Final Fantasy XV (was Versus XIII)


Eyes of the Lord
AMAZON jp listes FFXV as a July 1st release (NO OFFICIAL CONFIRMATION). That sounds a bit to early for me.

Mayo Master

Pro Adventurer
AMAZON jp listes FFXV as a July 1st release (NO OFFICIAL CONFIRMATION). That sounds a bit to early for me.
Retail sites hardly are a reliable source of info regarding release dates (I mean, before official announcement from the studio/editor). And they love placeholder dates, besides.
All in all, to me it doesn't matter much. I've waiting for this game for years, a few months earlier or later makes little difference.


While retail sites like Amazon are always placeholder dates, it's worth remembering that Square Enix recently sent out a survey asking fans whether they'd buy Persona 5 or FFXV specifically if they were released at the same time, and Persona 5 is confirmed to be releasing in the summer. So I'm not sure a summer release is out of the question, but if I had to guess I'd guess August - November.


Pro Adventurer

A New Years message from Hajime Tabata. According to this, XV will be released this summer. I think this might be accurate then! :excited:

“Happy New Year!
We will finally release FFXV this year, in 2016! In development, previous phases required wisdom and strength. However, moving forward the final phase will focus on effort and willpower.
I vow to you all that every member in the team will do their best to the very last possible moment taking responsibility and pride in their craft.
We will do everything we can do to finish FFXV to create an experience we are incredibly proud of and one that you will enjoy and treasure.

The whole FFXV team appreciates all of the support from each and everyone one of you this past year.
I cannot tell you how much it means to all of us.
We’d like to celebrate a wonderful New Year and as we approach the release of FFXV, I’d like to enjoy that moment with you all,” Tabata concluded.
Final Fantasy XV will get a summer 2016 release for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.


On the official forums fans had a chance to ask the developers questions on FFXV. Some were answered:

Will large buildings have multiple warp points to allow Noctis to scale and explore rooftops?

Why of course they will! The warp ability that lets you teleport instantly to high up locations is a vital part of FFXV’s battle system. The ability to use multiple warp points in a strategic manner is especially prevalent in the game’s large scale battles over urban terrain. It is not just the buildings though, and we have also created exciting aerial battles with flying foes and gigantic boss enemies, so watch out for those.

Respondent: Lead Level Designer Terada Takefumi

How much of the big cities like Altissia/Insomnia will we be able to explore?

I can tell everyone a little about Altissia at this time.
Altissia has many and varied locations, such as multiple cafes, ship-bourne market places and parks etc. The city is of a considerable scale, to the extent that even the developers sometimes get lost there!

The player is free to take a leisurely walk around the complex maze of streets, or ride the gondola to see the sights and there is also added enjoyment to be had looking for restaurants to visit! You are bound to encounter some unique characters when exploring the city streets.

So we have created lots of different things to enjoy in Altissia and hope everyone is looking forward to visiting!

Respondent: Planner Ishikawa Tomonori

How will the difficulty modes compare in terms of XP gain, enemy stats, damage and A.I?

The equivalent to difficulty level settings in FFXV is a system where you can switch between different battle modes. By having this ability to switch modes, we want to make it so that both players who like action oriented, technical gameplay and also those who want to fight at a slower, more relaxed pace can all enjoy the combat in their own style. This switching system is a key part of the gameplay that we decided to introduce based on the feedback we received from the Episode Duscae demo. We will go into more detail about the system closer to the game’s launch so stay tuned for more information.

Respondent: Lead Game Designer Takizawa Masashi


So I'll be the first to say... switchable battle styles instead of difficulty options? Yes please.


3x3 Eyes
Ok, this is pretty big news actually. Different, switchable, battle modes? From the sound of things, each with a different 'flow' which will act like a difficulty for entry level ARPG players or veterans?

That sounds incredibly cool (just as long as it's not 'easy mode' you press one button and do a 20-hit combo, lol).


Easily something that could be implemented into FFVII:R too.


It reads like the "easier option" will be a slower version - obviously not ATB, but maybe more menu-focussed rather than movement/blocking/button focussed?


3x3 Eyes
Phew. It was said somewhere that the January ATR would reveal the magic system. This really could make or break the game for me.
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