Final Fantasy XV (was Versus XIII)


I'm translating it right now. I've skipped the parts that have nothing to do with FF15, and I'm about 50-60% done.
Most of the stuff here has already been reported on but I figured a lot of you would actually want a word by word account instead of just fragments where the context might have been twisted by click-bait obsessed games "journalists".


Okay, here goes -
24 questions out of the Famitsu interview relating to FF15. Enjoy.
It's far from perfect, because I'm lazy, and I've taken a few creative freedoms where expressions and idioms don't translate well into English because, hey, I want this to read okay in English and carry with it most of the context of the original interview without reading like the words spoken by a computer.

Interview :
Questions about FF15 starts from the bold writing under the
embedded Youtube video in the article.
To help non-Japanese readers to identify where the questions start in case they want to fact check with others etc. this is what the first question looks like in Japanese


I will retain this format with the questions numbered and in bold, with the answers in regular format. I will sometimes add personal notes, which will be denoted like this : (trans - blablabla)

- interview hidden under spoiler tag -

0. I will ask a little about the foreign events and such,
and about elements from the presentations that occurred so far.
In regards to the setting of the city of Lestallum/Restarum,
there was a description saying that the people there were living
depending on the energy from a meteor.
Is the meteor a special thing to this world?

Tabata :
We can't deny that it's important to Noctis and his friends in
context of this specific part of the journey.
The meteor is a part of past history -
History in a similar vein to the era introduced in the book of genesis
(Trans - Yes, the Christian bible).
Many things follow from this kind of setting, but
I don't think it will be drawn out in terms of the main story.

1. At gamescon's stage event, the composer Shimomura Yoko-san said she would like to have something like a car-radio where one could listen to music while driving. Wasn't it stated that Tabata-san would consider this in coming back from the event?

Tabata :
We're considering it seriously like homework (laughs). (trans - weird sentence, but it's suppose to mean that they're doing their homework on how to get this done)
There are two things we're thinking about/trying to do.
One, to make it possible to listen to your own MP3s and so forth,
within the game.
Two, to make it possible to listen to the FF tunes from the games
made up to this point, and tunes from other existing Square-Enix titles.

The latter is in the progress of in-house adjustment.
The former, because legalities differ from regions, is in a place were
considerations are piling up in the development.
We can do it in Japan and in America, but Europe is strict/difficult.
So, whether we leave Europa out and only implement it in these regions, or we leave it out for all regions...
Right now, we're thinking about it with FFXV's global policy in mind.

2. We still have another inquiry we brought with us back (from the
event) - there was talk about whether you would consider a theme song similar to that found in FFX-2?

(trans - referring to this question - "Will the main characters perform an opening song like in FFX-2? They are meant to be a J-pop band aren't they?)

Tabata :
Because that question got an unexpectedly good/high tensioned
response, it wasn't a situation were we could say directly "No, we won't do that",
so I did sort of take it with me as a consideration (laughs) -
but still, it doesn't fit with the world, so I quit that idea.

By the way, when we asked (got asked?) about Mooguri (moogles) the venue didn't react all that much, so we won't put that in the game (laughs).
(trans - this seems to have been said largely in jest)

3. Didn't they? I thought there was a pretty good amount of applause though?
It's not a guarantee, but did you try to measure the audience response with things like RT-numbers?

Tabata :
That might be a good idea. I don't know what form such a task might take, but I'll take it into consideration.

4. I'm sorry for increasing the amount of inquiries (laughs), but we have one more question in regards to music of the game.
There was talk of wanting Shimomura-san to do the arrangement for the FF main theme.
Is that officially going forward?

Tabata :
Of course we've asked for it. As I said on the stage, I want to hear the
"Shimomura Yoko arrangement" (of the main theme) as well.
It's just that, looking at how, even at that event, people were getting so excited, it seems the pressure has gotten to a point where she can't compose it for us so easily (big laugh).

Also, in dealing with the FF main theme, Shimomura-san is aware of
the repertoire and high level of all the arrangements up until now, so it seems she won't compose it until things calm down.

So, we're waiting for that. In Today's game-play footage, the Chocobo theme and other tunes will appear.

5. Then, let us move on to the content announcments of today's ATR

It seemed fishing is something you can do at particular/special spots, right?
Now, the size and the weight of the fish was displayed, but will there be collection element and such to it as well?

Tabata :
Yes, all of those things are set up to be recorded. There's also fun to be had trying to catch larger and larger fish.

6. How large fish can you catch?

Tabata :
What you can catch depends on the area, but... I guess you can catch fish up to about 1 meter in size.

7. In the video we saw fishing in a pond, but how about fishing at sea?

Tabata :
Right now we haven't implemented fishing at sea. But, given that we have traveling by boat in the game, I'm thinking we'd best have that too.

8. When the time comes to play the final product, I'd like to try out fishing at sea. I want to pretend that I am Matsukata Hiroki. (laughs)
(trans - this guy -

Tabata :
Wouldn't we all (laughs).
By the way, there is no level-aspect to the fishing. The key to it will be
in the action, and the proper use of things like rod and lure.
It's like this in real life as well, but because the way fish struggle about is different (depending on type) reeling the bigger pray all the way in is pretty hard.

9. Will you be able to stock the fish you catch, like the meat of the Garura or other ingredients, and eat it at camp?

Tabata :
Yes, you will.
You will use the care to store things like ingredients and tools.
In reeling in new types of fish and such, there will be times when your
recipes for dishes will increase.
Please envision one of your party members taking note of a new
ingredient and going "Ignis, I want to eat this kind of food" and Ignis
replying "Okay, let's try making it then".

10. And so depending on that, Ignis's cooking repertoire increases.
Will other party members will also have some kind of special skills(systems) in a similar vein?

Tabata :
Prompto taking pictures with the camera on his smart-phone is also
an example of such system/skill.
For some reason, Prompto, thinking he wants to leave something behind from their journey, decides to start taking pictures.

The pictures you take during actual game-play will be recorded, and
it will be possible to use pictures chosen from those you have accumulated on social networking sites.

Rather than just putting systems like these into the game (as is),
we have made it so that the character's settings
are tied together with their behavior and stories.

11. And so, will Gladio have a system or setting tied to him as well?

Tabata :
FFXV has announced a collaboration with Coleman (the outdoor company), and because Gladio has loved outdoor activity since he was a kid, and as a Coleman fan, we're using a setting of him buying and collecting (Coleman products) as a starting point.

His companions know this and so they are traveling using his camp equipment (trans - the implication here probably being that they presumably help him collect it).

Also, Gladio likes combat, and studies a lot of different fighting techniques.
So, he might say something like "I think this is a good technique",
and with that, he will present it to you in cooperation with the party, and then you'll be able to use that technique.

12. So there is a Chocobo rental system, and you can call the Chocobos by whistling, but won't you get into battles while you're riding them?

Tabata :
No, you will. Now, you won't be fighting while riding the Chocobos,
but once the motivation/stamina of the Chobobo runs out, you'll
get into encounters, and the Chocobo will run away.

11. Motivation(stamina)!?

Tabata :
The day before you ride it, in camp, the kinds of vegetables you
feed it will have an effect.
Give it good vegetables and such, and it's status will go up
and you'll be able to run away from encounters - but if you don't
(or give it bad vegetables) its motivation/stamina won't increase,
you'll be forced into battles, and your Chocobo will run away.

12. So buffs don't only apply only to its jump ability and speed,
but also in that regards.
In the ATR there was also talk about the black Chocobo -
will you also be able to summon that by whistling?

Tabata :
To be precise, because the black Chocobo is to be found in the wild,
we have not decided whether it will be possible to ride it or not.
Because it's a wild animal, and of rough temperament, it's appearance will also be a bit more wild (than that of other Chocobos).
If it were to be ride-able, it wouldn't be for rent, but you'd have to
capture it in battle.... or that's how I think it would turn out,
but we haven't gotten that far, and so we're still uncertain about
whether it will be implemented or not.

13. I see. That being said, in this world, you'll be spending quite a lot of money on the rental of Chobobos, gasoline and so forth, won't you?

Tabata :
For the sake of the journey we have to make them poor to a certain extent! (laughs)
You want new weapons, but because you don't have the money you have accept quests, or do part-work and so forth - and it's from trying to make ends meet like that where the memorable moments of the journey will be made.
Besides, if you had too much money or an endless flow of items, and it was just a journey of wild merrymaking, it would be a pretty boring game. (laughs)

14. If I may, I think I'd like to enquire about the image-visuals (concept art) of the presentation, and since Matsusawa-san
(Matsusawa Yuki. Artist. The person who's also in charge of the illustration of Regis holding the young Noctis) is conveniently present could you please give me one statement on about the theme of it?

Matsuzawa :
In this picture we're trying to express Luna's strength, her mental fortitude.
She has a rough look on her face, but this is not due her being surrounded by soldiers.
She's making that face in anticipation of the future waiting ahead.
Her eyes are not focused on the current situation, which is why she's also brushing away one of the guns with just one hand.
There's the implication that what's waiting down the line is that (much more) severe.

15. There was a secret like that (to this picture - to the story)?
While on the topic - In this picture, and in the footage of the same scene, while the impression of Luna's strength and sagacity stood out more than before -
In addition to that, the illustration also included the appearance of the black-haired woman with the bangs, Gentiana.
If you could, please tell her a little about her.

Tabata :
That's right. She's standing behind Luna, but she's not just an attendant.
At this point we can say that's she's a special existence in her own right.

16. Luna is in the role of "Kannagi/Kaminagi" (trans - In classical Japanese, a woman who communicates with the gods, serves as an intermediary between people and the gods, does exorcisms and stuff like that), and with the power of that role, she's purifying the world isn't she? Is she doing this to protect the world from something?

Tabata :
Luna is using that power to prevent the malady of the stars
(trans - kinda similar to "the calamity of the skies" isn't it?) from progressing.
The fact is that in this world, due to the malady of the stars, with each passing day the nights grow longer.
She's trying to keep a world headed for darkness from being swallowed up by it.

17. So, will this by any chance have an effect on the game-play?

Tabata :
Yes, it will.
As you progress through the story, in terms of the system/game-play the nights will grow longer (trans - which means longer periods of dangers monsters prowling the map).
The trailer's title "Dawn" is a vitally important keyword for this world.

18. So there was a meaning like that behind it!
Apart from that, there were some other visuals published as well with the ATR.
Young Noctis and Luna were there, but also 2 dogs were shown.
One of these dogs appeared in a previous trailer described as a
"messenger between persons".
It meant a messenger acting between Noctis and Luna didn't it?

Tabata :
That's right. However, it's not just a personal messenger for Noctis.
Its role is also to protect Luna, so more so than just a pet, it might be
in very close standing to Gentiana (trans - I.E bodyguards).
Also take notice that we've properly introduced a white dog as well.

19. In looking at this illustration it would appear childhood Noctis
has been seriously hurt, right?
Although this is an inference from information that was published a long time ago, but is this
based on the setting of Noctis almost dying when he was young?

Tabata :
That setting is alive and well.
You might say that because of his wounds/the accident,
Noctis and Luna were able to spend some time together.
At that time and place, Noctis and Luna exchanged a parting promise.
Years later they are engaged, but that is not related to their promise.

20. One more thing that was on my mind is the fact that Luna will join in battles. Is that in the sense that she will be a guest in the party, or is it in the sense that the player will be able to control her?

Tabata :
She will be joining the battles as a guest.
However, she won't be similar in position to other allies like Cor (Cor Leonis), and we've instead planned to make the player more involved in her fighting.

21. And so in regards to DLC -
There seems to be a very high likelihood that you'll deliver costumes, but will airships be in the core game, or will it turn into DLC?

Tabata :
From where we're standing right now, it seems we'll be going with DLC.
In that case, as I said on the stage for the ATR, we think we want
to deliver that for free.

22. There also seems to be some likelihood of Gilgamesh being implemented through DLC, but when you have characters as DLC, people will come to expect scenarios (story segments) to be included as well.
What are you thinking about things like that?

Tabata :
It's possible.
For those players who after playing the retail version of FF15, want to
dive deeper and further into the game, and for those who've been touched by the world for a long time now, we're thinking we want to prepare some (trans - "special" ought to go here to do justice to the sentence) things for them to play with.
For that reason, Gilgamesh might be good material.

23. And with that I'll change the direction of the questions a bit, but
in events abroad and the current TGS, there has been an increase in VR products -
Do you have an interest in VR?

Tabata :
Everyone on my development team is interested in it. We want to try the various products, and we also put research into the technology.
Among other things, the video of the tech-demo called "WITCH",
developed by our Number 2 Business Division can be viewed in VR.
And actually, we even tried to put FF15 into VR, but the combat
gave us 3D motion sickness and as such was useless. (laughs)
We want to continue doing things like that, considering what whether
there is something we can with the technology.

24. That's a topic to look forward to in the future, isn't it?
To round this off, please give a final message to the fans out there.

Tabata :
It's a bit early to be saying this, but on the presentation that will
occur March next year, we're thinking we want to clarify the official
name and the specs for the game, provide a playable tech-demo,
and of course, the day of release.
(trans - note the following paragraph - might be related to the FF7 remake)
Also, it's been decided that we'll announce something that you won't have seen coming.
I'm thinking it's going to become pretty big news.

Furthermore, apart from "Coleman", we're implementing many other
tie-ins and deeply connecting them to the settings and the systems to make this world feel familiar/immersive to the players.

I want to introduce things that make the experiencing the journey through FF15 feel truly rich.
Please be excited!
(trans - nah just kidding, he said something along the lines of
"I hope/would be happy for you to have "expectations" - less awkardly put, he would like us to have good expectations of the game.)


Anyways people, that was all for this time.
Hope you got something out of that which you didn't from the rest of the

I've already seen click-bait articles saying that the game won't feature a player radio system despite the fact that Tabata decidedly says they're still working on it, or that the game won't feature any moogles based on Tabata's off-hand joke that they weren't well-received by the audience at the event, so hey, I guess this translation might clear up a few misconceptions at least.

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trash panda

WOW thank you, hian!!! :properhug:

I saw someone else's translation of this article and I was really hoping that the decision to not include Moogles was just a mistranslation. I would be really sad about this if it turned out to be true. Mogglers are some of my favorite FF critters. :(

I'm excited about the fishing game because two of my favorite games have fishing mini games (Legend of Legaia and Breath of Fire III) and I really enjoyed them.

I'm also glad they mentioned the concept artist a bit. :)

YES YES YES to Luna being involved in battles. I hope Gentiana is as well. <3

Thank you again, hian. I r-e-a-l-ly appreciate that you took the time to do that. :properhug:


Pro Adventurer
Wow, thanks a ton hian! That was awesomely translated, and I really enjoyed reading it.
All this new info and details of FFXV make me pretty excited to play it.

I love the info about the nights getting longer. Very interesting story and gameplay idea.
Also, he mention Gentiana has something 'special' about her? I'm very curious about this. I keep wanting to say her and Luna are sisters, but who knows.

And I hope they keep their word about not only having airships be available somehow (even if it's through DLC) and that it will be for free. I would be very disappointed if they made it DLC and then charged people for it, since it was originally stated to be in the actual game years ago.


I saw someone else's translation of this article and I was really hoping that the decision to not include Moogles was just a mistranslation. I would be really sad about this if it turned out to be true. Mogglers are some of my favorite FF critters. :(

I can't really say anything for sure, but since he was following up on the question about whether or not the cast would do a boy-band performance of a theme song, and said that they would cut moogles because the people in the audience didn't show enough interest in it (while laughing), makes it seem like an off-hand jest.

I'm excited about the fishing game because two of my favorite games have fishing mini games (Legend of Legaia and Breath of Fire III) and I really enjoyed them.

BoF3 is one of my fav Jrpgs as well. Did Legend of Legaia have fishing? Gotta replay that game sometime soon. The battle-system was really rad for the times, haha.

YES YES YES to Luna being involved in battles. I hope Gentiana is as well. <3

Seems highly likely since I'm getting the impression she's the Steiner to Luna's Garnet so to speak.
We might even get to see some dog action in battle as well.

Thank you again, hian. I r-e-a-l-ly appreciate that you took the time to do that. :properhug:

No probs. It's not perfect, and my old professors would probably kill me for the creative liberty (not emphasizing different levels of politeness in the speech, and restructuring some of the longer paragraphs - but, at least now it's intelligible and true to the message of the speakers).

I'll try to keep translations coming if and when I have the time and other news is released.

I love the info about the nights getting longer. Very interesting story and gameplay idea.
Also, he mention Gentiana has something 'special' about her? I'm very curious about this. I keep wanting to say her and Luna are sisters, but who knows.

I'm pretty interested in the night system as well. Hopefully, they'll do something interesting with it, instead of just lengthening the amount of time on the map that's dark, because I can see that getting kinda tiresome.
Also don't hope this means the end-game will bog you down with tons of encounters by spawning enemies all over the map.

Gentiana was described as "tokubetsu na sonzai", which roughly translated into "special being/existence" - so it's safe to say she's going to be relevant and important to the plot. Considering Luna's position etc. she might be a female Auron so to speak.
She might also be tied together with whatever Luna is supposed to be doing to keep the night at bay.
If Luna is doing her "purification" of whatever, then maybe this depends on Gentiana either in the sense that she supports her, or maybe she serves as a filter or storage unit for the darkness that's being purified or something like that.

Who knows? All we know for certain is that serves a bodyguard function and that she'll be important to the plot "in her own right"(according to the intervview), so we'll see more of her soon, I'm sure.
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Pro Adventurer
I'm of the opinion that this series is ready for another quadruped in the main party. (Hoping that the dog will join the party). :monster:

Just wondering if this will come true in some way. After what they seem to be saying about this dog and the white one, they seem to be fairly important. Will they help you fight at some point? :awesome:



They went ahead and did what they talked about in the interview I translated. It's amazing to me that so many reports on the interview actually went ahead and took it to mean that they wouldn't be in the game, and now we have articles were the same reporters act surprised that this poll showed up. =&#65343;=

Anyways, it's good to see SE actively engage with the fans to organically develop a product taking into accounts their desires for the franchise.


3x3 Eyes
Anyways, it's good to see SE actively engage with the fans to organically develop a product taking into accounts their desires for the franchise.

For XVI? Sure. It's what we've always wanted - some actual feedback and engagement with the fans and what we want. But it's just too late for that in terms of XV.


Anyways, it's good to see SE actively engage with the fans to organically develop a product taking into accounts their desires for the franchise.

For XVI? Sure. It's what we've always wanted - some actual feedback and engagement with the fans and what we want. But it's just too late for that in terms of XV.

You think so? I'm pretty satisfied with were FF15 is going. They've even gone into changes they're going to make based on feed-back from Duscae - that's pretty neat considering how far into the development they've come.


3x3 Eyes
More like they are trying to cover all bases because of how long this has (ultimately) been in development, and if some people's final judgements aren't good, will turn around and say "but see, we did offer up some alterations based on your opinions", but it is ultimately too late. XV has been shaped, regardless of little changes that might happen now.

For the next game, I'd love it, because then people would have shot down the boyband motif and character outfits / looks and that could have been changed based on the overwhelming feedback.

None of this is to say that I personally won't enjoy the game. If you look back in this thread you will see how my opinion regarding the two demos have drastically altered based on what they presented. It will never be the Versus that I originally craved, but I am looking forward to XV.


More like they are trying to cover all bases because of how long this has (ultimately) been in development, and if some people's final judgements aren't good, will turn around and say "but see, we did offer up some alterations based on your opinions", but it is ultimately too late. XV has been shaped, regardless of little changes that might happen now.

That depends on what kind of changes you expect. I never expect to have input on the plot or primary game-play systems of a game. The changes I think fans are entitled to, are fixes to broken or unoptimized systems and production quality - and those, SE are showing themselves willing to deal with upon feed-back, and I think that's ultimately what's going to decide whether this will be a good game or not.

Stories and characters are typically a like or dislike type of thing. It really isn't about quality that can be determined by feed-back where you can foresee how things will play it with fans in the larger population. You go with something, and either people like it or they don't.

Trying to change the larger style, story or characters of the game at any point what so ever, is always a gamble and never guarantees anything at all - so why even do it?

For the next game, I'd love it, because then people would have shot down the boyband motif and character outfits / looks and that could have been changed based on the overwhelming feedback.

Has there been overwhelming feedback about that though?
Personally, I'm completely fine with the look/outfits, and the "boyband motif" (I think "male roadtrip" ala "The Hangover" would be a better description though). As a side-note, I think it's an excellent departure from the more female-focused nature of the games since 10-2.
We've already had our all-girl/woman journey thing - and as a guy I'm really interested in seeing how they do the guy's road-trip thing, as personally, in my life, going on trips with my male friends is one of my all-time favorite activities.

I'm also kinda split about the feed-back thing - Yes, when it comes to polish of game-play feed-back is important and necessary - however, I don't think fans should be dictating the shape of someone's artistic vision. At the end of the day - the writers, directors, and producers are trying to make their own thing - games are not service products made for the sole purpose of pandering to the wants of possible consumers.

None of this is to say that I personally won't enjoy the game. If you look back in this thread you will see how my opinion regarding the two demos have drastically altered based on what they presented. It will never be the Versus that I originally craved, but I am looking forward to XV.

That makes me interested in knowing what your initial expectations of the games were - because going by the trailers from before the transition, the party were still dressed primarily in black, with the "boy-bandish" look (I don't really like that description - since their looks aren't that abnormal among fashion conscientious 20-something men in down-town Tokyo), and all game-play footage only showed male party members leading me to believe that the "male road-trip" aspect of the game was planned long before the transition took place.

That's not to say that the game hasn't obviously changed both its plot-direction and game-play -
Stella has become Luna, and party-swapping has been removed. Those are probably the most prominent changes of the top of my head - but I don't think they alone significantly alter the nature of the game.

I still think that in most ways - it's still Versus 13.


3x3 Eyes
That depends on what kind of changes you expect. I never expect to have input on the plot or primary game-play systems of a game. The changes I think fans are entitled to, are fixes to broken or unoptimized systems and production quality - and those, SE are showing themselves willing to deal with upon feed-back, and I think that's ultimately what's going to decide whether this will be a good game or not.

Stories and characters are typically a like or dislike type of thing. It really isn't about quality that can be determined by feed-back where you can foresee how things will play it with fans in the larger population. You go with something, and either people like it or they don't.

Trying to change the larger style, story or characters of the game at any point what so ever, is always a gamble and never guarantees anything at all - so why even do it?

Don't games do that all the time with closed / focused test screenings? If something doesn't work - and we're not just talking storywise here, it could be gameplay aspects, or a character's looks or anything else - then that's the time when they catch it and then make a decision on whether they are going to make a change so that the aspect is more clearer, a character is changed, a story scene makes more sense or has a deeper explanation, etc...

I actually respect companies who go all out on their vision and then take in feedback based on consumers to make alterations to the next installment. I've rarely liked this half-assed approach, though again, I have conceded that I thoroughly enjoyed the second demo compared to the first, and that was due to the changes that they took into feedback.

Having just said that though, regardless of those small changes, they ultimately won't effect my overall judgment of the game. The story, the characters, and the world are extremely important to me. If none of that is in sync, then the best battle system in the world is not going to save the game for me personally. I enjoyed playing Lighting Returns because of the battle system, but the rest ... eh.

Ah, but I'm not asking them to change the actual story - but how it's presented. That is what makes the difference. The original Versus had (at least, in it's feel and tone with what we were given so far of it) a deep Shakespearian tragedy (their words, not mine) that focused on pain and loss and looked epic. Though this all might actually still be in XV, it has been buried by the new presentation of the story. Not to mention that they have gone on the record several times to keep reiterating the point that this isn't Versus - it is an entirely new vision.

My overall feeling is that these tiny adjustments of Moogles and battle system camera / play tweeks is just too little too late.

Has there been overwhelming feedback about that though?

Yes. Lol. Whether you take the weight of comment sections or not, every gaming website has remarked on these points. I would definitely say there is overwhelming feedback regarding this.

And let's not get into the whole Cidney thing.

Personally, I'm completely fine with the look/outfits, and the "boyband motif" (I think "male roadtrip" ala "The Hangover" would be a better description though).

As a side-note, I think it's an excellent departure from the more female-focused nature of the games since 10-2.

We've already had our all-girl/woman journey thing - and as a guy I'm really interested in seeing how they do the guy's road-trip thing, as personally, in my life, going on trips with my male friends is one of my all-time favorite activities.

See, it's not the fact that it's all male - it's how it's been presented (sorry I keep falling back on that word, but that's what this is ultimately about). The story could be deep, the battle system might end up being deep, but the motif is just in your face and they do look like a j-pop band. The flimsy excuse that this is their royal battle armour ... I mean ... that's just poor. You wanted the look, fine, but don't make up such a silly excuse, lol.

I'm also kinda split about the feed-back thing - Yes, when it comes to polish of game-play feed-back is important and necessary - however, I don't think fans should be dictating the shape of someone's artistic vision. At the end of the day - the writers, directors, and producers are trying to make their own thing - games are not service products made for the sole purpose of pandering to the wants of possible consumers.

I'm so-so on this, like I said above somewhere. I prefer the approach where a game is fully completed, but a company takes the feedback into the next installment.

That makes me interested in knowing what your initial expectations of the games were - because going by the trailers from before the transition, the party were still dressed primarily in black, with the "boy-bandish" look (I don't really like that description - since their looks aren't that abnormal among fashion conscientious 20-something men in down-town Tokyo), and all game-play footage only showed male party members leading me to believe that the "male road-trip" aspect of the game was planned long before the transition took place.

That's not to say that the game hasn't obviously changed both its plot-direction and game-play -
Stella has become Luna, and party-swapping has been removed. Those are probably the most prominent changes of the top of my head - but I don't think they alone significantly alter the nature of the game.

I think I went into it too much above, so will just summarize that the game is just drastically different in shape and tone to how Versus was. I really want to give it a chance, either way though as the demo showed that they are trying, but...

I still think that in most ways - it's still Versus 13.

This I just completely disagree with. They've come out and said it numerous times, and we can just see that it is shaped completely different. It's a different beast, and the game just needs to be put to rest now. It's had a long legacy already and they need to break out of it and focus on the next installment.

I honestly hope that it is a success though. I feel like SE needs it, regardless of the VII Remake announcement.



Also, news came in - Moogles are being added.

Also, looking at the FF15 twitter - wtf...

Don't games do that all the time with closed / focused test screenings? If something doesn't work - and we're not just talking storywise here, it could be gameplay aspects, or a character's looks or anything else - then that's the time when they catch it and then make a decision on whether they are going to make a change so that the aspect is more clearer, a character is changed, a story scene makes more sense or has a deeper explanation, etc...

Do what? Change game-play aspects, or large stylistic factors and story-arcs?

I agree that they do the former. I rarely see the latter though. The few times I've seen the latter it seems to have more to do with internal company changes than fan-related feed-back (Versus 13, FF12 and even FF7 being examples of this).

Having just said that though, regardless of those small changes, they ultimately won't effect my overall judgment of the game. The story, the characters, and the world are extremely important to me. If none of that is in sync, then the best battle system in the world is not going to save the game for me personally. I enjoyed playing Lighting Returns because of the battle system, but the rest ... eh..

I agree completely. I was just saying that if I come across a game in making, and see it not being appealing to my taste in character design, or story-telling I don't usually think to myself "Oh I wished they'd change this", because unlike more easily quantifiable aspects like button responsiveness, frame-rate etc. this is more a problem of me not being in-tune with the taste of the producers and developers, and I'm not really at liberty to ask that they sacrifice their taste for the sake of satisfying mine.

That being said, I am not saying you think this - I am saying that I do see a lot of people these days who seem to think this way, and seem to think that it's a serious injustice when creators don't fundamentally change their artistic vision to fit somebody else's vision of what would make a good game.

Ah, but I'm not asking them to change the actual story - but how it's presented. That is what makes the difference. The original Versus had (at least, in it's feel and tone with what we were given so far of it) a deep Shakespearian tragedy (their words, not mine) that focused on pain and loss and looked epic. Though this all might actually still be in XV, it has been buried by the new presentation of the story. Not to mention that they have gone on the record several times to keep reiterating the point that this isn't Versus - it is an entirely new vision.

I don't really agree, and I'm not sure you can make that argument looking at things like the Dawn Trailer, or when comparing the previous character designs with the updated ones.

Yes, other trailers and Duscae has put more focus on the brighter "boy's journey" aspect, but I would argue that you clearly see from the Dawn Trailer, the back-drop scenes relating to the military conflict going on, the art-work, the summon lore etc. that this is still a pretty dark game, still dealing with loss and tragedy.

FF games typically cover a large spectrum of themes, and have pretty decent run-times allowing for a diverse narrative experience - and for that reason I wouldn't have dreamed to make up my mind on the general thematic direction of Versus based on the little footage we had, and there were also several scenes in that footage of the more up-beat relationship between the cast, which is consistent with the scenes we've now been treated more of since the transition.
I really don't think it's all that different.

Yes. Lol. Whether you take the weight of comment sections or not, every gaming website has remarked on these points. I would definitely say there is overwhelming feedback regarding this.

And let's not get into the whole Cidney thing.

That's not something I take quite seriously though. Most of the sites I've seen reporting on this are going the click-bait social justice route on this, and I don't really think they're in tune with the majority of the people who're going to be playing this game. They certainly aren't in tune with the Japanese market - that's something I can say for sure.

Most of the people I know are looking forward to this game. Most people I know who played Duscae (with the Japanese voice actors) enjoyed the cast.

I really think the most substantive critiques that I've seen of the game deal with the fact that they removed party control, bad camera controls, and the battle system being too simple.

See, it's not the fact that it's all male - it's how it's been presented (sorry I keep falling back on that word, but that's what this is ultimately about). The story could be deep, the battle system might end up being deep, but the motif is just in your face and they do look like a j-pop band. The flimsy excuse that this is their royal battle armour ... I mean ... that's just poor. You wanted the look, fine, but don't make up such a silly excuse, lol..

Again, the motif shifts a lot depending on the trailers - the Dawn Trailer had non of this. Some of the Scenes from that longer trailer featuring the Leviathan attack on that city in the sea etc. also seem pretty dark and dramatic.

You also have to remember that we've been presented with a fairly limited amount of footage/game-play that's being rehashed over and over again because A.) they didn't actually have all that much to show us for a long time, and B.) they probably don't want to spoil too much of the story by overloading us with how things are going to get further down the line.

I don't necessarily think it's that this motif is going to be all over the game - I think it's that what they have to show for us, which they keep showing over and over again, is a part of the game were this is pronounced. Looking at the Dawn trailer though, I think it's apparent that the game will also have a pretty strong focus on the darker stuff that was envisioned for Versus.

Also, as I said - the "boyband" look has been there since the start. The outfits have seen some changes, but thematically speaking the changes are miniscule. This is something you'd have had to deal with in Versus 13 as well. It's not a product of the transition.

I think I went into it too much above, so will just summarize that the game is just drastically different in shape and tone to how Versus was. I really want to give it a chance, either way though as the demo showed that they are trying, but...

I don't think we can make that judgement yet. The Demo section apparently won't even be featured in the full game, and was mainly made as a means of demonstrating game-play and facilitating feed-back.

This I just completely disagree with. They've come out and said it numerous times, and we can just see that it is shaped completely different. It's a different beast, and the game just needs to be put to rest now. It's had a long legacy already and they need to break out of it and focus on the next installment.

Producers say many things - I'd rather judge it on what I see comparing the footage we have of the two products.
Yes, the two games will have drastically different stories. FF7 also ended up having a drastically different story from when it was first envisioned (as a detective story set in New York) - that is not to say that the two games are entirely different in tone and themes.

The character and world design has largely been carried over - as has the brunt of the game-play. The stylistic approach to the general design also seems fairly similar.

I honestly hope that it is a success though. I feel like SE needs it, regardless of the VII Remake announcement.

Yes, they surely do. Several people in SE have remarked that the future of Japanese AAA console RPGs rest on its success because of the markets transition to hand-held gaming on the go, and the enormous amounts of time and money that has been shoveled into it.

I know I'll be buying it though. This and FF7:R are essentially the reasons I'll finally be buying a PS4. Despite the way FF games have evolved and my dislike for the 13 saga, and action RPGs in general etc. I truly think this game will be worth playing.
The world, and the cast sold me on it back when it was still Versus, and they still do.
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So I played a good chunk of Episode Duscae and I'm enjoying it so far. Combat can seem a bit chaotic though. I also hope the final game improves resolution and framerate, everything's a bit choppy here.

I just spent ten minutes fighting a horde of Garulas, with at least two or three shipments of those Magitek soldiers coming in on top of that, it seemed like it would never end :wacky:


3x3 Eyes
I just spent ten minutes fighting a horde of Garulas, with at least two or three shipments of those Magitek soldiers coming in on top of that, it seemed like it would never end :wacky:

Yeah, that is weird how it is set up. It felt like you only just finish holding them off (AFTER they interrupt you fighting something), then another shipment of soldiers lands on top of you, lol.
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