since differences between the english and japanese has been brought up, and i did one for ff7r, i went to compare the scripts for this too. the english one i started myself until half way through i noticed there were subtitles on youtube, which is good because that's official and in my transcribing i wrote 'dolmex' because i didn't know the spelling lol. the japanese one i based on a transcript i found online but there was a stream of the showcase with japanese subtitles so i used those to bring it in line with the official text (although there was a part not in the japanese subs but in the japanese audio)
俺たちの任務は《ドミナント》の暗殺 (Our mission is the assassination of the Dominant.)
標的を間違えるなよ (Do not get the wrong target.)
You all know the target. Shiva's Dominant. And only the Dominant.
the japanese line makes it more explicit that their task is to murder the dominant.
女だろ 戦場で間違えるかよ (It's a woman, you think we'll mistake her on the battlefield?)
How do we know the girl will even be among them?
the japanese line seems to take for granted that she will be there, and doesn't really have the doubt of the english line
これがある限り 俺たちに拒否権は無い (As long as we have this [face tattoo], we have no right to refuse.)
疑問を持つな (Do not harbour doubts.)
Our kind do not question orders, we follow them.
the second line seems to be missing from the english trailer, or it got rolled into a single line. is 'our kind' clear that it means the tattoo? (the visuals do focus on them)
おい ありゃあ!? (Hey, what's that!?)
Sergeant, they've summoned their Eikon.
this is either a different line, or vastly different.
くそッ 早々に召喚獣を出してきたか! (Damn it, have they brought out their Eikon this quickly!)
Eikon? That thing's a bloody mountain!
same as above. the japanese term for 'eikon' is the same as most games in japanese.
マザークリスタルをめぐって また戦が始まる (Another war will start over the Mothercrystal.)
Our foe will not relinquish their Mothercrystal easily. This will be a bitter fight.
idk if war in this setting are always about taking crystals (a la ff type-0's). but the japanese line indicates previous conflicts (which is mentioned in a later line in english as well.
また部屋を抜け出して いけない子ね (Slipping out of your room again, naughty child.)
さあ ジョシュア (Come, Joshua.)
陛下をお迎えに上がりましょう (Let us go meet His Majesty.)
You should not be out of doors. We have discussed this. Come, Joshua. Your father will be expecting us.
this woman just sounds evil in japanese, i don't trust her.
ジョシュアのナイトだからな あいつを守ってやらなきゃ (I am Joshua's Knight, after all. I must protect him.)
I am Joshua's Shield. I'm sworn to protect him.
some differences in terminology
援軍を出せぬだと!?話が違う!それでは何の為の同盟だ! (You won't send reinforcements!? That's not the agreement! Then what is the purpose of our alliance!)
What do you mean, you refuse? Did you not pledge your sword to our cause!?
the japanese subtitles on the showcase stream didn't include the middle line (that's not the agreement!), but it is in japanese audio
いったい何を焦っておいでか (What on earth are you fretting for?)
先の大陸戦争の折も 貴国は見事に奴らを防いだではありませんか (During the previous continental war, did you not successfully repel them?)
What does it matter? It was the Dhalmeks who drove back the Crusaders in the Battle of the Twin Realms, was it not?
this japanese line doesn't have so many terms
人はクリスタルの加護なしに生きて行けぬ (Man cannot live without the protection of the crystal.)
Without the blessing of the Mothercrystal, we cannot defend our realm from the spread of the Blight.
the japanese line uses 'crystal' instead of 'mothercrystal' and doesn't mention a 'blight'
竜騎士を送り込んでくるとは (So they're sending in the dragoons.)
ザンベルクの奴らめ 戦を始めたいのか (Zanberk dogs. Do they want to start a war?)
So, they sent in the dragoons. Imperial vipers. Do they really mean to invade us?
in a reversal, this time the japanese line introduces a new name for something, the empire is apparently called 'zanberk' (or something)
大公の息子だ! (It's the Archduke's son!)
It's the Archduke's son.
the original transcription i found said "hyden/haiden's (?) son" but i couldn't make out the dialogue clearly, but the showcase stream subs said archduke. i initially thought the 'son' was the protagonist, but after the line before to joshua saying 'his majesty' i guess joshua is the archduke's son? (do you call archdukes 'majesty'?)
フェニックス! (Phoenix!)
The Phoenix!
ジョシュア!やめろ! (Joshua! Stop!)
Joshua, stop this!
フェニックスのほかに なぜ火の召喚獣が! (Why is there an Eikon of Fire other than Phoenix!)
A second Eikon of Fire!? But... that's impossible!
phrased differently but not very different
これはクリスタルの加護を断ち切るための物語 (This is a story to end the protection of the crystals.)
The legacy of the crystals has shaped our history for long enough.
the japanese line sounds like it isn't dialogue? or it might be dialogue, idk
やめろ・・・やめてくれ・・・弟なんだ! (Stop... Stop this... That's my [younger] brother!)
Please, Joshua! Wake up!
this was mentioned before
俺は 必ず奴を殺す (I swear I will kill [him?])
I'll kill you if it's the last thing I do.
the japanese line isn't talking to the someone he's going to kill? unless the english line is talking to himself