Final Fantasy XV (was Versus XIII)


Seriously though, who decided to change Cidney to Cindy.

It's this game's Cid. You can't just change that. It's like changing Cidolfus to uh. Hubertus or some shit. :closedmonster:

Celes Chere

i just came here to complain about the people who are saying Cidney's outfit makes her look like a stripper bc they need to stop playing video games


AI Researcher
Jessica Nigri is an American cosplay celebrity
i did not know these were things you could be

(it's a thousand times better than 'vine celebrity' though)

i just read that they are going to release that interactive tech demo from tgs after the duscae(?) demo is out, but an improved version of it and for free


Double Growth
I've been saying Nibbleheim since I was a child, so this pleases me :D.

Me too, but for some reason "Nee"belheim hasn't been as hard for me to get used to as "You-fee" has been. How do you say the mountain? I always said Mt "Nih-BELL"

But I'm really hoping that Cindy thing is just some kind of mistake.


Me too, but for some reason "Nee"belheim hasn't been as hard for me to get used to as "You-fee" has been. How do you say the mountain? I always said Mt "Nih-BELL"

But I'm really hoping that Cindy thing is just some kind of mistake.

I'm the exact same on all counts. Especially yoofee wtf is that. Then again I still want to say "make-o" aswell.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
I'm no expert in this, but according to the FFwiki Niflheim is written ニフルハイム in Japanese. Not that it makes a huge difference (nivuruheimu -> nifuruhaimu) but I thought I'd just point that out. -_-
That spelling is a valid transliteration too, but only got about 6,000 Google results to the other spelling's 200,000 or so. It also looks like that one is associated entirely with modern fiction (like half the results being related to FFXV itself), and while the other spelling is also associated with uses in fiction, the very first result is about actual Norse mythology.

Has this been posted yet?:


Pro Adventurer
But I'm really hoping that Cindy thing is just some kind of mistake.

In the jump festa trailer she introduces herself as Cindy (1.50). Though for me it sounds like she says just Cin, but I guess I just don't hear the dy part.

Anyway, I do agree Cidney would have been a better option.

@Tres: In that case it does make sense to use your spelling. I was just thinking that the other way might be closer to how I would say and write the word in Japanese, but it's not like either spelling is wrong. :) Unless there's some Square Enix official spelling, in which case we could argue about this more, but I doubt there is. :P


If she says "Hi I'm Cindey, Cid for short!" I'm going to growl at the screen. There's no reason for it. IMO Cidney (Sydney) is a cooler name anyway. I CAN'T BE THE ONLY PERSON THAT LOVED ALIAS

I am agent sydney bristow etc.

Also the Scream movies. Neve was called Sydney in those and I fucking love her, she's the best.


EDIT: I just want to say that she seems pretty cool because all of our name change hatred is drowning out the stuff about her actual character XD.


3x3 Eyes
While some of that sounds cool, I'm not pleased with the state of development. I quite honestly thought they'd be a lot further along than this, and from that it sounds like they haven't decided on certain things yet which is really some bullshit when you consider how long this has been "in development".

Like seriously they haven't properly implemented magic yet? I'm worried. It's not just a case of "things are going to look nicer when it's finished", it's literally "the team is working hard on this character". I mean what? Why aren't your characters finalised yet?

Don't get me wrong, I still want it, I'm just not comforted by that information.

As exciting as the trailer was (and don't get me wrong, it was epic, I mean just look at the size of Titan!), that information released however is ringing huge alarm bells. They are this far into development, and they are only now paying attention to the possible implementation of magic? So was battle just going to be a monotone hack n slash with evades? And heck, only Noctis? Yeah, this doesn't sound too good if they are only now just realising that battle lacked variety.

Having said that, I do love all the information about food, sleep (or the lack of), and 'wear and tear' on characters. That actually sounds fun and interesting. For some reason it is bringing memories of GTA San Andreas, where you could get CJ fatter or leaner depending on your eating / work habits. It gives a reason to camp, cook, and I imagine would make things really exciting when the 'fighting for several days' story portion kicks in and you're battling through fatigue.

Hhm ... excited but concerned.


I'm a bit underwhelmed by that trailer TBH, :monster:. Voice acting is mediocre at best, I don't see much story in that trailer, and combat looks neat, but not overly impressive (compared to FFXIII for example). But that's probably been in other trailers, or something.


Pro Adventurer
Looks like another story driven Final Fantasy.

Why cant we get a character driven Final Fantasy?

Final Fantasy has basically become the Michael Bay Transformers of gaming. Huge spectacle with alot of special effects, but very little else.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
"War of Transgression" instead of "War of Revelation" (the beast is even named Ragnarok for fuck's sake, people), Noel claiming to be the last child born when he was older than Yeul, etc.


Double Growth
I see.

I will say that so far XIII's voice acting sounds far superior to this. But most of these snippets were out of context and - by the sounds of the interviews - it's still early, so I withhold judgement on that for now.

Ghost X

I'm withholding judgement too (and still using you guys as guinea pigs upon release :P). If it is true the development team wanted more of their stuff in the trailer, I'm not too concerned with the trailer not being outstanding. My concern is more that there isn't a diversity of scenery. Not much of the story has been released yet. I want to see more than just this Duscae episode :P. A lot more. I hope the game is far huger than that. Why they're focusing on it is what is disturbing me. I hope it is not even a large portion of a proverbial "Act 1" to the story. It seems on scale to something like the Dollet mission in FFVIII, or the first bombing mission in FFVII. Those were tiny things in comparison to the rest of their respective games.


Double Growth
As far as we currently know, the combat in Final Fantasy XV is going to be your basic action RPG format with single button presses for attacks. So how is the magic going to work then? While he wouldn't offer specifics, director Hajime Tabata did reveal some interesting aspects of the combat mechanics in his game. 1

Basic Combat

When entering combat in Final Fantasy XV, players will execute attacks by pressing an attack button, director Tabata confirmed in an interview with Weekly Famitsu. By keeping the attack button pressed, or by repeatedly pressing the button, your character will execute a preset combo. This looks to be the very basic framework of combat and very likely the bare-bones sort of play we've seen in almost every trailer or gameplay video so far.

Aside from basic attacks there will also be united attacks, with party members working together for more powerful attacks than they could pull off on their own. Said Tabata, "For united attacks with party members, we're still working on them, but we plan for them to be a system where you check your timing when you press the button."

There will also be things like parrying and counters which will also be executed through the attack button. However these are moves for more experienced players. "Parrying is an action where you time it to match an enemy's attack." Noted Tabata. "It's an advanced technique with a risk of failure."

Aside from the basic attack, some weapons will also have a built-in special attacks/abilities that can be executed through a specific button.

Weapon Selection

In the latest trailer for the game, the main character Noctis is seen using not only a sword, but a spear-like weapon in combat as well. Tabata explained that multiple weapons could be equipped simultaneously. "You can equip multiple weapons at the same time, but you choose a main weapon from [the weapons equipped]. During battle, by pressing a specific button, the ability tied to the main weapon is executed." Tabata said. "You can switch your main weapon during combat, so you can execute different attacks." Combos also vary from weapon to weapon.

One element of equipment that Tabata has brought in from his work on other games is the individual strengths of the different weapons. One of Tabata's first jobs when he entered Tecmo Koei (just Tecmo at the time) was making individual special shoots for different characters in the soccer game, Captain Tsubasa 5. "In that game series, the characters are very individualized – there are characters whose base status is low, but have special shoots, and other characters who are really good, but never learn any special moves." Tabata recalled. "The weapon system we're using is very similar to that, so some weapons won't have abilities but are very strong, while others may not have a high attack, but have special abilities, so each weapon is very unique. By collecting different weapons you can work out tactics for what combination of weapons might be more effective on an enemy."

Tabata noted that searching for and collecting weapons will be one of the objectives for players.


Interestingly enough, Tabata has confirmed that while the current UI seen in trailers is not the completed model and that there will be an MP gauge, it won't be tied to the use of magic and instead will be used for special moves. "The magic [in Final Fantasy XV] is a little unique and isn't your standard 'use MP to cast' model." Tabata explained. "MP is used for special actions like using your sword to warp or to evade attacks. For evasion, by keeping the button pressed, you can continuously dodge attacks, but it will also continuously drain your MP."

While he wouldn't offer more details on the magic system itself – although it is apparently already quite developed – when asked, Tabata did specify that it is nothing like the draw system from Final Fantasy VIII.


Aside from what has already been shown in the latest trailer and explained during the panel at Jump Festa, Tabata did add that summons were an ability specific to Noctis. "The summon creatures in Final Fantasy XV are the embodiment of the planet's power, and can only be summoned by Noctis." Tabata did not clarify as to whether there would be a system in the game that would allow other characters to use summons like in Final Fantasy VI.


I like the sounds of the weapon-swapping.


Ooooh Salty!
roxas9001, Krat0s9001, DarkSlayerZero
When are we going get story heavy trailers like they did with XIII?

Maybe towards the release date.


3x3 Eyes
Why even call it MP then if it has no correlation to magic at all, and that magic will use 'something' else?

And if the best thing that you can expect from this hack n slash is parrying for advanced players, then this is going to be incredibly boring.
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