Last Film You've Seen


Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
"Mary and Max"

Deeply touching and very depressing, especially if you had a difficult time as a child/teen.


Evangelion 3.33: You Can (Not) Redo

The spectacle in the EVA movies is on par with Hollywood blockbusters imo. Beautiful stuff.
As for the rest of the movie...I have no idea what's going on. So it stays true to its roots. :awesome:

Ghost X

Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues.

I don't exactly remember the original movie, but I think this one is better, although I don't think it is as quotable. 4/5 stars.


Pro Adventurer
Sound of Music - uplifting, entertaining and sweet. It's a true classic

Night of the Living Dead - entertaining, Ben is likeable, much better than a lot of newer horror flicks. I watched it in black and white

Insidious 2 - corny and worse than the first one

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
Frozen -

I will save the Queen and do so with my mighty steed of a Reindeer! YEEEEEEEEEHAAAAAAAAA!!! It's a good Christmas movie, and I really want to give Else and Anna a hug. Same feels as Wreck-it Ralph which I feel bad for the dude. :"


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
The hobbit: desolation of smaug.

Liked it, dont want to wait for the next one. Also I now have a thing for Kili and Thorin. Which means I have walked right into PJ/JRRT's trap. Fuckers :rage:

Ghost X

As above, except I shall give it 3.5/5 stars. I just do not like the look n' feel of this movie at all. Story was all right though. I thought certain scenes were done really well too.

It was ok.
Im not sure where people are getting the whole "we learn more about the dwarves in this one". We learn a little bit about the archer dwarf in that he loves his mom and wants to fuck the elf chick. Other than that we didn't learn much at all. Beard dwarf is still wise sensible old one, and bald head is the standoffish gruff one. Oakenshield still acted basically the same except he went full asshole at one point. Did any of the others even get lines?
I kept thinking of the prequels while watching, so many of the sets were pure cg, and it stood out. Also I still hate that the orcs are cg. They wernt all the time, but anytime they're moving around (which was basically every shot) pure cg.
What was wrong with practical effects? They looked great in lotr.
Also, stop cutting shots short! They have a grand sweeping shot of some landmark and it lasts barely 5 seconds. Let me soak it in.

It was fine tho. I think they're worse than lotr. Messier, cg dependent, not focused storywise, etc. I think the lotr movies are a lil better than average tho. I think they have alot of problems.
I just dont get why everyone shits themselves over these movies other than "omg lotr!!"
Wolf Of Wallstreet

Well damn. The story is practically non-existant, I was wondering when it was going to end because I didnt know where the story was really taking me, but I loved it.

It's funny, fantastically acted, and has some serious hard hitting moments.
It also has this fantastic ability to make a scene both funny and serious at the same time. I wanna give examples but you cant really get it until you actually see it.

I also never thought Id see Family Matters on the big screen.


Pro Adventurer
The Heat - pretty entertaining piece of rare womance buddy-cop story

42 - inspiring yet it I felt that it focused too much on white guilt and the development of white characters than the black protagonist's perspective


Pro Adventurer
Blue Is the Warmest Color. A lovely french film about love and life, focusing on sexuality. There's lots of explicit nude scenes in this one.
Frozen. I really, really liked it. Visually it was great; I think that, in the end, it benefited from being 3D instead of 2D, given all the ice/snow effects (dat ice palace). The story gets major points for the atypical villain choice (for Disney :monster:) and that the focus isn't on romantic love - basically, it shakes up some of the Disney conventions quite nicely. The only really weak part, IMO, was the trolls' song, but it's not a deal breaker. The beginning felt kind of fast, too, but movie pacing has its limits. Definitely a top tier Disney movie, IMO, right up there with the Lion King and Beauty and the Beast.

Charles Xavier

Pro Adventurer

Better than the fourth film and it tries to give the series a new twist, and moderately succeeds. Feels much like a Spider-man/mutant origin story (Jesse inheriting inhuman superpowers and strength) and there's actually COMEDY in this as well, something that hardly existed in the previous films (as far as I can remember anyways). But again, like with every sequel, this spin-off doesn't seem to answer many questions and only happens to raise more, which is irritating. The ending isn't anything we haven't seen before, but by God,
that time traveling door was just ABSURD and though surprising, it seemed like a poor excuse to tie in with the first movie.

Rating: 3.5/5.

Keveh Kins

Pun Enthusiast
Went to see The Railway Man today and it was fantastic, very harrowing, very difficult to watch at points. Haven't been captivated a wartime film as much since All Quiet on the Western Front, really drives home how shit war is for everyone. Would highly recommend.

Plus, Colin Firth is sexy


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
I finally saw American Hustle today.

It was brilliant! I'm really impressed by how Amy Adams managed to retain a British accent all the way through, I was almost convinced she was from here the way she was going on. The story was great, but I think Jennifer Lawrence stole the show. I really truly believe she'll get another Oscar this year.

Who else could pull off this magnificent scene? :monster:


Pro Adventurer
For the past weeks I've been watching DC animated films

Batman: Under The Red Hood - one of my favorites, arguably the darkest DC animated film I've seen. I think it's pretty emotionally heavy too and you're not meant to root for Batman in this film.

Wonder Woman - pretty good and entertaining, if they're gonna make a live action film I hope they borrow elements from this one

Batman: The Dark Knight Returns I & II- I find the premise and story very interesting and I like the atmosphere. The pacing and writing is good. I just feel that Robin is a bit flat and there's so much suspension of disbelief. Gah it's a superhero film it's supposed to be.

Flashpoint Paradox - enjoyable and interesting, AU where stuff are different

Justice League:War - yeah I don't know about the comics but I enjoyed this one very much and my favorite in the JL movies, I like the different take on WW and the interactions between the heroes is fun

Superman Unbound: Average at most but entertaining

Superman/Batman Apocalypse: One of the better of the bunch and it's about Supergirl, has good action and interesting set of characters. Has Wonder Woman.

Justice League Doom: Also average, but entertaining

Justice League New Frontier: didn't finish it, you don't know here the plot was going and it's boring

Justice League Adventures Trapped in Time: written for kids who don't know better, below average and boring

Batman: Mask of the Phantasm - a true classic, a well written story with good characterization and has good music. The pacing may seem slow and the action scenes are old and unexciting though.

Batman and Mr: Freeze Sub-Zero - also one of the favorites, the film is mostly about Barbara Gordon and Mr Freeze though. It is pretty exciting and action-packed but also emotional.
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Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
Byzantium. I love Gemma Arterton so much, and Saorise Ronan in this. The feels man. The man.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000

Yeah I know its old ish. Anyway was ok even though Ryan Reynolds looks like my dog. But I was annoyed at the bit with the
couldnt suspend disbelief for that and so it kind of killed it for me.


Chloe Frazer

Titan A.E. Hadn't seen it in a while but damn do I still love it even as the unfinished project that it was.
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