FFXV story/spoiler discussion thread.


That Man
That 'mountain' is right up there with the Goddess statue in Pitioss. And Gentiana is definitely a feast for the eyes in her own right.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
and maybe Cor?

Forgot to reply to this part in more detail. The Scenario Ultimania describes Cor as being 45 and says that he traveled with Regis's crew when he was 15 (during their trip to the front lines 30 years earlier). I guess he impressed them enough they let him tag along? :monster:

By the way, I'm working on translations still, guys. I just haven't had time to polish them properly or decide on a format to do it -- I usually try to more or less recreate what was on the page, but I don't like the way this Ultimania splits up the terminology. What's designated as the general glossary is very short, with most of the plot-related terms then appearing under the section of the nation for which they're most closely related (e.g. "The Wall" under Lucis' section, "Oracle" under Tenebrae's, etc.).

I should have a lot more up in the next day or two, though.
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The big lad
and maybe Cor?

Forgot to reply to this part in more detail. The Scenario Ultimania describes Cor as being 45 and says that he traveled with Regis's crew when he was 15 (during their trip to the front lines 30 years earlier). I guess he impressed them enough they let him tag along? :monster:

By the way, I'm working on translations still, guys. I just haven't had time to polish them properly or decide on a format to do it -- I usually try to more or less recreate what was on the page, but I don't like the way this Ultimania splits up the terminology. What's designated as the general glossary is very short, with most of the plot-related terms then appearing under the section of the nation for which they're most closely related (e.g. "The Wall" under Lucis' section, "Oracle" under Tenebrae's, etc.).

I should have a lot more up in the next day or two, though.

It's written really, really weird. Not to mention since all of it is in a 'known things' standpoint as far as lore goes and one character was canonly written out.. so many gaps. :(


Pray for Sound
Issac Dian, Dudley, Chev Chelios
and maybe Cor?

Forgot to reply to this part in more detail. The Scenario Ultimania describes Cor as being 45 and says that he traveled with Regis's crew when he was 15 (during their trip to the front lines 30 years earlier). I guess he impressed them enough they let him tag along? :monster:

I see. :) So the 'Cor the Immortal' tag is to clue us in on to his fighting ability and not any kind of longevity. I watched a Final Fantasy Peasant video on messenger theories and while most of it felt far-fetched it was worth checking on. One more thing I wasn't sure on considering KOTR. Could they be considered astrals? Not the same level as the six, but another form of summon the Kings of Lucis could use?


The big lad
and maybe Cor?

Forgot to reply to this part in more detail. The Scenario Ultimania describes Cor as being 45 and says that he traveled with Regis's crew when he was 15 (during their trip to the front lines 30 years earlier). I guess he impressed them enough they let him tag along? :monster:

I see. :) So the 'Cor the Immortal' tag is to clue us in on to his fighting ability and not any kind of longevity. I watched a Final Fantasy Peasant video on messenger theories and while most of it felt far-fetched it was worth checking on. One more thing I wasn't sure on considering KOTR. Could they be considered astrals? Not the same level as the six, but another form of summon the Kings of Lucis could use?

Mmmm, I don't think so. It's just an insanely powerful defense mechanism for Insomnia. Considering it was created using the Crystal by one of the kings of lucis, it isn't really considered to be in the same boat as the Astrals. On the reverse side, nifelheim is capable of creating WEAPON level daemons that are able to compete with KOTR just fine, so I don't believe they're in close to the same boat.


Pray for Sound
Issac Dian, Dudley, Chev Chelios
I can definitely see that from Kingsglaive, but then
they smoke Ardyn in the beyond pretty easy
. Maybe I'm reading things the way I want to see them, but there seems to be an insinuation that the dead Kings of Lucis are more than just ghosts.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
They aren't Astrals because that term is just what the English version uses for "the gods" -- which the Lucian kings definitely aren't -- but I see no reason FFXV's KotR couldn't still be classified as a summon. Not an Astral/god, but a summon.

They are summoned, after all, and they're a reference to FFVII's summon of the same name.


Pro Adventurer
Mmmm, I don't think so. It's just an insanely powerful defense mechanism for Insomnia. Considering it was created using the Crystal by one of the kings of lucis, it isn't really considered to be in the same boat as the Astrals. On the reverse side, nifelheim is capable of creating WEAPON level daemons that are able to compete with KOTR just fine, so I don't believe they're in close to the same boat.

That plot point actually reminds me of one of my favorite Disney movies, Atlantis: The Lost Empire. The crystal is the heart of the city, and during times of peril, it raises a magical wall by making stone giants come to life to protect it. And is powered by royal blood.

. . . . . .



The big lad
Mmmm, I don't think so. It's just an insanely powerful defense mechanism for Insomnia. Considering it was created using the Crystal by one of the kings of lucis, it isn't really considered to be in the same boat as the Astrals. On the reverse side, nifelheim is capable of creating WEAPON level daemons that are able to compete with KOTR just fine, so I don't believe they're in close to the same boat.

That plot point actually reminds me of one of my favorite Disney movies, Atlantis: The Lost Empire. The crystal is the heart of the city, and during times of peril, it raises a magical wall by making stone giants come to life to protect it. And is powered by royal blood.

. . . . . .


You're not wrong :)

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good

The player gives us a look underneath the island as well (around the 7:00 mark), which lets us confirm
there are nine sword-like things around the Stone Prison that Noctis wakes up in at the start of Chapter 14. I'm still not sure if this represents anything, but I seem to recall Bahamut attacking Ifrit with a total of nine swords if you count the one Bahamut is holding when he flies down and tries skewering the other god.

Obviously these sword-like things don't resemble those Bahamut uses in that battle, but perhaps they are still his. Maybe he put them around the Stone Prison for some reason -- to protect Noct? To make him appear there? I have no idea.

Also, another neat out-of-bounds exploration video, this time during the
train ambush. I never realized before that you can see Zegnatus Keep during this sequence (go to 2:15):


The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
I have another round of Ultimania translations concerning the lore. I wasn't ready to put these up yet, as there are a few more sections I wanted to get to, but I was starting to feel that it would be silly to just sit on all these until the rest is done (that may be several more days).

So, here's some more stuff. Nothing too interesting, nothing new, really. Or who knows, maybe something in here will be new to someone.

メテオ  ——神話時代に降ってきた隕石
いにしえの時代に降ってきた、非常に巨大な隕石。落下から数千年が経過した現在でも燃えていて、すさまじい熱を放つ。落ちてきたメテオは、巨神に受け止められたときに一部 が砕けて飛び散ったとされ、レスタルムにあるイチネリス発電所は、メテオの破片が持つ熱のエネルギーを電力に変換している。そのため、メテオは天災の痕跡ながら、人々から 好意的に見られがち。

[caption on a screenshot of the Disc of Cauthess]

[caption on a screenshot of a pond in the Duscae region]

The Meteor ——A meteorite that fell during the age of myth
An enormous meteorite that came down during ancient times. Even now, thousands of years after it fell, it continues to burn and give off intense heat. Part of the Meteor broke off and scattered when the Archaean caught it, and the EXINERIS Power Plant in Lestallum now converts the energy from the heat of those meteorite fragments into electricity. Therefore, people tend to see the Meteor positively despite it being a vestige of disaster.

[caption on a screenshot of the Disc of Cauthess]
The Meteor stands like a tall spire over the Disc of Cauthess. At night, it burns with a pure light, shimmering as it flickers like the haze from a fire.

[caption on a screenshot of a pond in the Duscae region]
The many craters in the Duscae region are believed to have formed when fragments of the Meteor fell, including those where water expanded to become ponds.

神凪 ——神と人とをつなぐ聖女
神の言葉を人々に伝える役目をになう巫女のような存在。神話の時代に剣神から星のカと逆鉾を与えられた女性が、神凪の祖とされている。苦しむ人たちのために各地で祈りを捧 げたり、標が野獣やシガイに襲われないように術を施したりと、世界中の人に対して献身的に力を尽くす。 また 、 六神 を 眠り から 呼び覚ます 「 誓約 ( うけい ) 」 と 呼ば れる 儀式 を 行なう の も 、 神凪 が 持つ使命 。

[caption on a screenshot of Luna healing a man afflicted with the Starscourge]

The Oracle ——A holy woman bridging humankind and the divine
She who, like a shrine maiden, bears the duty of carrying the words of the gods to the people. It is said that a female bestowed with the power of the planet and a trident by the Draconian during the age of myth was ancestor to the Oracles. She devotes herself to those around the world, offering up prayers for those suffering and applying her blessing to havens so they will not be attacked by beasts or daemons. In addition, she has the mission of carrying out a ritual called the Covenant to awaken the Six.

[Caption on a screenshot of Luna healing a man afflicted with the Starscourge]
The prayers of the Oracle have the power to heal injury and disease.

六神の忠実な使い 「二十四 使」
六神は神凪を通じて人間と意思疎通を図っていたが、神々が直接姿を現すことはめったにない。神々は、「 二十四使 」と呼ばれる使いの者に自分たちの意志を伝え、二十四使が橋渡し役となって神の意志を神凪に知らせていた。

[caption on a screenshot of Gentiana]

Faithful envoys of the Six: the 24 Messengers
Though the Six communicate with mortals through the Oracle, it is rare that the gods make an appearance themselves. The gods convey their will through their emisarries, called the 24 Messengers, who act as intermediaries to inform the Oracle of the gods' intentions.

[caption on a screenshot of Gentiana]
As one of the 24 Messengers, Gentiana resides with the Fleuret household, and has a close relationship with Lunafreya.

クリスタル ——王国を支える魔力の源泉
絶大なる魔力を宿した結晶体。 約2000年前に星によって生み出され、六神を通じて当時の王に与えられた。ルシスの国王はクリスタルが秘める力を自在に使えるかわりに、クリスタルを守るという重要な使 命を帯びる。 また、クリスタル は世界に災厄が訪れたときに「選ばれし王」を選定する役目を持ち、15年前、 その座に就く者として当時5歳のノクテイスを指名した。ニフルハイム帝国はかねてよりクリスタルの力を狙っており停戦協定調印式の当日, 王都インソムニア を襲い、クリスタルを強奪する 。

[caption on a screenshot of the Crystal]

The Crystal ——Source of the magical power that sustains the kingdom
A crystalline object housing immense magic power. It emerged from the planet approximately 2000 years ago, and was gifted to the King in those days by the Six. The King of Lucis is charged with the all-important mission of protecting the Crystal rather than being able to freely use the power hidden within it. In addition, the Crystal carries the role of selecting the "Chosen King" when a calamity visits the world, and 15 years ago, it appointed 5-year-old Noctis to that position. Having sought the power of the Crystal for some time, the Niflheim Empire attacks the Crown City of Insomnia on the day of a peace treaty signing, and seizes the Crystal.

[caption on a screenshot of the Crystal in chains]
To recover the Crystal stolen by the Niflheim Empire is one of the objectives of the journey for Noctis and his retinue.

光耀の指輪 ——強大 な魔力を引き出す王の証
歴代王の魂が宿る、ルシスの正当な王位継承者の証。はめることによってクリスタルの魔力を自在にあつかえるようになるが資格なき者がはめた場合は、 瞬時にその身を焼かれてしまうという。 クリスタルとともに神々から贈られたとされており、指輪とクリスタルは一対となる存在 。

[caption on a screenshot of Luna holding the Ring]

[caption on a screenshot of King Regis]

Ring of the Lucii ——The proof of sovereignty, which invokes mighty magic
The proof of the rightful successor to the throne, wherein dwell the souls of the line of kings. It is said in the event of someone who does not meet the requirements putting on the Ring, rather than coming to command the Crystal's magical power, they will be instantly consumed by flame. It is also said that the Ring was bestowed by the gods along with the Crystal, and that the Ring and Crystal function as a pair.

[caption on a screenshot of Luna holding the Ring]
During the fall of the Crown City, Regis entrusted the Ring to Lunafreya for delivery to Noctis.

[caption on a screenshot of King Regis]
The bearer of the Ring of the Lucii cuts their lifespan short in exchange for using its power. The reason Regis appeared older than his actual age is because he was constantly using the Crystal's power to maintain the Wall protecting the country.

魔法障壁 ——ルシス王国の命綱となる守りの要
王都インソムニアを覆う、外敵 からの攻撃を防ぐ無色透明の障壁。150年前、ニフルハイム帝国との戦争に敗れたのをきっかけに作られた。ルシス王が魔法障壁 のために割ける魔力には限度があり、障壁の広さと強度を両立することはできない。

[caption on a screenshot of Niflheim warships flying toward Insomnia]

死せる王の魂を収めるための棺でもある、王都を防衛する石像が「第一魔法障壁」だ。約2000年前に王都インソムニアに12体建てられ、ひとたび発動すれば、個々の石像が 動き出し、圧倒的な力で侵入者をねじ伏せていく。「障壁」という名前ではあるがバリア状のものではなく、一種の防衛機能に近い。

The Wall ——The defensive foundation that serves as the lifeline for the Kingdom of Lucis
An invisible barrier covering the Crown City, Insomnia, and protecting it from attack by invaders. It was erected 150 years ago when the war with the Niflheim Empire was lost. There is a limit to the magical energy the Lucian king can allocate to the Wall, and it is impossible to increase its size without decreasing its strength.

[caption on a screenshot of Niflheim warships flying toward Insomnia]
The Wall was only maintained while the king was drawing on the power of the Crystal, so it disappeared when the Empire stole the Crystal.

The nation's last line of defense: The Old Wall
Stone statues that protect the Crown City and also serve as caskets housing the souls of the kings who have died constitute the Old Wall. Twelve humanoid statues built in the Crown City of Insomnia approximately 2000 years, once activated, they will begin acting on their own and respond with overwhelming power to invaders. Although called a "wall," it is not a barrier, being instead more of a defense system.

魔法  ——王家の人間が使える超常の力
王族があつかう、人知を越えた力。 炎、冷気、雷といった星に由来する要素を用いた魔法は、各地で収集できるエレメントから精製される。本来はルシス王家 の人間にしかあつかえないが、精製してマジックボトルに詰めておけば、ほかの人間も擬似的に魔法を使用可能。また、ポーションやエリクサーなどの栄養ドリンクが回復の効果 を持つのは、ノクテイスの魔力で性質が変化しているためだ。

[caption on a screenshot of Noctis using his Warp ability]

王の証である光耀の指輪を身につけた者は、 より強力な魔法を使用できる。それら「リング魔法」は、エレメントを用いた従来の魔法とは一線を画す性質を持ち、いずれも強力な反面、使用時にはこは膨大な魔力を消費して しまう。

[caption on a screenshot of Noctis using Alterna]

Elemancy ——Supernatural powers that can be used by members of the royal family
Power beyond human understanding wielded by royalty. Elemancy makes use of elements of the planet -- such as flame, cold and lightning -- refined from the elemental energy deposits that can be found in many places. Initially only able to be harnessed by members of the Lucian royal family, if refined and stored in a Magic Flask, the magic becomes available to others in a pseudo manner. Additionally, energy drinks such as Potions and Elixirs have a restorative effect due to their properties being altered by Noctis's magical powers.

[caption on a screenshot of Noctis using his Warp ability]
Teleporting to where one has thrown a weapon via Warp is also a form of magic. However, in order to master Warp, one must have not only credentials, but the appropriate training is also required.

Permitted for the king alone: Arcana
Those who wear the Ring of the Lucii can use its powerful magic. The nature of Arcana distinguishes itself from that of traditional magic that uses elemental energy in that, while both are powerful, Arcana consumes an enormous amount of magic power.

[caption on a screenshot of Noctis using Alterna]
Some Arcana may have a long casting time, but the effect is unparalleled might.

「啓示」とは、神が人間に力を貸し与えるときに課す試練のことであり、約2000年前の書物にも言葉自体は残っている。試練の具体的な内容は、神々の性格によってさまざま 。 なかには、相手の力量を見定めるべく襲いかかる気性の荒い神もおり、その場合は、街の崩壊のような大きな被害をともなうケースもあったという。

[caption on screenshot of Noctis passing Ramuh's trial]

Trials given to mortals by the gods: Revelations
Referenced in books going back approximately 2000 years, Revelations are trials the gods impose before giving their power to mortals. The specific details of the trial depends on the personality of the gods involved. With some, their temperament is such that they attack in order to judge the ability of the other party, and it is said that such situations have brought with them great enough destruction to destroy towns.

[caption on screenshot of Noctis passing Ramuh's trial]
In the legend, it is said the Chosen King will undergo the Revelation of the gods and receive their power.

シガイ ——闇にうごめく残忍な魔物
おもに日の当たらない洞窟などに生息する、凶暴なモンスター。夜になると野外にも姿を 見せるようになり、突然現れては人々に襲いかかる。強い光を避ける習性を持ち、明るい都市部に入ってくることはない。ここ数年のツガイの増加と夜の長さが延びていることに は 関連があると考える学者もいる。

[caption on a picture of the miasma that accompanies daemons]

[caption on a picture of a Goblin]

[caption on a picture of a Flan]

[caption on a picture of a Bomb]

[caption on a picture of a Ronin]

[caption on a picture of an Iron Giant]

Daemons ——Vicious apparitions that stir in darkness
Brutal monsters dwelling in caves and other places that are mostly without sunlight. Openly taking form in the outdoors as well at night, they will abruptly manifest and attack people. Having a tendency to avoid strong light, they never enter bright urban areas. Some scholars believe the increase of daemons and extension in the length of nights in recent years are related.

[caption on a picture of the miasma that accompanies daemons]
When daemons die, they emit black smoke reminiscent of the night.

[caption on a picture of a Goblin]
An imp-like daemon that moves about quickly. Will steals Noctis and co.'s items.

[caption on a picture of a Flan]
Characterized by an elasticity to its soft body. There are many variations in different colors.

[caption on a picture of a Bomb]
A daemon reminiscent of a bomb. When its floating body has swelled enough, it will self-destruct.

[caption on a picture of a Ronin]
A daemon with the appearance of a samurai, it can deliver a fatal blow to its opponent with a single swipe of its blade.

[caption on a picture of an Iron Giant]
A daemon that looks like a suit of iron armor. Many of them appear on roads.
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Lv. 1 Adventurer
Obviously these sword-like things don't resemble those Bahamut uses in that battle, but perhaps they are still his. Maybe he put them around the Stone Prison for some reason -- to protect Noct? To make him appear there? I have no idea.

One fan theory on tumblr was saying Angelgard was created to imprison Ardyn.
I'm interested if anything is said about the prison anywhere.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
I've had an absolutely horrible realization.

You know that black wing Ardyn sometimes carries around (I'm posting more example images than is necessary just 'cause I like the character; it's not necessary for you to click on them)?:


Now, have you seen the concept art of him
riding a black chocobo while a crowd heaps praise on him?:


... Obviously before they're poisoned against him, turn on him, and kill him because of the person the "Izunia" name originally belonged to. Point being: do you think they butchered his bird too? Is that what the wing represents?

Also, speaking of the name "Izunia" (イズニア in Japanese), there's a parallel to Ardyn's story found in some of the game's NPCs. Do you remember
Ezma from the Meldacio Hunter HQ? She's Dave's mother, and was (still is, actually) the leader of the Hunters' community. "Ezma" is what the English localization calls her, but in Japanese, her name is "Izania" (イザニア).

During Dave's last quest, we learn that Izania vilified her sister, Kimya, spreading lies that she was a witch, and causing her exile into a forest:

Kimya: "Brew potions, I do. But very special, they are. Understand them, some do not, so 'witch,' they call me."

Noctis: "What kinda potions?"

Kimya: "Repel the daemons, they do. Used at havens, they are. The Oracle's blessing, my potions strengthen. Long ago, healing potions, the Hunters wanted. Brew them, I did, but very angry, their leader grew. Dangerous, my potions are, my sister said. Make them, if I must, but alone, I shall be. Receive help, I shall not."

Noctis: "So she made the woods off-limits."

Kimya: "Terribly cruel, it was. But fault her, I cannot. Follow her heart, she did. Very important, that is. Learn to decide for himself, her son must. If he does, lead the Hunters, someday he will."

In case the hints are too vague for anybody, the Scenario Ultimania does outright show that Kimya and Izania have the same last name. :monster:

Link here

The parallels should be obvious: both Izunia and Izania spread lies about someone, attributing to them an evil, supernatural nature (Ardyn as a daemon; Kimya as a witch), leading to the other person becoming a pariah within their community while Izunia and Izania (the Izzies?) became the leaders of those communities.

Interesting contrast here, though, is that while Kimya wishes her betrayer's heir well, Ardyn most obviously does not. Kimya sends encouraging advice back to Dave by way of Noctis, while Ardyn does everything he possibly can to ruin Noctis's life. (Also: Noctis=Dave lol)

I take this as yet another hint, by the way, that Ardyn and Izunia -- and, thus, Ardyn and Noctis -- are related.
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Pro Adventurer
Pointlessname, Pointer
I never finished that questline (though I am familiar with it) and I... just... Wuh??

That is not a piece of evidence I expected in this debate, lol.


The big lad
I've had an absolutely horrible realization.

You know that black wing Ardyn sometimes carries around (I'm posting more example images than is necessary just 'cause I like the character; it's not necessary for you to click on them)?:


Now, have you seen the concept art of him
riding a black chocobo while a crowd heaps praise on him?:


... Obviously before they're poisoned against him, turn on him, and kill him because of the person the "Izunia" name originally belonged to. Point being: do you think they butchered his bird too? Is that what the wing represents?

Also, speaking of the name "Izunia" (イズニア in Japanese), there's a parallel to Ardyn's story found in some of the game's NPCs. Do you remember
Ezma from the Meldacio Hunter HQ? She's Dave's mother, and was (still is, actually) the leader of the Hunters' community. "Ezma" is what the English localization calls her, but in Japanese, her name is "Izania" (イザニア).

During Dave's last quest, we learn that Izania vilified her sister, Kimya, spreading lies that she was a witch, and causing her exile into a forest:

Kimya: "Brew potions, I do. But very special, they are. Understand them, some do not, so 'witch,' they call me."

Noctis: "What kinda potions?"

Kimya: "Repel the daemons, they do. Used at havens, they are. The Oracle's blessing, my potions strengthen. Long ago, healing potions, the Hunters wanted. Brew them, I did, but very angry, their leader grew. Dangerous, my potions are, my sister said. Make them, if I must, but alone, I shall be. Receive help, I shall not."

Noctis: "So she made the woods off-limits."

Kimya: "Terribly cruel, it was. But fault her, I cannot. Follow her heart, she did. Very important, that is. Learn to decide for himself, her son must. If he does, lead the Hunters, someday he will."

In case the hints are too vague for anybody, the Scenario Ultimania does outright show that Kimya and Izania have the same last name. :monster:

Link here

The parallels should be obvious: both Izunia and Izania spread lies about someone, attributing to them an evil, supernatural nature (Ardyn as a daemon; Kimya as a witch), leading to the other person becoming a pariah within their community while Izunia and Izania (the Izzies?) became the leaders of those communities.

Interesting contrast here, though, is that while Kimya wishes her betrayer's heir well, Ardyn most obviously does not. Kimya sends encouraging advice back to Dave by way of Noctis, while Ardyn does everything he possibly can to ruin Noctis's life. (Also: Noctis=Dave lol)

I take this as yet another hint, by the way, that Ardyn and Izunia -- and, thus, Ardyn and Noctis -- are related.

First of all you broke my heart and you're a motherfucker. Those wing feathers even look like chocobo feathers with how realistically they bend. Birds feathers sometimes do that after long periods without molting. You are a jackass, sir.

I didn't know that second part actually! I never played the game in JP since I had an english only companion. I really need to go back that's incredible.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
—Neither ages
—Both carry demons around inside them
—Both wear scarves and heavy mantles out of season (Vincent wears his dad's scarf as a headband)
—Both were betrayed and murdered
—Both turn into a pasty-faced ghoul who looks like they have the Black Veil Brides apply their makeup
—Both stare creepily at people stuck inside giant crystals (see photographic evidence below)

Shit. Somebody warn Cloud.




That bit of silliness out of the way, and returning to the chocobo matter, it's remarkable how much that notion humanizes Ardyn, who
lost his humanity in every sense of speaking. Like, sure, you're aware in an academic sense that he was given a shit deal when you find out he was screwed over while helping suffering people, and that the gods didn't even care. And for some of us, that and the lore associated with him has been enough to take an interest in him.

Which is funny, because sometimes that "they got screwed over in the game's backstory" thing works for me and sometimes it doesn't. Ultimecia, Seymour and Ardyn, it worked for me. Kefka, Sephiroth and Kuja, it didn't.

Despite never seeing anything of Ultimecia but her villainy, what Rinoa and Squall go through helps us feel sympathy for her, especially because Ulty was trapped both by societal persecution and -- no matter what -- by an inescapable fate before we even learned of her.

With Seymour, we know he faced racial persecution (somewhat like Ultimecia's unjust persecution for being a witch), as well as long, unhealthy isolation at Baaj Temple -- and since we even witness a little of his pain as a child, we are, thus, reminded that he could have turned out differently had his father not been shit, had his terminally ill mother spent her final days encouraging him rather than offing herself to give him a final aeon he didn't want (which would kill him too if he used it as she intended), and had he not been born into that depressing ass environment with those shit people running things.

Sephiroth, meanwhile, was an indifferent tool (in more ways than one) of greed, and we don't know much about Kefka. He was presumably a willing tool of conquest before the Magitek experiments drove him mad. And then there's Kuja, who is basically an even more self-entitled and annoying Sephy (at least until the Dissidia sub-series actually made him interesting).

Ardyn, for his part, we learn had been doing genuinely good things before betrayal and indifferent gods fucked him about 2000 years ago, so you do immediately feel a sense of injustice for him -- but then you're reminded that he's done inexcusable things to people who had nothing to do with that. And even if the Starscourge is somewhat fueling his negative emotions, he's still very much aware of what he's doing and why. And it's petty as fuck.

Without really being able to apply more than just the betrayal he faced to Ardyn's past, it could be difficult to feel for him as much as you'd like to.

However, picturing him possibly having gone on a long, lonely adventure to save innocent people with just his trusted chocobo for company (maybe he's had this chocobo its whole life, or maybe he met it in the wild during the journey); doing these great things; receiving the gratitude and love of people everywhere like the Oracles receive in the present; and then being betrayed by someone he trusted -- seeing those looks of thanks and adoration he had been receiving twist into repulsion and loathing -- watching his beloved companion be dismembered before him -- feeling helpless as he is stripped of clothing and dignity, then shackled and perhaps tortured -- eventually slipping away into what should have been death's release only to then become aware of the contamination caking his very soul, rendering it unable to find rest within the literal heart of the now contemptuous world he had tried to save -- and finally finding himself back in the land that had become nothing but pain and horror to him, naked and alone at the side of his only friend's desecrated body -- the only consolation being that this is merely headcanon ... :monster:

It's the push he needed to make him a properly fascinating character, simultaneously pitiable and detestable. He needs this so that we can feel the compassion for him that Noctis was able to in the end.

Of course Noct is able to do it -- he's the King of Light, the Chosen who will bring the Dawn. He's us as we really would like to imagine we could be. You expect him to pity the villain who has hurt him so much even if you can't -- but as the player, you've probably bonded with a chocobo during your travels. Hell, you've even bonded with a car and had some heartbreak seeing it "die."

Making this connection has added a dimension for me to this character I already liked more than I had any reason to. :monster: I'm pleased with this.

By the way, while I'm thinking of it, did anybody else know that it's possible to
ever so slightly alter the ending of the game? Compare these two videos:

In the first one, Luna looks up from the photo to Noct while he's still removing his gloves, and he then puts his hand on her face. In the second video, she looks at the photo until after he's removed his gloves and touched her face.

I'm hearing that this may be based on responses Noct writes to Luna in the notebook Umbra carries back and forth between them, but I'm not positive of anything yet (including whether any other variations exist). Anyone know more
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The big lad
By the way, while I'm thinking of it, did anybody else know that it's possible to
ever so slightly alter the ending of the game? Compare these two videos:

In the first one, Luna looks up from the photo to Noct while he's still removing his gloves, and he then puts his hand on her face. In the second video, she looks at the photo until after he's removed his gloves and touched her face.

I'm hearing that this may be based on responses Noct writes to Luna in the notebook Umbra carries back and forth between them, but I'm not positive of anything yet (including whether any other variations exist). Anyone know more

The last ending may be a patch thing. There were some scenes very slightly altered after the first patch hit, and it wouldn't surprise me if that was one of them.


The big lad
So something came up earlier and since it's interesting I'll copy the post I made on tumblr about it. Spoilering it as it has some chapter 13 spoilers included.

So in case you’re late to the fun, lastkingoflucis took some pictures of Ardyn’s car at the Vesperpool, where it’s basically half parked in the swamp. Inside the car is a document that is unreadable, and what either looks like a post-card or a business card. daemonofniflheim was kind enough to speed-run back to that part and take glorious 4k versions. I followed up by editing the hell out of them to brighten them up.


This is the document. So far there are a few theories as to what it is. @thetwilightmexican pointed out that it could be a car rental agreement.@clloudstrife made mention in the discord chat that this was unlikely, as a quote from Ardyn himself about the car doesn’t fit with it simply being a rental.

“She’s a dear old thing”

daemonofniflheim has stated that they will be going on a hunt in the morning to get the pictures again during he day. So hopefully this document will be a bit more legible. The only part of it I can make out is “Ardyn” at the bottom, but it doesn’t say Izunia as a last name. The middle initial does look like an “L” though. It doesn't look like "Caelum" either.

Boyfriend mentioned that it looks like an itemized list, and there is a seal in the bottom left-hand corner. Possibly Nifelheim marching orders.


The second part of this quest is this card. noctass pointed out that it could be a pin-up girl, but with the enhancements to the photograph, it looks more like a business card. The car in the picture is not Ardyn’s, and the second word at the top is written in the Nifelheim font. I can’t make out the first word or second, but the font is visible.

There seems to be a logo under the circled part. I do not know what the logo is.


These are all the logos from the game. None of them fit the logo we’re looking for. I am assuming it may be a Nifelheim company, and therefore believe that OOB footage may be necessary to check for our mystery logo.

Now, the reason I’ve compiled all of this is if you want to help us, or recognize anything from this disaster you can do so!

-See if you can get any clearer photos
-See if you can spot anything we all missed
-Check Ardyn’s car at other locations
-Check around the world for our wayward logo

Any help is appreciated!

On a closing note, I do not believe this is something the Developers willy-nilly threw into the car. clloudstrife checked Lestallum and did not see anything in the car. This means it was intentional for at least this part of the story and may be important.

Since this is one of the few times I can use my Game Development degree, in order for something like this to be added, a developer must:

Create an asset in a 3D program
Create a high resolution version in a sculpting program (zbrush)
Return the high res to the beginning 3D program to make a mid/low res version using a texture bake.
Texture the item in a photo program
Create a Diffuse, Specular, Normal, Ambient, and bump map
Import the object into an engine.
Create a texture asset to mold to the object in-world
Insert the object and assign the texture asset
If the object is in something that moves it must have a hitbox assigned
If the object is in something that moves it must have a parent child assigned

I am extremely doubtful this was boredom with the kinds of delays and issues releasing this game faced. This was intentional, and it does say and mean something. I’m sure of it.

Bonus chatlog between myself and Twilight Mexican:

4k jesus is gonna go back and get day shots
also I reblogged a version with image correction

Well, the woman in the dress is certainly interesting. Beyond that, I don't have much =P
The thing with what looks like his signature is probably a car rental agreement
The thing with the woman sitting on the car could be an advertisement/business card for the rental place
The symbol in the background ... a road sign? Infinity symbol on a road sign?

HMMMMMMMMMMM. I know I've seen the damn symbol somewhere.
I mean. They never just throw random shit in random places. There's a reason for it. It takes too much time and too many resources to just throw a random af piece of paper in a car when they know 3/4ths of the player base will never even look.

Most of the time, yeah. But I do get the impression from interviews I've read with graphics teams that sometimes they throw something in for the hell of it or because they're bored
And often precisely because they know it may go unnoticed lol

Just seems like a weird place to store something unimportant like that when it comes down to it. Especially since XV had all of the delay issues. I'm going to go back and check his car at Lestallum, the halfway point during the tailgate, and again at this place just to make sure there's nothing else.
I'm going to dig through some Nifelheim out of bounds footage because it looks like nifelheim writing on the items.
Yeah. I do.. think this is a bit different though. It only appears that one time. It also is insanely obnoxious to do a parent-child to a moving object in the engine they're using.

That is weird as shit, yeah lol

"So what are you doing over there? You're really quiet."
"Looking at Ardyn's car and his license plates and his stuff trying to figure some stuff out."
"My god you are such a goddamn nerd."

Life with my fiance :(
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The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
For anyone who's actually as curious about this car investigation as we were (so ... none of you :awesome:), I noticed that
Ardyn's car always has a Leide license plate. So, it's not an RNG thing, as it appears to be with most cars -- e.g. even the cars driving through Cartanica on the Niflheim continent will show Leide and Duscae plates (if I had to guess, probably the devs never bothered to make plates specific to that continent's regions since open accessibility to explore it was left incomplete).

In light of this, I do think the car was a rental or otherwise still wasn't Ardyn's until recently. At this point in the story, the bros don't know he's from Niflheim, so it makes sense he'd be driving a car that implies he's local. They discuss where he may be from while following his car the first time, and after Prompto says it's hard to imagine him being from the empire, Gladio replies that it's harder to imagine him being Lucian. So they're discussing the very thing the plate implies, as Leide is about as Lucian as it gets without being Insomnia. Hammerhead is in Leide.

Also, I doubt the plates are meant to indicate a permit to drive in the region named, because the Lestallum area -- where you follow Ardyn -- is in Cleigne. And I saw Duscae and other Leide plates on cars in that same area.

So, yeah, I think if the stuff you can see in his car at this point is meant to indicate anything at all, it's just related to the fact that Ardyn wasn't who he let on to be. Almost like the game is saying "So, now you know he's not from Lucis, but you have questions about that car he was driving. Well, here's the rental agreement and business card from where he found it."

Hard as it is to imagine those assets being added for such a purpose when it was so unlikely for anyone to notice (most players won't even see his car parked where it is in the Vesperpool area during Chapter 7, much less look inside!), it's stranger still that they are there at all and only able to be found this once.
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The big lad
For anyone who's actually as curious about this car investigation as we were (so ... none of you :awesome:), I noticed that
Ardyn's car always has a Leide license plate. So, it's not an RNG thing, as it appears to be with most cars -- e.g. even the cars driving through Cartanica on the Niflheim continent will show Leide and Duscae plates (if I had to guess, probably the devs never bothered to make plates specific to that continent's regions since open accessibility to explore it was left incomplete).

In light of this, I do think the car was a rental or otherwise still wasn't Ardyn's until recently. At this point in the story, the bros don't know he's from Niflheim, so it makes sense he'd be driving a car that implies he's local. They discuss where he may be from while following his car the first time, and after Prompto says it's hard to imagine him being from the empire, Gladio replies that it's harder to imagine him being Lucian. So they're discussing the very thing the plate implies, as Leide is about as Lucian as it gets without being Insomnia. Hammerhead is in Leide.

Also, I doubt the plates are meant to indicate a permit to drive in the region named, because the Lestallum area -- where you follow Ardyn -- is in Cleigne. And I saw Duscae and other Leide plates on cars in that same area.

So, yeah, I think if the stuff you can see in his car at this point is meant to indicate anything at all, it's just related to the fact that Ardyn wasn't who he let on to be. Almost like the game is saying "So, now you know he's not from Lucis, but you have questions about that car he was driving. Well, here's the rental agreement and business card from where he found it."

Hard as it is to imagine those assets being added for such a purpose when it was so unlikely for anyone to notice (most players won't even see his car parked where it is in the Vesperpool area during Chapter 7, much less look inside!), it's stranger still that they are there at all and only able to be found this once.

The bros do know hes from Nifelheim at this point. This is way after the Trial of Titan where he introduces himself as the imperial chancellor. It's chapter 8. They know who he is at this point, so he really has nothing to hide at that point besides the usual jerkery.

A friend noticed the letter in another vehicle somewhere else and is taking pictures. No idea where or when, but the card is still new. Maybe he's just being a jerk and stealing someone's mail. Maybe he stole the car entirely. Wouldn't put it past him.
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