and also make her a viable third option?

As I've pointed out before, she has the reasons (her parents as well as redemption/atonement for the bombings), the connections (Gold Saucer and Avalanche command), and now also the popularity within the fanbase for SE to let her return and give her the chance to make a journey outside Midgar, possibly even as a new playable character to shake up the classic roster and give a new angle to the journey. And because of her history not only with the Gold Saucer, but with the very play that's central to the classic date event, it would make perfect sense for her to be given a Gold Saucer date with Cloud as well, were she to come back. And adding her would also allow us to still have a choice of who Cloud favors even after Aerith is gone instead of making it seem like Tifa just happens to be the last woman standing.

The thing about being validated by canon is that people tend to respect and acknowledge it more if it is, I think. Clessie, for example, has been gaining a lot of popularity now because of the remake and all the wonderful interactions SE gave us between those two, when before it was practically unknown. But as she didn't have a Chapter 14 resolution (which she could have as a dream like Aerith's, to encourage him (in contrast to him encouraging the others in theirs) or playability (at least in Part 1), it still seems to come out as having gotten less than Cloti and Clerith, which everyone fawns over, and people don't seem to see it in the same way or on the same level.
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I understand the possibilities. I just wondered how likely you think it is that SE will actually do what you outline.

Why is it important to you that your ship is as popular as Cloti and Clerith, or indeed Clack? I'm asking from the viewpoint of someone whose ship will never, ever be popular.


Author of FFVII: Lifestream & FFVII: Reflections
I'm not actually sure how likely it is. I just know it's possible, is all. They did put her glove on the dresser for a specific reason, after all, surely knowing the reaction and speculation it would cause, just as they showed Biggs alive purposely to confuse people and make them uneasy (as per the Ultimania). If she were truly dead, there would be no reason to show the glove and knowingly encourage people to think she's alive, in my opinion. Also, the Whispers failed to keep Biggs locked to his OG fate of being dead (or it was undone with their defeat), so it stands to reason that the same could've happened with Jessie and Wedge and hopefully did.

As for your other question, I don't entirely know. I guess I'm just tired of everyone seemingly fawning over Cloti and Clerith all the time and them getting nearly all the attention. Although, judging from YouTube views, that does seem to be changing a bit. Clessie vids have actually gotten more than either of those, by my rough count. I posted the numbers in the Clessie thread recently but I can repost them here if you're interested.
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Master Bates

Do you enjoy your life?
Mr. Koiwai
Don't think anyone is really interested in getting external validation from youtube views for their ships.

Why are people obssessed with ships anyway? Can't even survive from a little cold interaction. Just look at the Titanic. Surely any sane person can see submarines are better.

What is already under water can no longer sink.


petition for Andrew Hussie to write remake part 2

let's get these go at these multiverse timelines fucking HARD
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