I hate Genesis
and the execution of his character
I just think his existence is completely redundant, but he's not the first redundant new character in the Compilation. There was so much they could have done with Crisis Core, but too much time was spent on Genesis/Hollander/Angeal and all that shit.
Personally I would have omitted that entire subplot. I would have kept Angeal, as its an interesting dynamic between him and Zack, but I would have just had Angeal die by other means, you know in battle, like a Soldier. It would have had just as much impact on Zack.
Anyway I'm getting off topic. Really what I hate most about Genesis, is fact that his existence dilutes the uniqueness of Sephiroth - remember Sephs line from the OG?
"....I've always felt since I was small..." "That I was different from the others. Special, in some way." "But... not like this...."
Genesis kind of throws all that out of the window. They were even friends, and yet Seph never supected a connection? Ridiculous. And I say this not as a Sephiroth fan, but a FFVII fan. I don't think Sephiroth was the best villian ever or anything like that, but he was the best FFVII had, and anything that diminishes Sephiroth also diminishes the plot of that game IMO.
But whats worse is that Genesis is a Mary Sue. He's style over content: If it were fanfiction a whole chapter would be dedicated to describing his appearence. Also, like Mary Sues he has something that makes him supposedly 'special' which is why they saw fit to include him in the Nibelheim scene. Like 'I'm the mysterious swordsman and I know everything, so I'm going to turn up and say a load of cryptic shit blah blah blah and you're going to stand there and listen for some stupid reason'
Seriously, how many fanfics are there where its 'Sephiroths brother/sister/son/daughter' who is the same but different with nicer hair and some new special ability?
I'm sorry I can't be more articulate here, but it just really fucks me off. That Nomura wanted to fanboy over Gackt so much that he decided to derail the backstory of a much loved game*. Its just unforgivable.
Genesis isn't the only thing wrong with Crisis Core of course, but he's a large part of the problem. I'm convinced that anybody on this forum could have come up with a better plot for that game.
I'm going to crawl back under my rock now...
Edit:* I went to the toilet but I was so riled up I couldn't relax.... Just imagine if they decided to include Justin Bieber in the next Mass Effect, and that large chunks of the plot involved an alter ego of Justin Bieber? Bioware would be getting turds and anthrax in the post and they'd fucking deserve it