Final Fantasy VII G Bike Announced For Smartphones - S-E + CC2!

ultima espio

Pro Adventurer
The reason CyberConnect 2 added those two features is because they felt that they needed to make G-Bike a game that could bring back the sensation of Final Fantasy VII in just one minute. Additionally, Summons, monsters, and allies like Tifa are some of the other Final Fantasy VII features that will be in the game. Square Enix plan on adding a bunch of other characters besides Tifa as well.
Q: Can we use other characters besides Cloud? And what about characters from other series?
A: Other characters will appear, but G-Bike is a game with Cloud riding, so we want him to be the main character. However, we will have other things prepared. As far as characters from other Final Fantasy games like Tidus from X are concerned, we haven’t given thought to that, but we’d like to keep this within [the realm of] Final Fantasy VII.


Double Growth
I'd like them to stick with FF7 character purely because it increases the odds that they'll use the more rarely featured characters like Barret and Red.

ultima espio

Pro Adventurer
Exactly. Though I'm curious about Tifa being one of many. Aside from the main party, who else could there be? Biggs, Wedge and Jessie?

Kai Schulen

... ... ...▼
Trainer Red
Aren't they dead at that point in the story though? But if Cid, Vincent, Cait Sith, Yuffie make their appearances as assists, it'd be pretty interesting if the other members of Avalanche show up...

Got my fingers crossed for Barret and Red making an appearance. Chances are likely that either Aerith might show up (magic assist), Zack (yes please, assist from beyond the lifestream!) or Sephiroth (highly likely, to offer even more fanservice).

Keveh Kins

Pun Enthusiast
I wonder if specific courses will have specific assists tied to them. If there's a Corel Railway course, for example, will it have Barrett as the assist? Same for Red XIII if there's a Cosmo Canyon-esque course? You presumably could have the Turks be your assist in Edge as a nod to AC. Vincent could be the assist in a Forgotten Capital level again ala AC? Or maybe Aerith.

It's probably more likely they'll just go with equip-able assist characters than anything context specific


Pro Adventurer
Benoist; Captain Highwind
Having other characters delights me. I thought they were just using Crisis Core and Dissidia stock models.

I also thought it would take another Dissidia game to give us the rest of the team. Although technically they do have Cid, Vincent, Cait, and Yuffie from the DoC stock, and Rude, Tseng, and Reno (and Cissnei--remember her?) from CC.

Barrett and Red would be the only models needing to be made from scratch, but personally I wish they'd make a new Cid because I hate his head model in DoC.

But again, if Tifa is in classic mode, everybody else is going to have to be pre-advent children as well, which will be a first. It will also be huge, since it seems like they were holding out for the remake to do something like that.


Pro Adventurer
Lots of potential for both character (FFVII PC modding community would benefit from ripping the models) and location appearances. I don't see why they wouldn't later expand the game (via DLC?) to include an option to switch to AC Cloud riding the Fenrir along with AC locations. Hell, if they really want to push it as far as possible, they could easily go as far as DoC and early as CC.... This one game could encompass all aspects of VII.


AI Researcher
nope, pre-registration (?) deadline. idk what you call that concept in english, you basically 'register' (give an email address or account name) before they release it and you get some kind of bonus in the game, a comet materia in this case. they don't seem to give a release date
Note to self: Create separate content page for G-Bike on the frontpage. If more Gold Saucer games happen, the content page can be retitled accordingly.

ultima espio

Pro Adventurer
I think the friend button from previous images has been replaced with "TALK".

It sorta looks like you can only equip one Materia at a time, unless they only have one equipped here.

Images have vanished, so here's the page they were on:
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That Man
Is it just me or does Cloud's new outfit look like something Ichigo would wear in Bleach?


AI Researcher
it's a promotion with the snack company glico to promote g-bike and ff explorers. you can get a special calendar or mousepad, or cards with product codes to get things in the games. the campaign will run from 1st to 11th nov.
So Cid is "the one" who helps with customization? Neat.

EDIT: Really appreciate you keeping us in the loop, espio. =)

Great videos!
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Pro Adventurer
Benoist; Captain Highwind
That Cid clip art was surprising and I hope he is a support character!


AI Researcher
so there's apparently some problem and it's stuck in maintenance mode for some undisclosed period of time :sadpanda:

not a very good first day

ultima espio

Pro Adventurer
Managed to get a hold of the ipa and I'm looking through the assets...

Looks like Cid only appears in the menu, and Tifa is the only support character.


The original dimensions for that image were 1024x2048, plenty of room to add the others.
I always feel a mix of adoration and fear when somebody manages to rip assets from a device I have simply assumed it is impossible for consumers to rip data from. Great work as always ultima.

ultima espio

Pro Adventurer
iOS and Android games are just like zip files, you can open them and files are just sitting there.

It's using the Unity engine, so I had to use unity tools to unpack the archives. There's silhouettes of Yuffie and Aeris in the "talk" section though, but I don't think it means anything.
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