Final Fantasy XV (was Versus XIII)


The game just came tralalalalalalalala

So I'm going to fiddle with stuff and then I'll maek poast with stream <3

EDIT: The download is 5.3GB so it'll be an hour or so.


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon

Hmmm, not bad. A little messy at parts (that constant high-octave piano is a little... overt), but it's nice enough.

I really think that Shimomura could be the first to carry the Final Fantasy series since Uematsu did. She's the closest in terms of embodying that same spirit (though she does put out a lot of melodies that sound closer to those of Hamauzu's or even sometimes Sakimoto's work on XII).
She can also break out a nice backing on an electronic guitar but doesn't swamp her tracks with obnoxious synths and fake-ass samples like Ishimoto does :monster:


Pro Adventurer
Well if I'm not mistaken the streamer said in order to trigger Ramuh you have to be near death.
Yes, I picked up on that, but there has to be more to it. Otherwise the dominant strategy would be to deliberately reach a state of low health in every battle.


Pro Adventurer
To lazy to watch again but it did seem like there was a cast time or channel for the summon to go through. In the full game I'm sure there would be a risk for reward element where you could totally eat it for trying to just purposefully red zone yourself to trigger the summon/ bank on summoning when you red zone.

Could also toss in boss enrage mechanics or timers similar to FF12 bosses (which made quickenings near the end of several bosses necessary if you were at par with area level btw).

Enrage could be increased damage the boss deals to you while in red zone or something or other.
Being an ARPG there could/should also hopefully be crowd control effects that impair movement and if the summon trigger is a channel then perhaps the CC could stop the channel from completing and thus canceling it.

Obviously its just a demo and given SE's history with Demos (see ff8 pizza hut demo) this entire thing might not be anywhere near representative of what it will be like. Over tuning aside I'm sure it wont be so cut and dry when it comes to summoning.
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Hmmm, not bad. A little messy at parts (that constant high-octave piano is a little... overt), but it's nice enough.

I really think that Shimomura could be the first to carry the Final Fantasy series since Uematsu did. She's the closest in terms of embodying that same spirit (though she does put out a lot of melodies that sound closer to those of Hamauzu's or even sometimes Sakimoto's work on XII).
She can also break out a nice backing on an electronic guitar but doesn't swamp her tracks with obnoxious synths and fake-ass samples like Ishimoto does :monster:

I like these tracks, but I gotta say - that second track you posted sounds straight out of XIII. I mean, it's REALLY similar to several songs. In fact, it kind of sounds like a mash-up of a couple of songs from the XIII soundtrack.


Having just played the thing from start to end, I can explain the summon mechanics in the demo:

When Noctis hits 0HP, a prompt appears asking you to hold in X to summon Ramuh, then Ramuh appears and kills the enemies. It's very pretty. The holding in of the X is most likely just there because of load times. However, using Ramuh to kill the enemies means getting no EXP for the encounter, so it's a bit like a free pass if you're not doing well.

Could have done with Ramuh in the cave on the way to actually get Ramuh tbh, that was too many goblins.

I don't know if that's how summons will work in the final game, but for the purpose of the gameplay we're shown here it works quite well. To explain how health/ HP/ fatigue works, it's relatively simple. Each character has a HP bar which can hit 0, you can run and "revive" them manually if they hit 0. However, if they get hit when they have 0 HP, their red health bar depleted, and when they're revived they can only recover to that amount. So right now Noctis has 900HP, but if his HP hit 0 and I didn't use a potion or he didn't get revived quickly, and he got hit a couple of times, his Max HP might be around the 600 mark. This actually becomes quite tricky. Potions heal a tiny portion of the lost max HP, but the only way to recover fully is to rest at a rest stop and eat a meal.

Encounters are easily avoided, but if you take for example ramuh's cave, it's really quite long and you can't skip some of the battles. I ran out of all my potions and antidotes by the end of it, I only just made it through the last encounter.

Will post semi-review later.


Ooooh Salty!
roxas9001, Krat0s9001, DarkSlayerZero
To explain how health/ HP/ fatigue works, it's relatively simple. Each character has a HP bar which can hit 0, you can run and "revive" them manually if they hit 0. However, if they get hit when they have 0 HP, their red health bar depleted, and when they're revived they can only recover to that amount. So right now Noctis has 900HP, but if his HP hit 0 and I didn't use a potion or he didn't get revived quickly, and he got hit a couple of times, his Max HP might be around the 600 mark. This actually becomes quite tricky. Potions heal a tiny portion of the lost max HP, but the only way to recover fully is to rest at a rest stop and eat a meal.

So it's similar to XIII-2's wound system?


I hope it comes tonight Force, I'm playing Type-0 now and it's pretty coo.

OK here we go with a short hands-on review from me based on today's experience.

First things first:

Part one of my playthrough with commentary.
Part two of my playthrough with commentary.

The only reason it's in two parts is because the demo crashed after I failed to slay Behemoth the first time (spoilers I guess XD).

Overall it was a good experience. There's probably quite a lot of the game I've yet to explore, but I tried to do a lot. You see me struggle quite badly with some goblins in a cave in the second part.

Gameplay: There's a timing aspect to blocking, dodging and counterattacking as you'd expect. You attack by holding the left stick toward an enemy and holding Square for continuous attacks, you block by holding L1 (uses MP). If there's a red target when an enemy is coming for you and you block, you have a tiny window in which to press square to parry and counterattack. I had some trouble with this but it's not too difficult. You can also warp-attack enemies just by pressing X if they're targeted which is useful for the fast ones. A pretty cool feature of this is that you can do it with objects in the environment, and warping to a high point and hanging off the sword increases the rate at which HP and MP regenerate. It can also be used to lure enemies to a different spot. The special attacks are changed with the left and right D-Pad and pressing triangle. These cost a lot of MP. The equipment menu is stunted for obvious reasons in this demo, and you couldn't switch party members in the demo either. I've already explained the health mechanic above thankfully.

I can't honestly say I had a smooth time with the gameplay. I think it's partly due to me now being used to FFXIV where I can un-zoom my camera from the character, I feel at once that Noctis blocks my view and is not centered on the screen which annoys me. He's somewhere to the left of it. I noticed this in gameplay videos and I'm sure I've mentioned it all in this thread, but I was waiting to play to see if I felt the same. I do :P. That's not to say it wasn't enjoyable, just that I wish I had a bit more control over the angle of the camera. It corrects itself when you start to move instead of being static, Noctis isn't centered (I think it's for that cinematic effect). I'd really like to be able to see over the top of his head, I'm super not fussed about being able to see the soles of his shoes when he walks SE. Traversal is OK, but it's an FF game so I wasn't that fussed about traversal. Here it's slightly more important of course, with the open environments. It could be better, but it's not horrible. Actually attacking feels as slow as it looks, but it's OK because the hits feel really heavy when you're playing so it's not annoying. I thought that was going to be annoying but it wasn't. What is irritating is when half of them miss because the enemy is too fast. I quickly realised that you can switch swords and less heavy swords are obviously faster.

You accumulate EXP during the day and level up by going to rest at a camp, where you are automatically given food prepared by Ignis using ingredients that are in your inventory. Your food determines 2-3 stat boosts for the following day (more exp, higher defence, immunity to status ailments) etc. so it's a good idea to plan ahead in that respect. Had I known the cave - which takes a really long time to get through - was full of goblins casting poison, I might have taken the time to get the ingredients for a meal that protects against poison instead of using 10 antidotes. If you read this paragraph and think, holy shit it's an RPG, you'd be right. This is the kind of mechanic we want in our FF games, because it helps the world feel real while paying homage to classic FF elements.

What's good is that the environments are open, everything is pretty and for the first time in a very very very long time, this world feels alive. I think the last FF that gave me that feeling was X (though Lightning Returns does have traces of it). Given that in this case I'm talking about an area that's largely wilderness with two small outposts, I'm seriously impressed. You can listen in on conversations and physically walk into shops. These tiny things seem so insignificant, but they're what make the world feel alive.

I'm all over the place with the gameplay but lets be real that's what everyone cares about aside from the story, so if anyone has questions please ask because I don't have all night to describe it XD. Alternatively watch the vids I posted.

OOPS I forgot to mention: one thing I hated about the gameplay is that the game forces you to walk or move very slowly through some sections. This is OK to a point, but if you say fail at a boss and have to do a lengthy stealth segment (oh yeah there's stealth, it works pretty well) it gets irksome. It's mainly for cinematic effect but you can literally be walking in an open field and the game won't let you run until a certain amount of time has passed or something.

Graphics: Everything is very pretty, but it could stand to be a bit smoother. I was expecting more if I'm honest. The framerate isn't choppy but it's not super smooth either. They've definitely sacrificed the fidelity of the smooth lines for having massive areas. It still looks good so that's not much of a complaint. The characters all look pretty good. There was no CGI in the demo at all.

Story: Still really nothing solid to speak of. There's a vague plot that's discussed as you're roaming around but it's nothing concrete, and the biggest hint toward the plot is at the very end when you complete the demo, there's a small movie that plays with some artwork and voiceovers (in Japanese). I should say the demo has the choice of Japanese or English voices.

Music: Beautiful, no complaints.

Overall I have to say it was an enjoyable experience. Highlights include finding the chocobo ranch at the bottom of the map where the chocobo theme plays, and generally flying around using a bigass sword XD.

I leave you all with this:



An important thing I forgot to mention that you don't notice until you're playing it: there is no minimap. This is welcome, because you're not sat staring at a minimap and you can actually appreciate the environment. A tiny compass might not be a bad idea though, because you can't open the map in battle at all and sometimes battles take place over large distances. That got a little bit annoying. It's also really easy to get confused about where you are on the map, because the actual size of the place is huge.


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
I like these tracks, but I gotta say - that second track you posted sounds straight out of XIII. I mean, it's REALLY similar to several songs. In fact, it kind of sounds like a mash-up of a couple of songs from the XIII soundtrack.

I definitely agree with that (which is why I mentioned Hamauzu), though I'm willing to give that kind of style a pass because of the more persistent transitions into battle that the music suits.

That said, I'm hoping Shimomura pulls out all the stops. Puts down some themes and strong melodies for various places, zones, and people. She did it plenty of times for Kingdom Hearts, her best-of albums proves she can do it. I like a fair few of the themes in the XIII series' soundtrack, but imo there were far too many tracks that were more like vague ambiance (XIII-2 was especially guilty of this, despite having some godlike main themes).


That music that plays when you stalk the Behemoth was very synth-heavy and kinda sounded like Ishimoto. I wonder if Tabata put him on the soundtrack as well.

Ghost X

Not sure if it has been discussed and/or dismissed here yet, but I reckon I can guess a few more summons to appear that haven't yet been seen so far. No surprises, they are classic summons. I was looking at some fan analysis of symbols in the cities and on people, which in some instances litter the place, and it seems the summons are guardians of cities/regions in the game. Hades for Insomnia, Bahamut for Niflheim, Ifrit possibly for Solheim (a symbol that looks like him appears on the old crowned guy in the purple and red clothes... it is only assumed he is from Solheim), and a wolf (Fenrir) seen as a symbol on a guy speculated to be from Tenebrae (given it means "shadow" and Fenrir has been seen in previous games in front of an eclipse). It could be argued that one shouldn't look too deeply into symbols, and speculate connections. I'm just curious of thoughts on the matter. Titan has connections with Lestallum, according to FFWiki, and Leviathan is possibly protecting that Venice-like city in the trailer, which has suspicious sea serpent symbols everywhere.
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3x3 Eyes
Excellent write up of your experience with the demo, Lex.

The gameplay definitely has a steep learning curve to it. My initial impressions were that all of my worst fears had come to pass, however, after spending some more time with it, you begin to slowly understand the mechanics. Warping, blocking, parrying and countering soon become second nature, and you quickly forget about the once dreaded 'one button' system, as there really is some underlying depth here. However, having said that though, with battles so frantic (and going on all around you) it is a shame that the camera simply can not keep up. Something needs to be amended there concerning this.

I will give the battle system props for the clever design in that, with all the fast-paced action erupting all around you, and with your group jockeying for position and attacking on their own, you simply do not have a chance to pine for the lack of control over a team. This really surprised me, as I thought that I would really hate this aspect of the game, but I find myself simply having no time to mourn the lack of it here.

However, I do still mourn the lack of magic. I know that this is now being retroactively re-added to the game, but it just feels like a gaping huge hole by not having it being present in your party. Speaking of your party, again, my impressions were changed. I thought that I would hate the generic boy-band, but I find the banter (both in battle and whilst traversing the world) breathes real life into them. I can feel their bond and believe that they are comrades. I will never forgive the outfit decision, but at least the characters are growing on me and are believable.

I concur with you completely concerning how open and alive this world feels. The removal of the mini-map to the options button is definitely more than welcome in order to aid this.

Need to spend more time with the demo, but yeah, I can honestly say that I am left feeling that this IS Final Fantasy (which I personally haven't felt for a very long time). Despite the niggles that remain in place concerning the lack of battle variety, magic, and most importantly, the story, this has filled me with hope once again.


At Flintlock's suggestion I'm going to write a review for the front page, but I'm going to have to work hard to tone down the tl;dr because - as I also explained to Flint - I could write a novel about the demo.

It's very hard to be concise though, because the impression I got from prior reviews is nothing at all like the experience I had with the game and I attribute that to experience with FF in general, which we all know is something that readers of our posts almost definitely have.

Also I want to replay it and try out that glitch. I put it on for a short time last night with Japanese voices instead of English and I felt like it was a slightly better fit. One thing that irked me was that some of the English dialogue appeared in blue, which I took to mean voices hadn't been recorded for the lines yet. I can't say whether or not the same is true for the JP voices but I'll have to check it out.

Alex Strife

^ Same with the Japanese voices, Lex. Some dialogue is in blue. I assumed it was just quick text they decided not to voice over... But who knows.


That Man
So if I get Lex's commentary correctly, Summons are replacing Limit Breaks?

What about setups like Auto Phoenix or Auto Knights of the Round? You think there are limitations to this summon gimmick?


^On that note, I forgot to mention there's a mode called "Armiger" which seems to charge based on enemies killed, you activate it by pressing L1 and R1 at the same time, it makes you super quick and nearly invincible, that's a bit more like a limit break.

The Ramuh summon at least is a get out of jail free card. As for the other summons there's just no way to tell, the characters can't learn any new abilities and you can't switch between characters in the demo (even though we've seen them doing this before) so I'm really unsure how it's going to play tbh.

I didn't even equip ramuh, I just went through the dungeon and then I had it. It could be that they're activated based on circumstancial stuff (like being near-death), or there may be an option to equip them. If they're going to give us control of all 4 characters I might guess they'll give us 4 damage dealing near-death summons - one for each character, 4 support/heal and maybe 4 debuff summons, but something gives me the impression that Noctis is the only one that's going to be able to do all the cool stuff what with the story that's been hinted at so far. He is the one with all the crazy powers after all.


Chloe Frazer








Double Growth
Beat the demo last night. I had fun. I really started to get the hang of the combat by the time I was in the cave, I think. I began to get a good feel of when to use certain techniques and using defense at the right moments. Still not very good at parrying, but I'm never good at that in action games. I'm curious how putting a different sword in a different slot changes your combos, but I didn't mess around with that too much (yet).

I thought the guys were surprisingly likable in such a short time. Banter felt natural enough and even made me chuckle once or twice. Also thought it was interesting how Noctis seemed pretty normal considering everyone that's been down on the game for the last decade has just assumed he'd be angsty and dour.

Ramuh of course looked bitching. Music seemed solid. Those Imperial robot things are very creepy in the way that they move. There are plenty of times where it's obvious this is a demo for an unfinished game, such as the targeting as people have mentioned. But I was encouraged.


Double Growth
Oh, but it really sounds like they're saying "Cindy," is that really what they're going with? If she's not Cidney, that's freaking stupid. She mentioned her dad, maybe he's Cid? I dunno, but I thought "Cidney" was a great idea - ridiculous outfit notwithstanding.
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