Final Fantasy XV (was Versus XIII)


It just finished, that was neat. The new combat trailer and Aranea Highwind being the highlights, will post links when they become available (or someone else will, because I am of the tired).

Non-cam/Official footage. Magic system's in there. Near the end.

Thoughts: Combat seems more Kingdom Hearts-y now. Which I like.


3x3 Eyes
Yeah I spotted that, I was just under the impression that they were finally going to go indepth and discuss the magic system in this ATR, especially after the latest magazine scans of magic effecting the surroundings and possibly targeting both your party and enemies. But ... it's just a quick glimpse and done here.


Their "stealth" gameplay looks like it'll be ton of fun, I gotta say. They also emphasised that the elderly weapons developer/designer that ranked under Marluxia in the organisational chart was gonna pretty important. I wonder if he's Cidney's grandfather and this games' real Cid.


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
I feel bad, but I kind of fell out of interest with this one.

Saw the trailer (couldn't hear it due to no sound on my computer)...

It looks good, but with all the time they are taking, and changes (not that I kept up with all of that)...

Eh, of course I'll still get it and play it, but... I don't know. I fell out of interest.

It's on the level of Kingdom Hearts 3 with me, and if you know how I feel about KH... Which is I'm not really a fan, but I don't hate it...

Anyhow, thank you for all the updates. Perhaps my interest will be sparked again.


Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
Thoughts on the world-building:

I like the idea of an army made out of robots. We've never had that in an FF title before (I think). It's nice to see that SE is exploring something in the world-building that they haven't done before.

Is it just me, or does the relationship between the Niflheim Empire and the Lucis Kingdom feel a lot like the relationship between Shin-Ra and Wuti would have pre-Wuti war? Only this time, it would be as if Wuti actually had enough firepower to actually have a shot at keeping Shin-Ra out...


Yeah I spotted that, I was just under the impression that they were finally going to go indepth and discuss the magic system in this ATR, especially after the latest magazine scans of magic effecting the surroundings and possibly targeting both your party and enemies. But ... it's just a quick glimpse and done here.

Claymore did you watch the whole ATR? Or are you talking about visually here? They talked a lot about the magic system and there was other footage shown elsewhere during it.

My favourte parts were probably hearing about how the other elements interact with the weather, specifically how using ice freezes water puddles when it's raining which slows down enemies who step into it and how not everything conducts thunder/ fire won't be as good in the rain etc. Made me excited to see more anyway.

The part I didn't like (and it may have just been phrasing) was when they were talking about "being excited to show us how much potential XV has" which suggests "sequel" to me right off the bat. Off to March now I guess XD.


3x3 Eyes
I have watched the video gameplay segments, but yeah I'm talking about visually. A lot of the things they discussed about magic really excites me to no end ... but why can't we see it? The game isn't that far from being released now.


Higher Further Faster
I like the idea of an army made out of robots. We've never had that in an FF title before (I think). It's nice to see that SE is exploring something in the world-building that they haven't done before.

Is it weird that it also gives me a sense of relief that we aren't going around killing actual people? Stealth kill a robot, no big deal. :monster:

Maybe I'm the only one who feels that way, though. :P
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Pro Adventurer
Since they stated explicitly that the female dragoon is human, I wonder if they're going to have any more suped up badass human warriors fighting for Niflheim. Hopefully they're not dressed in quite as much bondage gear :monster:

I do like that this game is concentrating a lot on politics quite a bit. XII got a lot of flack from fans for being a politically driven plot, but XV looks like they've got a good handle it, from what I've seen.
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Pro Adventurer
I really like how the fighting looks; the warp kills and warp points in general is such a cool idea. Now I'll really feel like a badass while fighting in a FF game. :awesome: Also love the magic system details, though one thing I saw mentioned was something about elemental magic being acquired through a system similar as the Draw Points in VIII? Not sure how I feel about that.
Robots look cool, and though I couldn't watch the ATR I like the characters they've shown and given more info on. I really can't wait to play this game. <3

Ghost X

Lol. Draw points. I think the general view of that was unpopular, so hopefully something is a little different this time around.

Re: sequel. I doubt it. These episodic releases will keep them busy for years i suspect, unless something has been said as to otherwise. In doing so, they'll have to create a game that people want to return to. Indie developers have been doing episodic releases for years, and I think the excitement dies if nothing about the gameplay is really revitalised. FFXV has been in development for a decade now, and I think fatigue exists already for the game due to this. Got to strike while the iron is hot.

The new story details are interesting, but I'm not blown away about the video footage. I need more pretty new scenery. Even if it is concept images. More new music also. The new character details are also interesting, but the designs of some, I'm not exactly buying. "I dress like this because i live in a cultural vacuum, and/or just spontaneously appeared in this universe. Either way, I make no visual sense." Dragoon lady and Gackt-man, I'm looking at you. Not good for the ol' immersion. These feelings may change, of course, with more details.

The kind of stuff I want to see is the dynamic gameplay from the trailer Lex posted recently. Airship-jumping with approaching epic scenery in the background; spinny-round inception-like chateau battles with magical water shooting about in and out windows. Moar!
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Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
So no ones mentioned it? Okay fine.




Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
Sorry babes. XD it was such a big deal in the chat I figured someone woulda mentioned it by now.
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