So yeah I started playing again before the first podcast and have been hooked since. I'm breezing through the main quest dungeons and cleared my first event last night (Operation Mi'ihen), though I heavily leaned on the Soul Warrior thing. Lv 50 Sephiroth and his Oblivion was I how I beat all the bosses. The last area was the hardest because I actually had to strategize with Sinspawn Geneaux (but fortunately my Cloud had a Lv 2. Fire Strike which made it easier) and Sinspawn Gui was a fun fight with the right balance of challenge and fun.
I'd say I've logged about 10-12 hours so far and haven't paid for anything yet. It's a bit simple, sure, but it's super fun.
The difficulty on those events really needs some work tbf (or, the difficulty of the game altogether needs some balancing). I just chuck the game on auto and woop winnar is yu0.
And elite dungeons get too hard too fast,. Or I got lazy. IDK.
does the english one have special quests yet? 'cause they will give you named characters from previous events even if you've missed out on the events. plus characters from previous events show up in new events as well (the japanese version had vi and x events recently where there were like 4 characters to get)
japanese one updated recently and added a 'forging' system. basically equipment now has an extra stat, which adds a bonus (equal to this stat) to whatever the highest parameter is like strength or spirit or whatever. the higher grade the equipment was originally means they get a higher score (5 star equipment gets max 10 forging points, stuff with a character specific soul break gets 15).
you upgrade this score by either strengthening the equipment with another piece that already has some forging points, or using a 'rosetta stone' which they added with the system. they gave you one for free to try out, but the only other place i've seen one is as a reward on an ex++ event dungeon which is out of my leaguebut it looks like they also retroactively added the points as well? i've got a weapon with some points on even though i didn't use the rosetta stone on it but i might have used some high grade equipment to strengthen it before.