FFVII Remake: Intergrade Yuffie DLC Announced

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
No, he's definitely a villain. He may be a more reformed and/or planet-conscious villain, but until otherwise is conclusively shown, he is neutral at best.

Just because he wants to help "protect the Planet" doesn't mean he's friendly or benevolent. His goals are ambiguous; he may no longer be a "monster" but that doesn't make him a hero either. In fact, he wasn't even the hero in his own reenactment of Loveless. Zack was the hero. Genesis realized he was the Prisoner of the story, who lost to the Hero.
I think it would be interesting to see Genesis in more of a positive light this time around, personally, but I suppose it's fair to say that the jury is out on that until we get more info. What you say about Zack and Loveless is true, but that was CC-Gen...he will prove you all wrong and become the hero he was born to be!
This is all gone over in the Crisis Core Ultimanias. For better or worse, CC itself doesn't go into it. Although knowing Nomura already had Remake in mind when he was making CC kinda might explain why they didn't spell this all out in CC given this is all... really post-CC character development for Genesis... They didn't exactly *need* to go into this in CC since the game... ends... before any of this actually becomes relevant. But it sure is relevant now!

From Crisis Core Ultimania Scenario Q&A:
Q6-3: After Genesis is collected in the ShinRa helicopter you can see a sheet of paper saying “To become the dew that quenches the land; to spare the skies, the seas to sands; I shall become an unspoken offering.” Is this phrase from the lost final chapter of LOVELESS?

A6-3: The final chapter of LOVELESS is missing, and nothing official exists in the world of FFVII. Experts study it, and there are currently various theories about it. The phrase you mentioned is the final chapter of LOVELESS as Genesis conceived it, and reflects Genesis’ state of mind.

By being defeated by Zack, Genesis is able to regain the pride he had as a SOLDIER, and with Sephiroth and Angeal now dead, he decided that it is up to him, who has being left behind, to protect the world. And so, in order to prepare for the day when a crisis threatens the world, Genesis seals himself in the flooded chamber on his own volition. This is the true meaning of Genesis’ version of the phrase from the final chapter of LOVELESS, and at the same time the true meaning of the secret movie in DC (see A7-3).
Q7-3: You call tell from the voices that the two men who appear by helicopter and recover Genesis are DC’s Nero and Weiss, but what do they mean when they say “apparently he’s a brother of ours” and “however… will he agree to it?”? From DC’s hidden movie you can interpret that Genesis has been laid to rest in the cave under Midgar up until he awakens, but…?

A7-3: The ‘elder brother’ is used in the figurative sense. If they are injected with Genesis’ genes, that creates a connection, a bond between the cellular units. That is what is meant by ‘brother’.

In CC Nero and Weiss are on a mission to recover Genesis, so in this case “will he agree to it?” means “will he agree to join us or not?” But, as in the response for A6-3, Genesis rejects it and decides to have himself sealed in the water-filled chamber below Midgar.

To someone who has only played DC, when they watch the secret movie in that game they will take it as “an ominous being sealed in a water-filled chamber has been release onto the world”, but if you watch the movie again after having completed CC then one could go 180 degrees and interpret it in a completely different way.
From Crisis Core Complete Guide Keyword Collection:
Final Chapter of LOVELESS

The final chapter of LOVELESS is lost, with only a single line
remaining: Nothing shall forestall my return. Even if the morrow is
barren of promises.
The biggest mystery is what happened to the world after
receiving the Gift of the Goddess, and differing opinions are rife
among researchers of LOVELESS.

In Scene 10-10 Genesis’ feather adds to the final chapter the line,
To become the dew that quenches the land. To spare the sands, the
seas, the skies. I offer thee this silent sacrifice.

However, this is a line that Genesis thought up himself and is not official. The final chapter he wrote revealed that he decided, after being defeated by Zack and regain his pride as a SOLDIER, to protect the planet himself because, with Sephiroth and Angeal now deceased, he seems to have concluded that it was up to him to protect the planet. Additionally, the ‘sea’ seems to hint at the flooded chamber where Genesis is confined in DC.
Interpretation of LOVELESS

Both in the world of the story and in the real world, people can
interpret the contents of LOVELESS in various ways. The following is
some of the answers we received from the development staff regarding
some interpretations of LOVELESS.

“Genesis likened himself to ‘the hero’ from LOVELESS, and by fighting
Zack attempted to ‘reenact LOVELESS’. In doing so, he hoped to receive
the ‘Gift of the Goddess’.

By fighting Zack, Genesis regained his pride as a SOLDIER, and is freed from the fear of death or degradation. This is because, as he has the wish to fulfil his duty as a SOLDIER, he reached a state where he no longer worried about degradation or death. In other words, through his fight with Zack, Genesis realised that his role wasn’t that of ‘the hero’ from LOVELESS, but by accepting the role of ‘the prisoner’ he received the ‘Gift of the Goddess’.

Therefore, it would be his ‘pride as a SOLDIER’, the impetus for his shift of values, which was the ‘Gift of the Goddess’ to Genesis. ‘Pride as SOLDIER’ is a concept which symbolizes Angeal’s will, so concluded that Zack, who had inherited Angeal’s will, was the ‘Gift of the Goddess’ for Genesis.

To digress a bit, but a line from LOVELESS (‘one took flight’, ‘one became a prisoner’, ‘one became a hero’), based on the interpretation of Angeal being the one who took flight and Genesis as the prisoner, it links to the line Zack murmurs at the end: ‘Do you think that I became a hero?'”
Reenactment of LOVELESS

What Genesis was trying to reenact in the Light of Demise in the Banora Underground was the duel between the friends from the forth chapter of LOVELESS, with himself as “the hero”, Zack as “the prisoner”, the goddess statue as “the goddess”, and the red orb as “the Gift of the Goddess”. By reenacting this, Genesis had believed that he would be given the Gift of the Goddess, and be saved from the hideous degradation phenomenon.

Also, in Scene 10-05 Zack says to Genesis, “Does this mean…you knew…from the beginning?”, meaning “were you working to reenact LOVELESS from the start?” However, when the game begins Genesis wasn’t actually consciously trying to reenact LOVELESS in particular, and it was in chapter 5, when he learns that he won’t be able to cure his degradation with Hollander, that he starts to work towards the reenactment of LOVELESS in order to gain the Gift of the Goddess.

* ‘The Light of Demise’ seems to be the name for the area where you fight Genesis at the end.
From The Goddess Minerva- Information from the Keyword Collection:
The Meeting with Minerva (p. 296)

In Scene 10-06 Minerva meets with Genesis in a place flooded with the Lifestream. Below are the comments from the development team regarding the meaning of the exchange that took place between the two of them.

“Minerva is similar to a summon, and her intention was not necessarily to revive Genesis. The image of Minerva in her actions and expressions is a reflection of the will of the Lifestream.”

“Genesis wanted to regain his pride as a SOLDIER, deciding that it could not be found simply in the duty of the SOLDIER, he came to the idea that ‘I am not afraid of degradation or death’. In short, Genesis’ circumstances are that of ‘surmounting death’. Genesis’ strong desire to ‘complete the duty of a SOLDIER’, was accepted by the Lifestream, in a way saying to him ‘Then complete it’.”

“Minerva’s facial expressions are meant to be hints to the Lifestream’s judgment, such as ‘Genesis has not yet completed his duty as a SOLDIER’ and ‘Genesis still has much left to learn’.”

“Thus, [because of that decision] Genesis was able to achieve his goal of ‘surmounting death.’ And this event is connected to Genesis’ future actions”.
I just... have a really hard time seeing Genesis be an *actual* villain given all this. Neutral... maybe. But given how all these sections talk about how he sees Zack... and Zack might still be around... I really can't see him being an antagonistic force against Zack given how they settle their differences in Banora. Genesis... really wants the Planet to stick around and to protect it. And he wants to do it from the same perspective as Angeal and Zack (and Cloud even) do. Given who is the main threat to the Planet... I really can't see Genesis doing anything but fighting against Sephrioth.

Now... how he goes about doing that... He knows more than probably anyone else the threat Copies can pose to the world at large. And Cloud is a Sephiroth Copy. So NKN could do something with that... On the other hand, Genesis probably also knows better than anyone else how badly Jenova can mess with people's heads and yet they can still manage to fight past all that provided someone actually sticks around to help them. So I could also see him being on board with Zack and/or Tifa trying to find the real Cloud through all the Jenova static. That's what Zack did for Genesis after all...


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
I mean, Genesis respecting Zack/Angeal because he allowed him to regain his SOLDIER honor and cure his degradation doesn't automatically mean he's a good person. Respect and appreciation for a fellow SOLDIER isn't mutually exclusive with having other ambitions and goals that could be problematic.

Especially with a vague goal or intention as "defending the planet." That can literally mean anything. How humans fit in that perspective varies from "humans are part of the planet worthy of protection" to "humans are a disease that must be purged and returned to the Lifestream." Him not being down with Sephiroth doesn't mean he'd be okay with people; how he interprets what the Planet and/or Goddess left for him doesn't automatically lean to "benevolence." If Genesis comes back in any meaningful capacity, his objective isn't going to be so simple as to sing praises or be a new friend to fight evil. He's done shit, terrible shit himself, under poorly reasoned interpretations. And he's never been one to play well with others either. It'll be more dynamic and complicated than him having a change of heart at once. And it isn't something I'd automatically equate to good.

If his story was concluded, I'd be more inclined to believe they'd wrap him up in a positive resolution to close out Crisis Core's plot and have Zack leave a positive impact on someone in his final mission. But if he's coming back for something, there's more to it than him just being a good guy. Genesis raised hell and carries some unresolved issues that need to be addressed.
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Ninja Potato
I mean, its just FFVII-R.... It's not like they're getting access to the new Intergrade stuff.

I definitely am not going to buy FFVII-R twice. I love the game to pieces but S-E doesn't need my money that bad :monster:
The fact the Yuffie DLC isn't included is what's stopping me from being jealous lol. At least I've seen that they fixed THE DOOR.

I wasn't gonna buy the PS5 disc either, but I was in my local independant game store getting them to order me something and I thought "ah why not?"

You've seen my merch collection, you know Square owns my soul.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
What spoilers? Intergrade is just FFVII-R with the PS5 enhancements, photo mode, and the like.

InterMISSION is the new content, and S-E ensured no early spoilers could happen because its obtained via download only. We won't know anything until it is up and downloadable.


Pro Adventurer
The mistake is in thinking of Genesis as a villain. He's more of a tragic antagonist (since reformed) with a flair for theatricality. Unlike Sephiroth he has an appreciation for fine art and a desire to become a true hero. He will be very important to defeating Roth in the remake...his heroic arc has just begun.

Oh God no, just let me fight him in VR
Uh oh! It has a smaller GB size than the demo. Cue the "OMG! IT'S GOING TO BE SHORTER THAN CHAPTER 1!!!!! FUQ NOMURA!" brigade that literally thought Chapter 1 was 1/7th of the entire game when that one leak came out that listed FFVIIR around 70GB in whole when the demo was around 10GB in size.
A welcome departure from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare eating up 280+ GB


Pro Adventurer
Oh God no, just let me fight him in VR



Pro Adventurer
Pretty much. :monster:

I find it unlikely they'll make PAKs of them, so my wallet is safe. And if they did make ones for the Tsviets, it'd probably be Weiss at most.

A new Yuffie FFVII-R PAK is all but guaranteed at this point.

I'm 50/50 on them doing figures for those two. If they're apart of remake after intermission, I think its a good possibility we do get figures.


Pro Adventurer
Well, if Genesis is returning in Intermission, it will at least make much more sense than him returning after DoC.

- Genesis seals himself in a cave, waiting to wake up and take action, when the planet needs him in a crisis.
- Meteor crisis happens, and Genesis does nothing.
- Geostigma crisis happens, and Genesis is still asleep.
- Deepground crisis happens, and Genesis is "zzzzzzz".

Come on, did his alarm clock break or something? I imagine him waking up at the end of DoC, picking up Weiss, and then Minerva appearing and shouting "WHERE THE FUCK WERE YOU?!"
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Pro Adventurer
If I remember right, there is a reference somewhere to a 'Final Crisis' that Genesis would awaken for? I'd guess that the remake story is the final crisis due to Sephiroth's Back to the Future antics, and this is what will finally bring Genesis out of retirement to follow Seph into the past. An author at a game site posted an article with that sort of theory not long ago.
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