Final Fantasy XVI


AI Researcher
estimated delivery on my copy is 27th june :sadpanda:

i brought this on myself by importing a physical copy from japan, but this is just how i am and i will not change


None Shall Remember Those Who Do Not Fight
Rosarian Shield

It's Clivin' time

bought a used PS5 just for this (2l3 of the original price, only 6 months of use).


I'm thoroughly impressed by the scale and presentation, holy shit (never has been this good in the franchise, only XIII comes close I think). Loving the combat, I'm glad there's a sense of weight to every action despite being flashy. Just finished Stillwind can't wait to see what lies ahead...
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Phantom Lord
Got my copy today.

I don't mean to sound like a console zealot or anything, but if Sony pumping money into SE results in more games on the level of 16, then I'm all for it. The presentation and polish in this game is absolutely unparalleled, and I hope that the Rebirth team are taking at least some notes from CBU3.


None Shall Remember Those Who Do Not Fight
Rosarian Shield
Wow, quite possibly the strongest opening in any FF ever. Incredible, the cutscene presentation is blowing me away, be it at the epic scenes or more subdue conversations. The combat is slowly becoming more interesting to play. Soken can't be stopped.

Gotta love the FFT and FFXII vibes I'm getting from all this as well.

Also, Hideaway spoilers:

Clive not showing interest in joining Cid's group is so like Cloud brushing off Avalanche at the beginning. Personality-wise they're kinda similar so far.
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Deleted member 13557

The combat is slowly becoming more interesting to play.
Ever since I played the Eikonic Challenge from the demo I felt great about the gameplay. Can’t wait to get all of the Eikons that were featured there.

Seeing Maximilian and the directors demonstrate what can be done with the combat made me pretty excited too. Just need to get my brain used to switching Eikons mid battle.
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I played the opening again, demo save file be damned. It's just too good. Only just made it to the hideout. Cutscene direction in this so far is pretty good. Combat at this point is fairly simple but still fun. Hope I don't go full degenerate on wanting to see more of the story and pull an all-nighter and fuck up my sleep cycle lmao
Literally same, replayed opening, got to the hideout, had to go to bed :monster:

Also hoping I don't stay up too late tonight...


Lv. 25 Adventurer
Of course I ended up playing the prologue again. It's just so fucking good, man. Hands down the best opening hour or so of any of the other titles (that I've played anyway).

I'm crushing on Benedikta soooooooooo hard LOL!
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None Shall Remember Those Who Do Not Fight
Rosarian Shield
Me and Benedickta with less than >10 Hp, no potions, then I land a delicious Heatwave countering a projectile that defeats her. These are the moments we live for lol

Now that I have Garuda, I can really feel the potential of this battle system (juggling three eikons will be a challenge later on). The new areas are breathtaking, while the exploration is controlled and linear, the areas in-between offer some nice breaks from the story.


That Heatwave counter is extremely satisfying to pull off.

Wanted to say the same thing. :monster:
Annoying though because I keep forgetting that abilities have a cooldown so often I get smacked in the face with projectiles trying to bait a counterattack. :monster:

Holy shit, the spectacle. Feels good to finally control Ifrit. It was a simple fight but this stuff isn't there to be mechanically deep anyways. If Benedikta is really out of the picture already though...feels like kind of a waste!
That clash between Odin and Bahamut was sick as well. Pretty sure that was a pre-rendered cutscene like some of the stuff with Titan and Shiva but I enjoy that they keep visual consistency and still use in-engine models.

Deleted member 13557

Side stuff is falling kinda flat for me. Main story is great so far, as is the combat. Tried out arcade mode, that was pretty fun too.

Lots to love but some tediousness is my stance on this game right now.


Double Growth
I'm amazed people aren't raising more hell about the way the world map works. Clicking an icon on the map to go to the next area is...something I feel like people would lose their minds about if Rebirth were to work this way. Gives it a very "mission based" feel.

That said, I got to Martha's Rest last night, and it is adorable. Instantly thought of how something like Rocket Town could have a similar kind of feel. (Kalm too for the surrounding area, but it's too small for Kalm :monster:)
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Deleted member 13557

I'm amazed people aren't raising more hell about the way the world map works. Clicking an icon on the map to go to the next area is...something I feel like people would lose their minds about if Rebirth were to work this way.
I don’t mind it. People would rightly lose their minds if Rebirth worked that way, due to the original game being somewhat open to explore, even if the progress route is strictly linear. Would be deeply disappointing if we couldn’t explore Gaia after Midgar game :mon:


None Shall Remember Those Who Do Not Fight
Rosarian Shield
I'm amazed people aren't raising more hell about the way the world map works. Clicking an icon on the map to go to the next area is...something I feel like people would lose their minds about if Rebirth were to work this way. Gives it a very "mission based" feel.

That said, I got to Martha's Rest last night, and it is adorable. Instantly thought of how something like Rocket Town could have a similar kind of feel. (Kalm too for the surrounding area, but it's too small for Kalm :monster:)
I just got to Martha's Rest as well.

The landscapes have been incredibly beautiful so far, went back to check how already visited areas look... the fields around Lostwing and Caer Norvent aren't small at all and there's also added wildlife.

Still mesmerized by that scene, really confused about who he is (more than before now)...

I tried just 2 sidequests and they were mechanically uninteresting but super quick to finish, so there's at least that.
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Rookie Adventurer
For those of you complaining about sidequests wait till you reach Moore and do All bark and Plaything because holy shit. I won’t spoil anything however those 2 are incredibly dark
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Rookie Adventurer
Sorry for double posting but My god. This game is gigantic.

I woke up yesterday at 11am started playing,finished at 4am the next day, woke up at 2:50pm today and I keep playing except with small breaks on my phonelike right now for example.

And I’m still missing multiple mechanics like the hunt board, Chocobos and tons of other stuff.

Not to mention I only have Phoenix, Garuda, and technically Ifrit as playable Eikons. There’s still Ramuh,Shiva,Titan,Bahmut, and Odin's Eikons. And I’ve poured like 20+ hours into this game


AI Researcher
watched my brother play the demo in english and even though i am english and live in england, hearing video game characters have english accents still throws me for a loop. like, why are you talking like that

have people worked out if there are any regional differences in the game, namely the depictions of violence? after playing metal gear solid 5 ground zeroes my brother mentions the gore, which i was confused about because i didn't remember it being as extreme as he was making it out to be. but he played the uk release and i played the japanese version, which i found out framed certain cutscenes differently to be less explicit. when i said i'd ordered the japanese version he asked me if there were any differences here, which got me thinking but i don't really want to google it to avoid spoilers lol.

edit; also thinking about the music, specifically the boss tracks, and those slap and i hope there's more like that in the full game
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None Shall Remember Those Who Do Not Fight
Rosarian Shield
Sorry for double posting but My god. This game is gigantic.

I woke up yesterday at 11am started playing,finished at 4am the next day, woke up at 2:50pm today and I keep playing except with small breaks on my phonelike right now for example.

And I’m still missing multiple mechanics like the hunt board, Chocobos and tons of other stuff.

Not to mention I only have Phoenix, Garuda, and technically Ifrit as playable Eikons. There’s still Ramuh,Shiva,Titan,Bahmut, and Odin's Eikons. And I’ve poured like 20+ hours into this game
I'm at 21 hours and still on Three Reeds; enamored with the world they've built, I keep getting sidetracked to check the vistas.

Really enjoyed my time around this area (usually hate swamp levels), the village is pretty chill and we got relevant story exposition about Bearers.

Sidequests are still simple but fast to complete, so I'm not finding them offensive.


Photo album (spoilers up to Lostwing)

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Phantom Lord
Was saying this to friends, I'm not really sure exactly how to describe or pinpoint this but you can kind of tell that it's based in part on FFXIV tech by the way NPCs emote. Mostly in their facial expressions, particularly when they smile; it just screams XIV to me any time it happens.

Game's great so far, I'm definitely playing sub-optimal but I'm having a blast regardless.
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