Transcribed some Japanese text from the trailer
yes I know Odysseus I'm not supposed to be transcribing stuff don't at me bruh
General Soldier defeated
Shows up whenever the player character defeats an opponent.
General Soldier
Combatants are shown to have this rank/class title. The trailer does say that you will rise through the ranks, so clearly other ranks/classes/titles will be awarded. In the
Dirge online multiplayer, the rank progression was Drone -> Scout -> Trooper -> Commander -> General -> Tsviet.
Corporal Street Slum
Underground Sewers
Wall Market
House of ?????o
The minimap in the upper right corner will sometimes display the name of an area. It might not be the name of the full map area but rather a certain region within it. Notably none of the footage actually shows the player inside an Underground Sewer, so perhaps you'll be able to descend into the sewers at some point. Notably this area is the only one we see both in daylight and nighttime in the trailer. Maybe this was the point behind the trailer declaring the time as "16:00 PM"? Maybe the same maps will be playable at different times of day and have their lighting change accordingly.
The area name I've written as "??オの館" is mostly obscured, though I fear the full name is probably "コルネオの館":
House of Corneo.
See time stamp 00:31 in the trailer. Hopefully they'll change the name by the time the game is released. Is it conceivable that Corneo had a presence in Wall Market as early as 30 years prior? Possibly, but it screams lazy worldbuilding. Let the era have unique characters and lore and make the areas feel like they weren't simply ported from the point in time when FFVIIR takes place. To their credit they've added more greenery to some battle maps, showing a more luscious snapshot of Midgar before the mako reactors had been active for any extended period of time.
The melee attack used by the chocobo-hoodie soldier at 00:32 is called "正拳突き", auto-translated as "Positive fist thrust", "Fist-pumping" or "Fist-bump". That is one violent fist-bump. I do not know if this precise attack exists in FFVIIR.
The staff attack used by the chocobo-hoodie soldier at 01:13 is called "ドレインスフィア":
Drain Sphere. This place also sports a jukebox with a brown-white-blue design.
I wonder if they will mimic Dirge of Cerberus and have the jukebox act as a shop, rather than following FFVIIR's logic and actually having it for *gasp* music.
My headcanon had always been that it was Aerith who ripped up the floor boards in the church and tended to the flower bed, so I'm not fond of seeing this flower bed present.
The shot from the upper part of the church is neat. The horizon shows a huge amount of greenery and there is none of the scrapyards present that we know from 30 years later. A sign of hope for the design of these maps.
Willing to bet that the red barrels are explosives. Every shooter has got to have explosive drum cans or barrels.