^That document helps me understand what they ultimately decided to do with the game, but still,there's tons of elements not explained that are just there. Like why the Crystal does all the decision-making in the first place and why Humans are even subservient to it. Obviously Type Zero/Agito explains a ton of that if you've seen that story, even Lightning Returns talks about it regarding Bhunivelze.
I'm fairly familiar with Western Theology, but for the most part the explanation they give is hardly scratching the surface of what their original concepts originated from, even if you say it's "Louder" or more Prominent. No matter how loud it is, it's half-baked.
Blade said:There's even an explanation for the so-called "Parasite" that was left out. Magitek Soldiers are obviously an FF6 reference to the 'merging' of Humans and Espers. But in this case they swapped out the term Esper for Daemon, making it seem like Espers are just monsters.
"Kingsglaive" definitely hung onto some things. Some scenes from the early Versus XIII trailers even made their way in, such as the standoff between Aldercapt and King Regis, and the first meeting between Noctis and Stella (reimagined as a meeting between Nyx and Luna, and discussing different things).Blade said:I'm not trying to rattle off each Lampshade or FF Trope they used, but I am saying that what they ended up with is a far cry more of a mess than the original story might have been had they actually done something with it.
If I had to choose between the original story they used and the current one... I'd argue the original would have had better structure. Heck, even Kingsglaive uses a ton of things that should have gotten scrapped but didn't.
Agreed about your general sentiment here, but "The Sandman" was only ever written by Neil Gaiman.Blade said:That's part of the problem. Jigsawing one plot over another doesn't make the plot better.
Too many cooks spoil the soup as the old saying goes.
It's also why I said it felt similar to Sandman, because Sandman actually changed authors several times too... and at least they tried to get Sandman to make more sense.
I, too, would like to know, but I have little sympathy for him. In eight years, he showed off a handful of trailers and gave little reason to believe he or his team were any closer to finishing the game in 2014 than they had been in 2010.Blade said:I sincerely would like to know Nomura's side of this story, off the record, cause it seems he got the raw end of the deal.
While on that subject, I would argue that the Starscourge should never have been called this in the English translation. As I suspected previously, FFXV's frequent use of the word "star" should have been translated as "planet," as it was in FFVII. The game outright says so at the beginning during the "Lore" segment of the Tutorial -- but not in the English localization.
In the Japanese version, this statement can be seen while examining the painting called "The Six and the Oracle":
or here for a video showing off all the Japanese captions for the paintings.![]()
The captioning for "The Six and the Oracle" reads pretty much the same in Japanese as in English () until you get to the last line, which was omitted from the English translation --"Old tales tell of six gods who have stood watch over Eos since antiquity. It is said they now slumber, conserving their strength, waiting to awaken upon the coming of a plague known as the Starscourge. She most pure of faith is the Oracle, a daughter in the line of those said to commune with the Six. Blessed by the astral gods, she calls forth the power of Eos to heal those who are suffering and afflicted. Her devotion to helping all those in need has inspired reverence for her among people from all over the world."
"By the way, 'star' in these topics means 'world.'"
If, as I further suspect, the meteorite outside Lestallum in the Cleigne region is the source of the Starscourge, then it's essentially this game's version of Jenova. After all, we do learn in Chapter 14 that the Starscourge is a mass of microscopic living entities absorbing the daylight, and that all the daemons are unfortunate humans it transformed:
I'd suggest that "Starscourge" should probably be something more like "Planetscourge" or "World Sickness" -- or maybe "Terrastigma" ().
Force said:Thanks for all that, Tres. It is pretty fascinating hearing the Japanese words for FF staple terms in English. Such as Esper and Magitek and all that. I would totally have guessed that magitek was a similar portmanteau, or indeed in katana. And are GF's, Eidolons, and Aeons all the latter "summon beast" you mentioned?
Force said:Also interesting, and I agree. My only question that I don't see in here, how does the term for "Starscourge" compare to what was used for Geostigma? Because I remember the first fan-translations of Advent Children called it "Star Scar Syndrome."
If it's the same, I have half a mind to say it should have just been geostigma. But it's hard to tell how much is good as a reference and how much would imply direct connection.
One other thing worth pointing out is that, when this happensTres said:For an example of what I mean, when Luna touches him in Chapter 9 and heals a little of the corruption within him, he reacts with a harsh smack. Was that simple contempt or the influence within him reacting defensively?
Pretty fake sounding, like whoever wrote it didn't even pay attention to the story in the game (Or, seeing as this is 4Chan, they are intentionally trolling). Discrepancies includeSupposed Ultimania info from 4chan so take this with a handful of salt
The story of Ardyn and his family is a long and complicated one and a very sad one. First off the one who fought the first coming of the darkness and was given the crystal wasn't Ardyn himself, but Ardyn's father.
He was born with a strong power of light and was said to be related to the astrals astral. If it was simply a rumor, or the truth no one knew. The astrals didn't confirm or deny it. This is what angered Ifrit and led to him leaving the others, he almost got Leviathan to go with him as well. He was angry over what he perceived as heresy, that a lowly human was born with godlike power, while the other astrals said nothing. Ifrit was treasonous by nature and often disagreed with the others on all sorts of topics, but this was the last straw.
The first could deploy and maintain his Armiger indefinitely, absolutely shitting on Noctis in terms of powerlevels. The plague started when Ifrit's corpse began decaying after the war. It is actually his remains that spread and corrupted living things and turned them to monsters.
The first king fought using countless glaives, hence why the term is still used to this day even though the many kings since his death use mostly swords.
After the war he built a fortress to protect the crystal he was given which he kept watch over for many years, often going without sleep for days at a time while watching over it. He built the fortress with the help of the many people he saved from daemons during the war.
The people stayed by his side and built a city around the fortress which he lead as he kept the crystal under close watch, and thus the city state of Insomnia came into being, named in honor of the sleepless king.
Years pass and the king sensing that the daemons are returning wishes to set out to vanquish them once again. He tasks his two sons to keep watch over the crystal in his absence.
Crown prince Ardyn the elder son and his younger brother. Ardyn protests, pointing out that his father is in poor condition from overuse of his power and lack of rest and should not be travelling, instead he offers to take on his father's duty.
The king wasn't willing at first, but left with no other option allows Ardyn to go. And so Ardyn sets out on a long journey to rid the world of all daemons, like the original chosen hero of light had done.
At first Ardyn simply killed the daemons, no questions asked, but over time he began noticing a strange illness in places where daemons would emerge and that some daemons were not fully transformed resembled humans.
He put two and two together and came to the correct conclusion that daemons were once humans and that he had been killing people all along, this almost drove him insane, he has been the way he is now ever since.
The king had known, which is why he did not want Ardyn to go. It's at this point that Ardyn resolves to save the daemons rather than kill them.
He discovers that absorbing the darkness into his own body purifies the afflicted and the turned and since he has his father's power of light he is capable of keeping the darkness at bay, keeping himself from turning into a daemon.
Ardyn becomes known as a savior to the people of Eos, eventually surpassing the king's legacy as a hero. He became a literal Messiah, but at the cost of tainting his own body.
Several years have passed since Ardyn initially set out. He now has a wife travelling with him, awaiting his child, the taint did not affect her because Ardyn reabsorbed it into himself.
One day he receives news of his father the king's condition having worsened considerably and he hurries back home. There he meets his brother, at first seemingly happy to see him again after all these years, but he secretly harboured resentment and jealousy because of Ardyn's many great deeds.
On the night of Ardyn's return, the king dies. Ardyn was initially named the successor, but the brother learned of what happened during his Ardyn's journey and claimed that crystal would reject him as its master as Ardyn was too impure, so he should be king.
They put the theory to the test and rightly so the crystal does reject him. Arrogant and self confident the brother attempts to use the crystal, but instead of rejecting him the crystal simply does not react at all because he wasn't the one chosen.
Ardyn mocks him, enraging the brother and the two fight. Ardyn defeats the brother and once again leaves Insomnia. Rumors of Ardyn being a monster begin to surface, it's as this time that the name Izunia is given to him.
He does not care and chooses to live a quiet life with his wife in the territories of outer Niflheim. This lasts for a few months until one day his wife is abducted while he is out of the house, leaving only a message from the captor behind.
It's a letter of challenge from the brother. Ardyn travels to Lucis where he confronts his brother now the king, in front of many onlookers outside the castle, all citizens of Insomnia.
The brother had notably aged well past his real age. As it turns out the brother forced a contract with the crystal to gain its power, but this ended up costing him.
The brother mocks Ardyn, saying that he came in vain as the woman had already died causing Ardyn for the first and only time to lose control over the daemons and turn into a daemon before a large audience.
The two fight and it's a very close match with both taking heavy injuries, but Ardyn is defeated. Ardyn dies his first death, demonized by his own brother and loathed by people he once fought to save. His name is erased from the Lucis Caelum family line and the brother is proclaimed the hero.
Under the rule of the younger brother Lucis actively hunted down those afflicted by the darkness and expanded their own borders. The brother became known as the greatest conqueror in Lucis' history, but he never had children of his own.
In truth Ardyn's wife had died in childbirth and the brother adopted Ardyn's son as his own after their battle, maybe as a trophy of sorts from his victory.
Ardyn reforms in Lucis after a century has passed. With the aid of the crystal Lucis is now the most advanced country and Insomnia the largest city. Bewildered and confused Ardyn breaks into the castle and reaches the throne room where he demands to see his brother.
But the king he meets is a king who Ardyn doesn't recognize. He wants to know why Ardyn wishes to see his ancestor who passed long before he was even born. He becomes agitated and expels Ardyn from the castle in person.
Ardyn is thrown out in the rain and mud. Ardyn rises to his feet and curses the Lucis royal family, vowing to one day see them and the crystal to their end.
Thank you very much for putting that together. So the meteor addition is just a liberty then... Obvious as that detail may be, anyway. The real Ultimania will surely make this more clear.No need. Here's a video and a transcription of what Ardyn says in the scene wherehe's talking to Noctis about ages past:
王様は違うな やっぱり触れるんだ
それはそれは 大昔の話
特効薬のない 流行り病が蔓延した
元凶は 寄生虫だった
化け物とみなされ 殺された
当時 ルシスにひとりの男がいた
その 人々を救える 唯一の男を殺してしまった
The official English translation is a pretty good match for it:
"Unharmed by the Light. The Chosen King indeed. Allow me to regale you with a tale. In an age long past, an incurable scourge ravaged mankind. A tiny menace that twisted men into monsters, the likes of which you've seen. In Lucis lived a savior that could cure the afflicted. His body would come to host myriad daemons, that countless lives be spared. But a jealous king, one not yet chosen by the Crystal, ostracized and demonized this healer of the people. Making a true monster of him. I gave you my name earlier, but you should know it was not the name given to me at birth. Ardyn Lucis Caelum is my proper name. You'll never guess whose name Izunia was."
I like the elegance of the localization better than this more straightforward translation I'm doing here:
"The King is different. As expected, of course. A tale of very long ago. A plague without remedy became widespread. The culprit was a parasite. Those afflicted with the disease were seen as monsters and killed. At that time, there was a man in Lucis who alone was absorbing the plague into his own body and saving the sick. However, a king not yet chosen by the Crystal killed that only man who could save the people. Denouncing him as a monster. My first name ... is my real name. However ... not my surname. Ardyn Lucis Caelum is my proper name. Ah, I wonder whose surname was Izunia—"
I know the German localization had Ardyn outright say the Starscourge originated from the meteor during this scene, as we can see around the four-minute mark in this video:
Es war einmal vor longer Zeit ...
... eine Welt, die von einer unheilbaren Plage heirngesucht wurde - ein kleines Mitbringsel des Meteors ... Dunkle Parasite befielen Eos und verwandeiten ihre Wirte in seenlose Monster.
"Once upon a time ... ... A world that was haunted by an incurable plague -- a small souvenir of the meteor ... Dark parasites attacked Eos and transformed their hosts into innocent monsters."
But that appears to be quite the liberty taken with the translation, even if it's just putting two and two together.
On a related note, I still find that supposed leak of Ultimania details unlikely to be true. Not just because it seems so obvious that the meteor is meant to be the source of the Starscourge, but also because one detail claimed in that passage was blatantly wrong: Ardyn's name was not erased. In Chapter 14, Noctis can have the following conversation with Talcott after they reach Hammerhead:
Talcott: “The chancellor’s still around, though…in Insomnia. Nobody who saw him had any clue what he might have been up to, but their stories piqued Ignis’s curiosity. I ended up helping Ignis look into the matter—digging through old records, even joining him on trips to the royal tombs.”
Noctis: "Royally roped into it."
Talcott: "It's cool—I'm a bit of a history buff myself. But we did discover something pretty weird."
Noctis: "Hm?"
Talcott: “While we were poring over all those ancient texts, one name caught our eye: Ardyn’s. Apparently he was hailed as a savior, healing all those who were ravaged by daemons… ....only to end up branded a daemon himself—a dubious charge, I’d say. By all accounts, he was just as human as you and me.”
So, I have my doubts about the authenticity of that "excerpt" for that reason already, but I will admit I just can't wrap my head around the notion that the Starscourge came from Ifrit's corpse. We know he helped spread the parasite, yes, but I really don't think he created it.
There's no obvious correlation between Ifrit's elemental affinity and the parasite as far as I can tell. For that matter, would it make sense that the full power of the Crystal -- a power which Bahamut described as "a power greater than even that of the Six -- is needed to quell the power of just one of the Six?
I may yet be proven wrong, but I just don't see it.
I haven't been able to find any translations or scans so far, but it was due out today, so hopefully it won't be long.
I very much want to play the game.I haven't been able to find any translations or scans so far, but it was due out today, so hopefully it won't be long.
For someone who hasn't even played the game I'm pleasantly surprised to discover how invested you seem to be in the story Tres. Thanks for the analysis. Really weirds me out that you're thinking about it/ discussing it in this level of detail when you have no desire to even play the game XD.
What were the dolls at the end of game?
Tabata: This is a description of how long Ardyn waited for Noctis. he is a sloppy personality with a.. depraved satisfaction unlike normal people. He is the kind of character to make this 'dirty’ (not as-in grimy. dirty) scenery and play with it while he waited.
Ardyn was trying to achieve his victory by defeating Noctis as king, but was it purely for revenge?
Tabata: I wonder if there was a profound reason besides wanting to taste the highest pleasure of revenge on a strengthened Noctis. The misfortune of Noctis was based on my own happiness.
Translators Note: Dirty in the first statement is perverse. It also seems like Tabata gets off on the ending of the game. Explains a lot.It also seems like the corpses in the throne room were real bodies, a testament of Ardyns ability to preserve. It’s loosely stated Ardyn had much more power than he used, to the point of implying Noctis was allowed to win for the sake of Ardyn emerging victorious.
Director commentary states the ending of the game was left purposefully vague, so that the player could decide what happens in the end. It is left entirely up to interpretation.
(2)帝国軍 の 揚陸艇 など に 書か れ て いる 「 SAF 」 の 文字 は 当初登場 する 予定 だっ た サフェイ ロス 将軍 の 部 を 表す マーク でし た 。 彼 は 登場 し なく なり まし た が 、 文字 は 「 かつて 存在 し た 名高い将軍 を 讃え て いる 」 という 設定 で 残し て い ます あと アーデン の 役職 は 悪役 だ から という 理由 で 宰相 に し まし た 宰相 って そういう イメージ が あり ます 。 仲剛
Might be some actual ultimania info
Am I the only one that simply doesn't understand the position that so many people seem to have thatIt just doesn't make sense to me. I never got the sense that Ardyn sought that kind of end. Did anyone here get that impression?Ardyn wanted to die? This to me feels like the complete antithesis to Ardyn's character and goal. Yes, he wanted Noctis to be the true King, yes he wanted to end the line of Lucis- but I don't think fulfilling the prophecy was his choice of means. Ardyn was demonised by Izunia and forsaken by the Gods. The last thing I think he would want is to complete their plans and prove them right all along. He wanted to kill Noctis as King to stick it to those asshole Gods and live in some sort of satisfaction for what I guess would be all eternity. Ardyn losing to Noctis as King represents total humiliation before the Gods who had betrayed him all those years ago...