He got the game banned in the middle east, he's the most based character.It's interesting to see on social media how the fandom has shifted their interest from Cidolfus to Dion as we collectively progress through the game.
just doesn’t seem to be a thing? except for using charged attacks on guarded enemies there doesn’t seem to be any sort of weaknesses or strengths? is this the lack of rpg elements mentioned
i can live with a single game without elemental weaknesses or descriptions of very type of spider enemy the game might haveThat's itAt least, one of them...
The lore d00d technically has a bestiary, but it's flavor information, rather than combat.
That's interesting because that's not how I took the ending at all
I just beat it yesterday, but there's some very interesting points about the ending to consider.
Jill's reaction of relief and happiness at daybreak is tied to the final sidequest with her where she gives Clive the garland and he makes a promise to return to her by dawn. Dominants can sense one another as shown with how Joshua and Clive were able to sense that Jill was still alive after she was captured by Barnabas. So there's a link that allows them to sense each other and given her smile at the daybreak, it looks like that Clive kept his promise as he said he would.
Not to mention the game's as subtle as a sledgehammer about the theme of Clive finding a reason to live for himself and not just living to die or sacrifice himself. Multiple characters, including Joshua, Jill and Wade make Clive promise that he'll live and not do a self sacrifice, so it'd be pretty strange for them to just go, "just kidding" about that.
Then there's the fact the metia star disappears in answering Jill's wish. Bear in mind that throughout the story, whenever Jill made a wish, that never happened and her wish never was granted. But finally, at the end of the story, when she prays for Clive's return, the star vanishes and then she looks on at dawn with relief. This is the first time that the wish has finally been granted and it shows itself here.
And then finally there's the book, the most important piece of evidence. "Final Fantasy." That wasn't just a cute title drop, during the final battle, Clive says one of the most badass lines in the entire game.
"The only fantasy is yours. And we shall be its final witness."
Clive says this line to Ultima, and no one else is there to witness it. The only person who could've written that story and been aware of this quote drop for the title would be Clive. And in one of the sidequests where Clive gets the quill from Tomes, states how he intends to write his story in a book so everyone will know the truth about what happens. And.. this entire story, from beginning to end, is narrated by Clive himself. It's *extremely* likely that Clive wrote the book and published it under Joshua's name in honor of him.
So it all wraps back to Clive being the author of this book. The actual Joshua couldn't have wrote the book because he died. Maybe Clive succeeded in reviving Joshua but that seems unlikely given he didn't stir despite the healing and we see no indication of him moving himself or getting away from Origin.
Also the Blight clearly didn't ravage the world since we see in the distant future a world with greenery, life and people living in it. Where the adventures of Dominants and Eikons are now fairy tale. And it seems very likely those two children are Clive's and Jill's descendants. Throughout the story you see how Clive's group were figuring out ways of working around the Blight and preparing for a world without magic, so in the future their research has clearly paid off.
So at worst, Clive lost his hand. As long as he doesn't continually use magic and channel Aether, he'll live. We've seen folks with worst be able to survive and Clive and Jill certainly can live provided they don't use their magic anymore.
The ending is ambiguous but its an ambiguously positive/happy ending if anything.